Quotation Explorer - 'Inspired'

Don't be discourage by your problems.Let your passion and dreams inspired you to keep moving forward. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I have not learned a single lesson, been inspired or impacted by another person’s life void of negative experiences. - John Paul Warren
Art builds upon art, builds upon art...nothing is purely original. We're all inspired by something...or someone. It's a never-ending chain of ideas...and it's magical. - Shannon Taylor Hodnett
Always be open to inspiration. You never know where it may come from. Begin with an open mind, end with an inspired heart. - Sheri Fink
2 Timothy 3:16 ALL Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. - Bible Verses
If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the Muses, believing that technique alone will make him a good poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the performances of the inspired madman. - Socrates
When you break the promises, you loose the credibility. When you loose the credibility, you loose the trust. So, keep your promises, because trust is the foundation of soulfully inspired life. - Vishwas Chavan
Maggie Dove wanted to be a beacon of light. She dreamed of being the sort of person who made others laugh, calmed crying babies, soothed wild dogs, inspired hopefulness. - Susan Breen
Don't you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally inspired to introspection? Work with them gently, for these are the moments when you can go through a powerful experience, and your whole worldview can change quickly. - Sogyal Rinpoche
The world and humanity were created by God and are therefore divinely inspired and intrinsically holy. - David R. Hawkins
If our logic is to find the common world intelligible, it must not be hostile, but must be inspired by a genuine acceptance such as is not usually to be found among metaphysicians. - Bertrand Russell
Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead. - James Joyce
There is no real need to save others, because they will help themselves learning from us, when we choose to shine our light of unconditional love. Through our loving examples others can create, for themselves, an opportunity to act the way they are inspired by us. - Raphael Zernoff
New scientific ideas never spring from a communal body, however organized, but rather from the head of an individually inspired researcher who struggles with his problems in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single point which is his whole world for the moment. - Max Planck
When they throw the water on the witch, she says, Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. That line inspired my life. I sometimes say it to myself before I go to sleep, like a prayer. - John Waters
Character can not be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller
Either we are running ‘from’ what we fear or running ‘to’ what we fear. The former is a choice controlled by fear, the latter is an action inspired by it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Avid readers are the most authentic creatures on the face of the earth, and their hearts and minds are not for sale at any price. "Mysteries for the Inspired Traveler" Goodreads blog - Kopman-Owens
Life is an endless sea of admiration, in constant collision with those who have aspired, to feel inspired once again. - James C. Emlund
Don't get inspired by others, inspire yourself. - Alperen Gülveren
The greatest proof that the Bible is inspired is that it has withstood so much bad preaching! - Archibald Thomas Robertson
If after hearing my songs just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend or perhaps to strike a loved one it will all have been worth the while. - Tom Lehrer
Artists of today can be inspired by the past, but they have to apply present methods if they want a future in music. - Loren Weisman
What then have I done? What, except yield to a natural feeling, inspired by beauty, sanctioned by virtue and kept at all times within the bounds of respect. It's innocent expression prompted not by hope but by trust.
