Quotation Explorer - 'Broke'

The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth. - Jalaluddin Rumi
Not every single broke and unemployed person needs a job; some need customers. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan. - Larry Winget
There’s a very fine line between being broke and being humble. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The looming storm broke in the end. And it is the storm I will remember, the sound of the downpour splattering over the steps of the Tuileries, the dark sky and the pink lightning. I could have stayed like that for centuries. - Hélène Berr
Desire of The Wings Can Broke you Own Feet. - Yaganesh Derasari
Coelorum perrupit claustra.He broke through the barriers of the skies.[Herschel's epitaph] - William Herschel
Historic unforgotten moments made by those who broke the rules..اللحظات التاريخية التي لا تنسى صنعت من قبل أولئك الذين كسروا القوانين - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
A broke man’s lover doesn’t feel ‘loved’ on her Birthday, Christmas, and, on Valentine’s Day. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Oh,' said a very white body as it threw a wrist watch to the ground which broke without attracting anyone's attention, 'Oh, how can anyone not love poetry, natural machines, large white houses, the brilliance of steel, crimes and wild passions? - Robert Desnos
A woman has but two loves in life: the one who broke her heart and the one she spends the rest of her life with."- Carolyn Chase, former Broadcast Journalist and heroine Kate Theodore's mother - Liz Newman
They're so broke that they've actually cut essential services. In many places, they've cut policemen, because, who the fuck needs them? Or firemen, son of a bitch, it's much more fun watching something burn down. - Lewis Black
Many a man's tongue broke his nose.
The world," he said, "is not a wish-granting factory," and then he broke down, just for one moment, his sob roaring impotent like a clap of thunder unaccompanied by lightning, the terrible ferocity that amateurs in the field of suffering might mistake for weakness. - John Green
There is nothing worse than being broke and having your woman leave you. Nothing to drink, no job,just the walls, sitting there staring at the walls and thinking. That's how women got back at you, but it hurt and weakened them too. Or so I like to believe. - Charles Bukowski
The biggest mistake is not to forgive someone who broke your trust but to return him the previous version of you who trusted blindly. - Himmilicious
When I was in my twenties and broke, I'd buy books before food. A meal will sustain you for a few hours, a good book will sustain you for life. - Gabrielle Zevin
Trust Begins In TRUth , even if the Truth is about how you broke my trust. - Wordions
When true love broke my heart in half,I took the whiskey from the shelf,And told my neighbors when to laugh.I keep a dog, and bark myself. - Theodore Roethke
Lobola (bride price) is a retired broke father’s last hope to paying off his debts. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You've broke me so many times, that putting myself back together, isn't the hard part anymore. I can do it with my eyes closed. The hardest part is watching you dangle from your own eyelids, trying to escape the mistake of planting me there.When I bloomed you left, like a cold wind. - Amber Dawn H.
If you're perpetually broke, you should be working hard at overcoming stupidity and not getting rich. - Taiwo Abraham
You don't win by wishing for your competitor or enemy to be weak and broke; you win when you build yourself to be strong and to do the winning job right - Hisham Fawzi
He broke my heart, and now it's raining, just to rub it in... - Alicia Keys
Horses frighten me as much as chickens do,’ he said.‘That is too bad, because lack of communication with horses has impeded human progress,’ said Abrenuncio. ‘If we ever broke down the barriers, we could produce the centaur. - Gabriel García Márquez
Do you know that I no longer see colors?"Jonas's heart broke. - Lois Lowry
A sure way to go broke is to spend your outer riches before you have saved enough of your inner ones. - Charles F. Glassman
That's what really broke me, she was better than any fantasy I could hope to imagine. I've spent my life creating, yet she was pristine the likes of which I could never fashion. - Hubert Martin
A kind word never broke anyone's mouth. - Irish Proverb
My heart is broken; my spirit’s gone,I broke my lover’s heart, I made promises, I broke them all.The end was near, I’ve crossed to the other side,My heart is broken, my spirit’s gone,I made promises, I broke them all. - Quetzal
You only go broke when you allow the devil to steal your joy as long as you have God you are rich . - Brynelle K Brown
Love. The word scared me. Love. The word broke me. I fell apart. - Axiom Rose Winters
Last night somebody broke into my apartment and replaced everything with exact duplicates... When I pointed it out to my roommate, he said, 'Do I know you?' - Steven Wright
Debbie Downer" was one of the few sketches where I broke, and I remember watching Heratio Sanz laugh so hard that tears squirted out of his eyes. I still believe that sketch may be a cure for low-level depression if watched regularly. - Amy Poehler
Ouch! What are you doing, Karl, you broke my skull! - Marjane Satrapi
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. - H. L. Mencken
If it aint broke, break it. Then build something better. - Jonathan Culver
If they ask you about me, tell them She was the only girl who loved me with honesty, and I broke her.. - Shahrazad al-Khalij
I just tripped over a pair of shoes and almost fell down and broke my neck and no I wasn't wearing them. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I can’t pinpoint the moment this all happened. The moment we broke. But we did.And it feels like acid in my throat. - Stacy Morris
People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. It is the poor jerk who is shy a half slug who must tighten his belt. - Robert Heinlein
Nature made him, and then broke the mold. - Ludovico Ariosto
Go broke for what you love. It's only money; only stuff. - John Mayer
Learn how to love a broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
If you’re gonna go broke, go for broke. - Clifford Cohen
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay. - Ani DiFranco
No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. - Mark Twain
If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one. - Anonymous
