Quotation Explorer - '2'

True love is a spiritual force that binds 2 hearts together. - Ellen J. Barrier
Dear Teens at Starbucks wearing 'Abstain from Sex 2 Attain Ur Goals' t-shirts: Doesn't it depend on what my goals are? - John Green
English is only a weak second language, so that the third language--which at the moment is getting the most play, since French is what I speak, read, and hear almost 24/7--is trying to take over the no. 2 spot. - Apol Lejano-Massebieau
Sex between 2 people is a beautiful thing ; between 5 it's fantastic ... - Woody Allen
Most people like to be rich, but they don’t know that the rich people are the unhappy bunch. Always marrying at least 3 times, always having drinking or drug problems and always think they are smartest one around, when in fact they can’t name 2 capitals from Europe without a Google search. - Mircea Popister
As for moral courage, it is very rare, he said, to find that kind found at 2 o'clock in the morning; that is to say, courage in the face of the unexpected. - Napoléon Bonaparte
You always supposed to have that i'm number 1 mentality,don't let anyone make you feel like you is number 2 when they not even worth being number 1 !!! - jojo1980
Ever since we’d found Wilson, his cousin’s calmness bothered me. I realized now I felt less unease with angry outbursts from grieving relatives, than I had with the slow, ticking time bomb of the quiet and collected.--Prepped for Kill, Marjorie Gardens Mystery Book 2 - A.E.H. Veenman
A lover goes toward his beloved as enthusiastically as a schoolboy leaving his books, but when he leaves his girlfriend, he feels as miserable as the schoolboy on his way to school. (Act 2, scene 2) - William Shakespeare
There are 2 versions of Self Image. Inner and Outer.Get in touch with the inner self image and dispose of any concept of the outer world. Feel the energy that comes from this image and start being true from source of this energy. The source of god. - Matthew Donnelly
This particular strand of feminism is characterized by two tenets: 1. men are jerks, and 2. women should strive by all means to become like them. - Douglas Wilson
God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth to be used in that proportion - Anonymous
Stay close 2 those who r by ur side in happy times, because they do not harbor jealousy or envy in their hearts, only joy 2 c u happy... - Paulo Coelho
The only threesome I've ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1 - Josh Stern
Rule No. 1 : Never lose money. Rule No. 2 : Never forget Rule No. 1. - Warren Buffett
I wrestled through many sleepless nights after God became real to me. I can only describe this period of my life as 2 years of mental agony. - C.L. Cagan
Grace is not just enough, it is more than enough. 2 Peter 1:2 - John Paul Warren
A Correct Message Is A Correct Attitude.Petra Cecilia Maria HermansSeptember 2, 2016 - Petra Hermans
You know when 1 in 2 marriages ends in divorce, 1 in 42 boys have Autism, and safety complaints from the majority of whistle-blower's are not being upheld, that you are living in a seriously dysfunctional society. - Steven Magee
We have lost all sense of other considerations, because they are artificial. Only the facts are real and important to us. And good boots are hard to come by." - All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 2 - Erich Maria Remarque
Rule number 2 - don't listen to me!" Arriane laughed, "I'm certifiably insane! - Lauren Kate
Umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu. 2 + 2 = 5. Umoja una sisi, si mimi. Watu wanne wakifanya kazi kwa ushirikiano, watakuwa na nguvu ya watu watano, watakuwa na nguvu ya ziada. - Enock Maregesi
Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life."[ Live 8 Concert, Mary Fitzgerald Square, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2 July 2005] - Nelson Mandela
The western average human lifespan is 2.5 billion seconds (or 77 years). Here are 2 time-dilating perception strategies to enhance one's allocated living time: 1.Make choices. 2.Focus on your best qualities. - Nodas
Give yourself permission 2 evolve. Become a philosopher; come up with your own interpretation of life and stop accepting someone else's as your truth. - Germany Kent
Get the big picture! See 2 Believe! - Leon Welch
Single Ladies Tip: No man is too busy to go after a woman that he really wants, he will make time even if it is 2 minutes. #NoMoreCrumbs - Samantha Gregory
Warning signs that lover is bored: 1. Passionless kisses 2. Frequent sighing 3. Moved, left no forwarding address. - Matt Groening
To respect the borders of love is to respect the borders of life.The Religion Of The Blue CircleReligious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansNovember 2, 2016 - Petra Hermans
your gonna meet new people, but be careful most of them are 2 faced. But remember the most important people is God and family aren't 2 faced so look up to the ones that are important in your life. - Carley Sutherlin
You should always have 2 books...the one you're reading and the one you're writing. - Sterling W. Sill
Crossing the ocean even on the Queen Elizabeth 2, you know in your bones, with every mile gained, that you have left your familiar world behind. You feel the full measure of the earth and heavens. - John Phillp Santos
1. Feed off you. 2. Replenish you. 3. Repeat. - Darnell Lamont Walker
1. If reproducibility may be a problem, conduct the test only once. 2. If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points.