The French say you get hungry when you’re eating, and I get inspired when I’m working. It’s my engine - Karl Lagerfeld
Be inspired by possibilities and never be discouraged by obstacles - Joshua Okello
‎"I was born in the US and l have lived in Mexico since 1946. I believe that all these states of being have influenced my work and made it what you see today. I am inspired by Black people and Mexican people, my two peoples. My art speaks for both my peoples" ~ Elizabeth Catlett - Melanie Anne Herzog
There's magic in stories, magic in hope, and magic in coming together. I have learnt from people's stories, been inspired by their hope, and been strengthened by their coming together. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
When I know that I have inspired someone to do something great, I know that I have done my job. - Andrea L'Artiste
You are the author of your success, daily writing a new page to the book of your life. Be inspired. Believe in yourself. Practice at becoming an excellent person at what you want. Rome wasn't built in a day, so have patience, as you build your life with success and boldness. - Mark F. LaMoure
My wishes before I die, to fulfill my mission on earth; The writing of my life stories to inspired present and future generations. - Lailah Gifty Akita
An inspired life is spontaneous. There is no fear; it is courageous. - Debasish Mridha
Either we are running ‘from’ what we fear, or running ‘to’ what we fear. The former is a choice driven by fear, the latter is an action inspired by it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I believe a leader is inspired by his/her team to lead them. - Unarine Ramaru
Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and written by reason. - André Gide
Inspired action is when you take action with no mind. Pure silence. - Matthew Donnelly
(W)hat I write when I force myself is generally just as good as what I write when I'm feeling inspired. It's mainly a matter of forcing yourself to write. - Tom Wolfe
MANAGE YOUR MOOD: Name 1 thing that surprised you today...Name 1 thing that moved you...Name 1 thing that inspired you... - Gino Norris
Desire is inspired by motivation, which gives us hope to believe in ourselves that we can set goals and pursue them successfully. - Ellen J. Barrier
You are special individual. Never envy others.You never know what they go through.Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success. - Lailah Gifty Akita
As I watched the sky morph shades of amber and amethyst, of fiery orange and smoldering pink, I always wondered if colors and images like these once inspired the greats before us to construct their beauty and masterpieces. - Hubert Martin
Meeting people where they are, talk to people at their wave length. Become a lighthouse! Let people see your shine to become inspired - Angie karan
I'm convinced that the world, more than ever, needs the music only you can make. And if it takes extra courage to keep playing in spite of your loss, many will applaud the effort. And who knows? Others may be inspired to pick up their broken instruments, their broken lives, and begin again. - Steve Goodier
Young children and old ladies have inspired me more than poets and philosophers. - Marty Rubin
There are always people who are inspired by you, just because you are who you are. - Cindy Timmers
The poet is much more the one who inspires,than the one who is inspired. - Paul Éluard
My mentors inspired and encourage to fulfill my highest potential. - Lailah Gifty Akita
By all of your beauty I am so inspired. Your love has baptized me by fire. - India Arie
Never limit oneself based on the limitations of others. If you can not inspire them - leave them to be inspired by your lead - Tiffany Luard
If you keep looking at your business wishes as delusional dreams you will end up running just another one of them. If you get inspired by your business wishes then plan to find a way and people to make it happen, you will end up mastering a second to none organization. - Sameh Elsayed
Life is Ambition, not for Survive but for Be Better each second, for Superate your Records and to Get your Goals.All the rest is a Redundant Speech & a Boring Literature.You Decide the Direction of your Life, but remains Inspired and Assume all the Consequences.Complacency is Death. - Fernando González y Lozano
What's usual for us may not be the same for everyone. I'm inspired by lives and stories of all those amazing people who overcome extraordinary challenges each day to live what we see as an ordinary life. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
People cannot be managed or led, people are inspired. Think leadership again if you disagree. - kamil Toume
What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come every day. - George Bernard Shaw
You have to find a way of working that makes it dead easy to take full advantage of your inspired moments. They never hit at a convenient time, nor do they last long. - Hugh Macleod
Through your influence, vision, ethics and authenticity you create a better reality for your family, community and organisation, where those around you and those who follow you are inspired to dream, learn and act - Craig Dent
Despair and disappointment are the parent of countless inspired, inspiring, triumphant creations - Rasheed Ogunlaru
As an author, I want to write what I’m inspired to write. Not what my readers want me to write. I feel like the books will ultimately be better if my heart is fully into what I’m writing. - Colleen Hoover
