Quotation Explorer - 'Cheerful'

Money is time. With money I buy for cheerful use the hours which otherwise would not in any sense be mine; nay, which would make me their miserable bondsman. - George Gissing
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful,people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. - Wilfred Peterson
A love letter can be very short or it can be long; it can be literary or non-literary; it can be bright or dark, cheerful or tragic. But above all, for a love letter to be a love letter it must be sincere! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When the demons of criticism have fled the thoughts, the Angels of beauty preside - oh cheerful sweet world exorcised! - Gabriel Brunsdon
Oft in the stilly night,Ere Slumber's chain has bound me,Fond memory brings the lightOf other days around me; The smiles, the tears, Of boyhood years,The words of love then spoken; The eyes that shown Now dimmed and gone,The cheerful hearts now broken.(from When the Splendor Falls by Laurie McBain) - Thomas Moore
O friends, no more these sounds!Let us sing more cheerful songs, more full of joy! - Friedrich Schiller
I prefer complexity to certainty, cheerful mysteries to sullen facts.
You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy. - Lydia M. Child
To be cheerful in this world one must have a strong sense of reality. - Marty Rubin
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength - Jake Bible
The secret of happiness is to be loving, cheerful, and appreciative. - Debasish Mridha
To my mind, a picture should be something pleasant, cheerful, and pretty, yes pretty! There are too many unpleasant things in life as it is without creating still more of them. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
He that loveth a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter. - Dr. Isaac Barrow
Show me somebody who is always smiling, always cheerful, always optimistic, and I will show you somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what the heck is really going on. - Mike Royko
A cheerful mind is a vigorous mind. - Jean De la Fontaine
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. - Martha Washington
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age. - Thomas Bailey Aldrich
O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams. - Augustine of Hippo
To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor. - James Allen
When my heart yearn for silence in a crowd full of cheerful people, thats not the lonliness i seek but want to feel the rustling of my abandoned desires pouring upon the broken hearts. All the noise i want to here now is the symphony of love and of healing. - Annie Ali
For a cheerful mind, sun never sets; for a cheerless mind, sun never rises! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel, you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder; but cheerful folks manage to draw their knees up and pass a very comfortable night.
The gates of hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: But to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this the task and mighty labor lies. - Virgil
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. a - Martha Washington
Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. - Ernest Hemingway
If it wasn’t possible to reinvent the past in such a way as to make it conform to the present’s cheerful view of the way things ought to have been, why bother living? - Kathryn Davis
Send out a cheerful, positive greeting, and most of the time you will get back a cheerful, positive greeting. - Zig Ziglar
When you GIVE under compulsion or Grudgingly you are giving under the LAW of giving and NOT the GRACE given for giving. God loves a cheerful (thankful) giver, which is giving under GRACE. 2 Cor 9:7 - John Paul Warren
One's age should be tranquil, as childhood should be playful. Hard work at either extremity of life seems out of place. At midday the sun may burn, and men labor under it; but the morning and evening should be alike calm and cheerful.
Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances that we know to be desperate. - G.K. Chesterton
To be 70 years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be 40 years old. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The early months of marriage often are times of critical tumult, - whether that of a shrimp pool or of deeper water, - which afterwards subside into cheerful peace. - George Elliott
You can cover the wrinkles of age by becoming more cheerful and enthusiastic. - Debasish Mridha
To whom can I expose the urgency of my own passion?…There is nobody—here among these grey arches, and moaning pigeons, and cheerful games and tradition and emulation, all so skilfully organised to prevent feeling alone. - Virginia Woolf
I set down in a chair by the window and tried to think of something cheerful, but it warn't no use. I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead. - Mark Twain
Be positive, cheerful, kind and loving; you will get what you reflect. - J.M. Enage
...And talking of the dear family party which would then be restored, of their mutual pursuits and cheerful society, as the only happiness worth a wish. - Jane Austen
A cheerful music is a powerful light for the shadows of sorrow! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart. - William Makepeace Thackeray
A most loving virtue of all, is that of a cheerful giver with the right attitude of LOVE! Giving is not just a random act of kindness. It is an investment in humanity. In return you become more than yourself, you transcend - Angie karan
For a cheerful spirit, a dark street is just another bright street! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it... - Wilferd Peterson
I'm very well acquainted too with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical, About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot of news-- With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
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