Who can tell who will be the President a year from now? -- John F. Kennedy, speaking to the president of Harvard about why he did not want to delay signing documents relating to a future JFK Presidential Library, 2 October 1963. - John F. Kennedy
The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day."[Academy Award ceremony, March 2, 2014] - Robert De Niro
You can think of your body in two ways: 1. As mechanical, like an automobile worth only so many miles or 2. As a living breathing energetic vessel manifested from spirit. Either way will greatly effect the length and quality of your life. Choose wisely. - Gary Hopkins
The sin of man was placed on a sinless Savior. 2 Cor. 5:21 - John Paul Warren
Stay close 2 those who sing, tell stories, and enjoy life, and those eyes sparkle wiz happiness is contagious and will always manage 2 find a solution, whereas logic can find only an explanation 4 the mistake made." me!! ;) - Paulo Coelho
The evidence suggests that you would be more likely to select the tempting chocolate cake when your mind is loaded with digits. System 1 has more influence on behavoir when System 2 is busy, and it has a sweet tooth. - Kahneman Daniel
3 people will leave you alone, at any point in your life.1. The one who don’t Love you. 2. The one who don’t Trust u or who don't Believe on you.3. The one who don’t have Respect for you. - Virendra Ramteke
2 Timothy 3:16 ALL Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. - Bible Verses
It's difficult from one story to jump in another story, 2 stories are okay for one hour. But more and more characters you start losing the link. (Thriller 2) - Deyth Banger
The three-part whats to winning: 1. What you have. 2. What you need.3. What you believe. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Everyone deserv a chance maybe 2 or 3, but always this guy wants something and before he didn't made it don't mean that now again won't reach a conclusion. - Deyth Banger
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions." Discard 2 - Lois Charles
Most so-called brave people lack imagination. As though they can’t conceive of what would happen if something went wrong. The truly brave overcome their imagination and do what they have to do. 2 - Charles Bukowski
lov3 mOthEr coz shE is onE givE time 2 mother coz shE is onE don,t waste timE wid girlz becoZ they r many :) mom <3 - Muhammad Jawad
2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2. - Grabel's Law
Five rules to follow to be a great leader: 1. Be curious. 2. Serve others. 3. Be purpose oriented. 4. Be adaptive. 5. Be positive. - Debasish Mridha
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love the you act insane, and that's the way I loved you. - Taylor Swift
How do you achieve excellence? 1. Mindset 2. Discipline 3. Commitment 4. Consistency - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
James Altucher reminds me for Stephen King... when is about Stephen King his 2 sons, probably the one or no,no both they look like him. - Deyth Banger
Never lose your passion 2 dream. - Pablo
We have two eyes... two hands... two legs... but we can focus on one!??!?Naah, lie double and triple... I can focus on 2 and do 3... - Deyth Banger
I want you back here now. I want you next to me now. I cannot believe that my family, your brother, all our friends, and an entire police force can't keep tabs on one twenty-six year old graphic designer who thinks he's fuckin' Batman.--Detective Sam Kage in A Matter Of Time (vol 2 or part 4) - Mary Calmes
E@t ur food a$ ur medicine$,otherwise u hav 2 e@t medicine$ a$ ur food". - santosh inani
2 to 12 hearts 1 beat2 lips will meet2 birds 1 stone2 never b alone2 wills 1 goal2 haves 1 whole2 be in love2 be as One***©Clarissa O. ClemensThe Poetic Diary of Love and Change - Volume 1 - Clarissa Clemens
Dalam usaha itu ada 2 opsi pilihan, Kalah karena menyerah atau Menang karena berjuang - Abdau Qur'ani
There was a young man of Dundoo, Whose limericks stopped at line 2. - Anonymous
The anatomical juxtaposition of 2 orbicularis oris muscles in a state of contraction.
The 2 prime movers in the Universe are Time and Luck.As the tag line of my favorite dirty joke would have it: "Keep your hat on. We could wind up miles from here. - Kurt Vonnegut
And to think I could be at home cleaning the cat box," Esther Charlemagne said. "Watching for a Peeping Tom is so much better."~ Chapter 2 The Night Shadow by - Cheri Vause
The spirit of man is not a created being; it existed from eternity and will exist to eternity. Anything created cannot be eternal; and earth, water, ect., had their existence in an elementary state, from eternity." ~Joseph Smith, Jr., 2 July 1839 - Documentary History of the Church 3:387 - Joseph Smith Jr.
