Quotation Explorer - 'Urgency'

I don't want to become obsessed with work or money or change any of the values I have now. I don't have reason to believe that I ever should change, as much as I have this feeling of urgency to pursue my dreams... - Tanya Kimberly Orme
Learn to let urgency go. Nothing is urgent. Stress is the product of uncertainty and urgency of life. - Debasish Mridha
Enjoy the beauty of simplicity and slowness of life, let go of urgency, stress, and anxiety of life. - Debasish Mridha
Yet human intelligence has another force, too: the sense of urgency that gives human smarts their drive. Perhaps our intelligence is not just ended by our mortality; to a great degree, it is our mortality. - Adam Gopnik
Let us grant that the pursuit of mathematics is a divine madness of the human spirit, a refuge from the goading urgency of contingent happenings. - Alfred North Whitehead
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay. - Richie Norton
I honor the past. I'm loyal to the future. But I fight with the present. Since NOW's where I belong, every battle's fought with urgency. - Ace Antonio Hall
They sat and he drew her into him. Their lips met, sparking an internal firework display. His soft exquisite lips pressed gently against hers. His kiss held the exact right balance between tenderness and a kind of passionate urgency. - Amanda Turner
To whom can I expose the urgency of my own passion?…There is nobody—here among these grey arches, and moaning pigeons, and cheerful games and tradition and emulation, all so skilfully organised to prevent feeling alone. - Virginia Woolf
Urgency fills our life with stress and anxiety. but slowness, simplicity, and love fill our life with beauty and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
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