I’m sorry I broke you. It’s just that you’re so pretty, and I break pretty things. - Denice Envall
Learn to love and broke man to marry a good man. - Amen Muffler
It was a miserable machine, an inefficient machine, she thought, the human apparatus for painting or for feeling; it always broke down at the critical moment; heroically, one must force it on. - Virginia Woolf
You have played, (I think) And broke the toys you were fondest of, And are a little tired now; Tired of things that break, and— Just tired. So am I. - E.E. Cummings
Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her hair. - Johnny Carson
And once the ripples still and the water returns to its unwavering calm, even the pebble that broke its surface will be forgotten. And the world will go on. - Hubert Martin
I broke your heart.Now barefoot I treadon shards. - Vera Pavlova
Freud, one of the grand masters of narrative, knew that the past is not fixed in the way that linear time suggests. We can return. We can pick up what we dropped. We can mend what others broke. We can talk with the dead. - Jeanette Winterson
My heart broke and my mind opened, tragedy works in a funny way like that ~ what once tore me apart was actually what was setting my truth free. - Nikki Rowe
The loss of my child broke my spirit. - Asa Don Brown
You know I want to be a directos, but you could never truly see the movies in my head and that, Ed, is why we broke up. - Daniel Handler
Wichtor’s been cranky ever since a fat vulture roosted on his granite Cârnat, uh, schmekel in 1864 and broke it off." Bats 2015 - Fred Barnett
I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. - Henny Youngman
She Accepted Him The Way He Is , A Broke Guy , with a broken heart, it was not material she aimed for but love she got ! - rochdi rais
Never was the victory of patience more complete than in the early church. The anvil broke the hammer by bearing all the blows that the hammer could place upon it. The patience of the saints was stronger than the cruelty of tyrants. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
If it ain't broke, dont fix it.
My boyfriend and I broke up. He wanted to get married and I didn't want him to. - Rita Rudner
In a materialistic society, there’s no such a thing as a ‘romantic’ broke man. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I wanted to go to him to save me, but he was the one who broke me this time. - Nikki Rowe
Getting even with the person that broke your heart will never give you peace. The only thing that will heal your wounds is believing that God loves you enough to bring someone else into your life to respect you and love you in the way you deserve! - Shannon L. Alder
Dear Lover...you are the only man, who never hurt me, but broke my heart. - Lori Jenessa Nelson
There really is no correlation between age and one’s bank balance. I’ve met wealthy boys and broke men. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke. - Brendan Francis
The elevator to success broke a long time ago, the problem is too many people are too lazy to take the stairs. - Jacob Maldonado
I applied at Tower Records on Sunset Boulevard after my band broke up. I really wanted to work there because it involved the love of my life, music. It was also located on the world famous Sunset Strip, a place I dreamed of going to ever since I was a teenager in the 80's to become a rock star. - K.D. Sanders
Her heart broke. Because of sorrow. Because of guilt. Because of repressed dreams, visions and fantasies. Because almost nothing in her life had gone as she'd hoped. - Jonas Jonasson
Receiving a million dollars tax free will make you feel better than being flat broke and having a stomach ache.
Training was all I could think about. One Sunday when I found the stadium locked, I broke in and worked out in the freezing cold. Every painful set, every extra rep, was a step toward my goal of winning. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
I don't talk about the mountain I talk to the mountain because my boss broke down the China wall of those days (JERICHO) with mere word.... - Thomas Sam
Jamin knew that by morning, when he was done paying the girl in exchange for her slipping out without causing a fuss, he would be flat broke. But that did not matter. It was money well spent. - Stanley Gazemba (Bahati Books)
It was not the sorrow of the world that broke the heart of Christ, but its wickedness. He was equal to its sorrow ... He began by being the world's healer. But what broke him was its sin. - P.T. Forsyth
people say I'm running back to the thing that broke me, yeah he did, but I picked myself back up, now it's about fixing him. - Mya Waechtler
Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke fat, lazy or stupid. Those things are just what happens to you when you dont have a plan. - Maerlan Rico Lee
When God broke his deal with me, I turned to the Devil. In the end, I wasn't happy. I realized that the imagination of a perfect being was more limited than that of the imperfect one. Color me unimpressed by the Actus Purus. - Lionel Suggs
We spent all those years talking about stuff we had in common, and the last few months noticing all the ways we were different and it broke both of our hearts. - Nick Hornby
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out. - Rodney Dangerfield
He walked away. It was a shame really, but what could I do? He was the law; I broke the law, two things one should never combine.From WIP The Trinity Saints - Leslie Dawn Nash
We're all a little broken, it's how we feed our brokenness that defines us; some you wouldn't believe ever broke and some you will see never grew through the break but one thing certain, everyone is a little broken, it's how we feed our brokenness that defines us. - Nikki Rowe
There are two kinds of humble people: (1) Humble people; and (2) broke people. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The wolf blood, Arya remembered now. I'll be as strong as Robb, I said I would. She took a deep breath, then lifted the broomstick in both hands and brought down across her knee. It broke with a loud crack, and she threw the pieces aside. 'I am a direwolf, and done with the wooden teeth. - George R.R. Martin
People usualy use "move on" when their heart broke because of love. Most don't understand when father, mother, sister or brother has died, you might have needed more strength to move on. It was like living with no air. - Glad Munaiseche
There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be. - Pearl Buck
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