How do I get inspired? Life. - Alex G. Zarate
ANTIPATHY, n. The sentiment inspired by one's friend's friend. - Ambrose Bierce
Wonderful life, life live to inspired other people. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Still the mind in meditation and you will witness the heart’s signals and its inspired thoughts. For 20 to 30 minutes every day, capture inspired moments of heartfulness. - Daaji
Tell your story to inspired other people to rise up and live their dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When we're inspired by the desire to practice and transform our suffering, the mind of the moment is very beautiful. Sometimes we call it the mind of love. It's because of love that we practice. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Conspiracy is always inspired by conspirators - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Share your dreams and they will be inspired. Plant seeds of knowledge and they will grow and reproduce beyond measure. - Terry A. O'Neal
Be curious, be inspired. - Debasish Mridha
Success will not come when you read success Quotations .It won't leave once you inspired and apply it. - Pradeep
Inspired To Be The Best - Benjamin Greene
People are like vines that grow upwards to the Sun in the heavens. Our ascent is inspired by seeking a deep connection with the divine. When we are attracted to others, we are attracted to a spark of the divine that is a reflection of our true being. - Ambika Devi
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller
It is because modern education is so seldom inspired by a great hope that it so seldom achieves great results. The wish to preserve the past rather that the hope of creating the future dominates the minds of those who control the teaching of the young. - Bertrand Russell
You can be inspired by others, but when you're inspired from within then you have real power for change. - Sue Fitzmaurice
Poetry is inspired by the elements of random thoughts, an overflow of gazing at the unseen. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If you only write when inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you'll never be a novelist. - Neil Gaiman
Being inspired by a great personality is not enough. You have to take actions to succeed. - Debasish Mridha
The finest piece of mechanism in all the universe is the brain of man. The wise person develops his brain, and opens his mind to the genius and spirit of the world's great ideas. He will feel inspired with the purest and noblest thoughts that have ever animated the spirit of humanity. - Alfred A. Montapert
PITY, n. A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast. - Ambrose Bierce
We are inspired only when we seek to be inspired. Then inspiration can be found in everyone and everything. - Akiroq Brost
These are bagpipes. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound never equaled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig. - Alfred Hitchcock
when potential greatness meets with actual greatness, the future is inspired with hope. - Chidi Prosper Agbugba
Don't disregard your so-called "stupid ideas." They may be inspired thoughts and high-potential opportunities. Whatcha gonna do? - Richie Norton
Destroying a book is not the same as destroying a human lif. It is much more serious. For when you end the life of a book you destroy the ideas of countless thinkers who inspired it, and condemn future generations to darkness and ignorance. - Photozeiger
Everyday I'm inspired to inspire others. - Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired and is out of his senses, and the mind is no longer in him: when he has not attained to this state, he is powerless and is unable to utter his oracles. - Socrates
To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor. - Stacey T. Hunt
The Muse herself makes some men inspired, from whom a chain of other men is strung out who catch their own inspiration from theirs. - Plato
Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.
If you love someone...feel it, speak it, show it, be it.If you don't feel inspired to show your love in this multidimensional manner...be kind enough to let them go...so they can find someone who will. - Steve Maraboli
Here’s how to create an inspired vision for your life: Change the scope of your thinking from seeing is believing to believing is seeing. - DeWayne Owens
Mama, I love you and miss you so very much. The absence of of your physical presence propels me further into understanding the spirit. I am inspired to be aware and mindful of everything around me because there-- you exist, always speaking to me and always with me. - Kayko Tamaki
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller
When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'll come up with next.
Little Voice is a story where every reader, young or old, can feel inspired by its positive, inspiring and motivating message. - Amanda Bernardo
Each Fable is inspired by some true stories which doesn't have an happy ending, unlike the Fable. - Neetesh Dixit
The universe is a life giving force that is part of us. It flows in harmony through us guiding our every step. It maintain the harmony and flow of life. It gives us the passion and the knowledge we need to live and be inspired by. Yet in return, it is inspired by the human spirit - Sameh Elsayed
Saw a little girl touch a big bug and shout, "I conquered my fear! YES!" and calmly walk away. I was inspired. - Nathan Fillion
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