Quotation Explorer - 'Chased'

They were the sort who berated a man for meddling and chased him away, then berated him again for not being there when he was needed. Not that they would admit he was needed, even then, not them. Raise a hand to help and you were interfering, do nothing and you were an un-trustworthy wastrel. - Robert Jordan
How sweet and soothing is this hour of calm! I thank thee, night! for thou has chased away these horrid bodements which, amidst the throng, I could not dissipate; and with the blessing of thy benign and quiet influence now will I to my couch, although to rest is almost wronging such a night as this. - Lord Byron
Whoever said Success is 80% Joy and 20% Hardwork must have chased the latter 20% not ignoring the first 80%. Follow the Joy route and the power is already lost. - Priyavrat Thareja
Dreams are to be chased not to be kept in the memories. - Harsh Malik
Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
- Why'd you even think I'd read your diploma before, during, or after buying 10 copies of it in an all-you-can-drink online bar? - If I could drink what I read, I'd probably still be drunk on Joyce's Ulysses. I should've chased it with a racer.- and Jarod Kintz - Stefan D
The things we earnestly chased like they are inevitable; now we see them and pass by....that's what i call GROWTH. Some will take 20 yrs to know this growth but those that feed on the Word have instant growth and prosperity. God be praised - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
the skies frighten you when they fill up with dragons,but you know they’re being chased by dreams! - Marianthi Devaki
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