Quotation Explorer - 'Pink'

I wear a lot of pink cos' seeing pink activates endorphins and energizes my creativity. It is a colour of femininity and fierceness - Janna Cachola
I was starting to hate my sixteenth birthday. A poufy white dress and a cake with roses made out of pink icing and awkward dancing with boys in awkward suits was starting to sound like a great alternative. Seriously. Sign my up, I wouldn't even complain. - Alyxandria Harvey
Dawn wore a pink dress and crept across the land like a timid girl. Her sister Morning followed, dressed in blue, the sun a dazzling locket on her breast. - Robert F. Young
I have always been homosexual and it surprises me that more people are not; women's pink bits are moist and forbidding and I enjoy those qualities much more in a Victoria sponge. - Robert Clark
Pink is supposed to weaken your enemies, make them go soft on you, which must be why it's used for baby girls. It's a wonder the military hasn't got on to this. - Margaret Atwood
Silver knives! Painful and sometimes deadly to all paranormals!''Tasey!' I counterd 'Hot pink and sparkly! - Kiersten White
The looming storm broke in the end. And it is the storm I will remember, the sound of the downpour splattering over the steps of the Tuileries, the dark sky and the pink lightning. I could have stayed like that for centuries. - Hélène Berr
Soul, love, joy and natural beauty shines first from within. Make time for quiet reflective moments. Be still and know there is more than just Botox and pink martinis for women over 40. - Machel Shull
Soroya:Where are we going? I need to know what to wear.Graham: Wear whatever you’re wearing right now.I looked down. Soraya: A hot pink lace bra and G-string? Where are you taking me, a strip club? - vi kieland penelope ward
I like feeling like I'm something , That I'm some ones. i never had this be fore . its really pretty all light and pink and green like a spring day but with a few grey clouds that come and go and help the flowers grow . This feeling it's love. - Lizzy Blue
Though one should be prepared to vomit rather frequently and disport with pink elephants and assorted grotesqueries while trying often unsuccessfully to make one's way to the toilet.
As I watched the sky morph shades of amber and amethyst, of fiery orange and smoldering pink, I always wondered if colors and images like these once inspired the greats before us to construct their beauty and masterpieces. - Hubert Martin
It's not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow, and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girl's identity to appearance. - Peggy Orenstein
Today I will find something beautiful.Delicate pink blossoms on a cherry tree.The dove resting near the lemon buds.Sunbeams smiling from sky to earth.Smiling on me."Creating" in BREATHE IN - Eileen Granfors
There is absolutely nothing feminine about the colour pink, or, anything bad-luck'ish about the colour black in itself. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I have a theory about pink pastry boxes. So much joy comes from those boxes. When someone walks into a room with a pink pastry box, joy immediately fills the room. World peace? Three words. Pink pastry box. I get a big cup of coffee and finalize my plans for world domination. - Liza Palmer
The sky has turned blue for my son. It is never going to be pink. I wish the sky color does not discriminate us. - Jayashan Adhikari
On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. - John Green
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