For the last 2 years I even have been making an attempt to downsize my makeup assortment. I appraise what is passed on to friends and family and what must been thrown away each few months. This has left Maine with a makeup assortment that i actually fancy victimization. I have - raman kundal
People fail 2 ways: 1) don't know what to do 2) don't do what they know; therefore, great leaders must educate and inspire. - Orrin Woodward
Anybody who says "I know how to get to God and you don't, do this and do that and go here and go there" is going to become 1. very powerful and 2. very rich. The simple truth is, if I am with God, no less can you be with God at the same time as I am. - C. JoyBell C.
When faced with 2 choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you. But because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air YOU SUDDENLY KNOW WHAT YOUR HOPING FOR. :) - wisdom quotes
He cannot recall just when that initial feeling of oneness faded, subordinated to the everyday activities of daily living. He is disappointed to realize he can no longer expect to find her up and awaiting his return. Discard 2 - Lois Charles
Dream 2 Defy! Extreme is not a style but a way of life. - Jeff Hardy
2 homeless people in love are hapeir than a wealthy man alone in his castle - Ron Riccota
God said it is not good for a man to be alone and made woMAN . What was that specimen doing leaving the man alone that 2 @ red Light Area !! - Thomas Sam
my child, if you want to have a beautiful and happy life... 2 things you need... learn the art of love and practice it with your beloved one. - Carlos Barrios
To change one’s life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions. - William James
Kenya DOES NOT belong to 2 tribes only. Kenya has 42 tribes. to say that the decision of 2 tribes is the decision of the whole country is fallacy and outright dictatorship and tribalism, Democracy on Trial - Akuku Mach Pep
Three things to give up to be happier: 1. Never complain, condemn, or criticize. 2. Give up anger, fear, and resentment. 3. Give up the desire to impress and control others. - Debasish Mridha
There are 2 kinds of fighters: those who fight because they hate, and those who fight because they love. - Criss Jami
Bringing Thoughts 2 Life - Brooklen Borne
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions" Discard 2 - Lois Charles
Since I am suffering with type 2 bipolar disorder mainly on the depressive side of the bipolar disorder.I am not afraid nor am I disappointed with it; if this is what God Almighty want me to have; I will make sure that I will make good use of this disorder; and, be the best person that I can be. - Temitope Owosela
What his time spent with women offered was the opportunity 2 be embraced by reality on the one hand, while negating it entirely on the other - Haruki Murakami
1. Reading becomes knowledge.2. Applying knowledge becomes experience.Most people have done 1 but they forget 2. These people blow too much without effective result. - CycDemo
When you GIVE under compulsion or Grudgingly you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving. God loves a cheerful (thankful) giver, which is giving under GRACE. 2 Cor 9:7 - John Paul Warren
1. Do what you say you're gonna do 2. Show up! 3. Give genuine praise whenever you can 4. Never say sorry when you don't mean it 5. Never use sarcasm in email (and use the corny ass emoticons) - Matthew Lasar
2. He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.
The groom should not see you in the dress just before the wedding, that’s bad luck. You know what’s worst luck? Is getting married, itself. I’ve read studies. It’s like 2 out of 3 of those end in divorce, sometimes more. 3 out of 2, some. - Hank Moody
nobody tells us as little girls that we may fall in love and have moments of hating our beloved, or have ridiculous arguments at 2 AM over something that neither person understands. - S.A.R.K.
I told her that I loved her again and she said, Me too..#HeartbreakerEgg on Bex Book 2 Having it - Jamie Scallion
u should not be afraid of doing what ur mind tells you 2 do...just listen 2 ur heart...never say never - Justin Bieber
A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: 1. What am I trying to say? 2. What words will express it? 3. What image or idiom will make it clearer? 4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? - George Orwell
6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days,and I still don’t know which month it was thenor what day it is now.Blurred out linesfrom hangovers to coffeeanother vagabond lost to love. - Charlotte Eriksson
Wrong Turn 1 and 2 are pretty interesting films, but they need little more work on special effects! - Deyth Banger
The best game ever played was in Monday 3/21/2016, 2 games were played for 40 minutes class sport and in both I win and I and my friend we were going on the 3 game, but unfortunately we didn't finished it. But from here it can be see that I'm the winner! - Deyth Banger
1484Hi Goodreads. My first day. I read all of the time but I must promote my own 2 books - Vulnerabilia and Legacy.VULNERABILIA - James Dalton
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