Quotation Explorer - 'Mortality'

It is when we are confronted with...poignant reminders of mortality that we become most aware of the strangeness and wonder of our brief life on Earth. - Kathleen Basford
Religion does not belong to God; it belongs to the human reaction against mortality! - Mehmet Murat ildan
May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love. - Thomas S. Monson
A mighty fortress is our God, and in Him we are safe for time and for eternity. Shall we murmur if we have less of time than we expected? The less of time, the more of heaven. The briefer life, earlier mortality. - Edith E. Searell
We bury with many different emotions. Rarely with intimations of mortality. 'Buried' is the ultimate separation of them and us. As other's lives are often only dreams to us, so also others' deaths.
All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt. - Susan Sontag
Secret of man's Mortality; Man has transformed from immortal to become a mere mortal being all because of our mental love for sex and evil. - Auliq Ice
Mortality was never designed to torture you. It was designed to test you. - Toni Sorenson
The greatest investment one can ever make is the investment into humanity, for an achievement based on positive influence into people's life can stand the test of time, survive through the mortality of men and resound endlessly through posterity - Uzoma Ezeson
The healthy should be reminded that we are all dying because it is through our own reminder of mortality that we accelerate our good intentions, into actions people can see. - Shannon L. Alder
God is not someone you meet when you die. His smiling face will be the first and the most familiar to greet you on the other side of mortality. You’ll recognize Him and know in your heart of hearts that you’re not entering a new sphere, but returning home to the place you’ve always belonged. - Toni Sorenson
What patients seek is not scientific knowledge that doctors hide but existential authenticity each person must find on her own. Getting too deeply into statistics is like trying to quench a thirst with salty water. The angst of facing mortality has no remedy in probability. - Paul Kalanithi
The power of the Will in a man, is favoured by the Heavens. The man who sets his Heart and Word onto something, and says "I will" no matter what obstacle is placed in his way— joins the ranks of the demi-gods. All else remain in mortality and are soon forgotten. - C. JoyBell C.
Yet human intelligence has another force, too: the sense of urgency that gives human smarts their drive. Perhaps our intelligence is not just ended by our mortality; to a great degree, it is our mortality. - Adam Gopnik
The fear of Mortality is the base of Immortality - Udayveer Singh
Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent. - R.D. Laing
Don't be decieved by your mortality, you're just a piece of debris, and the sophisticated one lies inside us which was either created or would be destroyed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We're truly alive when facing the prospect of our own mortality, if you convince yourself that you'll live forever, you'll never really have lived at all. - RyLee Harrison
If you can't sublimate your fear of mortality into sex with your best friend, what's it there for? - Justin Taylor
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