Quotation Explorer - 'Belongs'

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. - Louis Pasteur
Christianity is not a white man’s religion and don’t let anybody ever tell you that it’s white or black. Christ belongs to all people; he belongs to the whole world. - Billy Graham
Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realise that nothing really belongs to them. - Paulo Coelho
I am in love when I feel that my soul belongs to the universe. - Debasish Mridha
Television has brought murder back into the home-- where it belongs. - Alfred Hitchcock
The future belongs to the competent. It belongs to those who are very, very good at what they do. It does not belong to the well-meaning. - Brian Tracy
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my experience belongs to me, not the collective bloody unconscious. - Ian McEwan
Man's naked form belongs to no particular moment in history; it is eternal, and can be looked upon with joy by the people of all ages. - Auguste Rodin
If we take reason strictly, the perceiving of spiritual beauty and excellence no more belongs to reason than it belongs to the sense of feeling to perceive colors or to the power of seeing to perceive the sweetness of food. - Jonathan Edwards
This mysticism, whose mysticism? This belongs to this body. See, God is nothing, this human being is all and within this human body there is infinite power. Man is all, nothing beyond it and we could not fathom of the infinite power of a human body. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Success belongs to those who take action to make their dreams a reality. - Debasish Mridha
This universe belongs to those who know how to see, feel, and love the beauty of life and the universe. - Debasish Mridha
If excitement is a mechanism our Creator uses for His own amusement, love is something that belongs to us alone and enables us to flee the Creator. Love is our freedom. Love lies beyond "Es Muss sein! - Milan Kundera
I think I have something that belongs to you'. I held out my open hand, the stone resting in my palm. I expected her to take it. Instead she took the whole hand, and held it. - Catherine Ryan Hyde
O! Learn to read what silent love hath writ:to hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit. - William Shakespeare
There is time, and there is what is beyond time. History belongs to time, but truth belongs to what is beyond time. - Philip Pullman
I believe America's best days are ahead of us because I believe that the future belongs to freedom, not to fear. - John Kerry
Religion is the servant of the vanishing; science, of the existence! Disappearance belongs to the chaos and the Devil; existence, to the God! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The future belongs to those who enhance their level of consciousness and awareness everyday. - Debasish Mridha
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. - Malcolm X
Whatever your objective in life may be, never use violence to get it! Violence belongs to the Land of Evil; once you enter there, your face and your heart is forever sealed with the devilish ugliness of the violence! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine. - Henry Rollins
It answers the question that was tormenting you: my love, you are not 'one thing in my life' - not even the most important - because my life no longer belongs to me because...you are always me. - Jean-Paul Sartre
I don't like regressing - I move beyond. Life belongs to the future and I believe in creating History rather than visiting and revisiting the past. - Amit Abraham
You belong to everything andeverything belongs to you.You are in the beauty of a flower.You are also in the nourishing spring shower.Then why do you fear to change?You just lose your nameand your inner beauty remains the same. - Debasish Mridha
The power you give others belongs to you. Take it back and take yourself where you would go. - Alan Cohen
I thought I am kissing pain and pain belongs to You as happiness never does. I love You in Your pain. I could almost taste metal and salt in the skin, and I thought, How good you are. You might have killed us with happiness, but You let us be with You in pain. - Graham Greene
Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs. - Albert Einstein
105If you don't know who you are, you will never know what belongs to you! - Dr. Gail Hayes
The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool. - William McFee
Leave the talking for others and live by walking. Go, go and go extra mile and you will be a true owner of what belongs to you - Israelmore Ayivor
Freedom is alone the unoriginated birthright of man, and belongs to him by force of his humanity; and is independent of the will and co-action of every other… - Immanuel Kant
Before, I wanted to say: "I found love!" But now, I want to say: "I found a person. And he belongs to me and I belong to him. - C. JoyBell C.
It is a promise which eminently deserves our observation that all who are united to Christ and acknowledge Him to be Christ and Mediator will remain to the end safe from all danger, for what is said of the body of the Church belongs to each of its members since they are one in Christ. - John Calvin
I love you; my heart belongs to you; I am you; I lost myself in you; you are my expression, my beauty, my life and living. You are my mirror, my sun, and my moon. - Debasish Mridha
As long as a film stays unmade, the book is entirely yours, it belongs to the writer. As soon as you make it into a film, suddenly more people see it than have ever read the book. - Iain Banks
You have to remember, rights don't come in groups we shouldn't have 'gay rights'; rights come as individuals, and we wouldn't have this major debate going on. It would be behavior that would count, not what person belongs to what group. - Ron Paul
The arrow belongs not to the archer when it has once left the bow; the word no longer belongs to the speaker when it has once passed his lips. - Heinrich Heine
Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone? - Erma Bombeck
The future belongs, not to those who have the most, but to those who do the most with what they have. - Eugene P. Odum
Joy of harvest belongs only to those who endure the pain of sowing. - Sunday Adelaja
Baptism in the Holy Spirit belongs to them that believe and are not of this world - Sunday Adelaja
Because each of you has his or her own death, you carry it with you in a secret place from the moment you're born, it belongs to you and you belong to it. - José Saramago
The only thing that belongs to us is our LIFE. Yet, we waste it in the pursuit of meaningless things that will never belong to us.- - RVM
Feeling lost, crazy and desperate belongs to a good life as much as optimism, certainty and reason. - Alain de Botton
You are beautiful, but you are empty. One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you--the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The future belongs to those who learn from the past and live brilliantly in the present moment. - Debasish Mridha
A wise man never dwells in the past because he knows he belongs to the future. - Debasish Mridha
What belongs to you; your soul, your spirit and your body! - Lailah Gifty Akita
The fairy tale belongs to the poor...I know of no fairy tale which upholds the tyrant, or takes the part of the strong against the weak. A fascist fairy tale is an absurdity. - Erik Christian Haugaard
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. - Malcolm X
If you don't know who you are, you will never know what belongs to you! - Dr. Gail Hayes
It is wrong to become absorbed in the divine law to such a degree as not to perceive human law. Death belongs to God alone. By what right do men touch that unknown thing? - Victor Hugo
What is this you call property? It cannot be the earth. For the land is our mother, nourishing all her children, beasts, birds, fish, and all men. The woods, the streams, everything on it belongs to everybody and is for the use of all. How can one man say it belongs to him only? - Massasoit
Sovereignty unconditionally belongs neither to the people of the nation nor to some supernatural power but to the human mind, to the science and to the high ethical values! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is certainly desirable to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors. - Plutarch
Victory belongs to the most persevering. - Napoleon Bonaparte
The future belongs to us. I think that art is a force that can change the world. - Shahin Najafi
Be content with what you have;rejoice in the way things are.When you realize there is nothing lacking,the whole world belongs to you. - Lao Tzu
when it comes to youit belongs to youand, when it belongs to you, it is your.Take care of your challenges - Prakhar Srivastav
Marriage to the groom does not means that his heart belongs to the bride. - Dennis E. Adonis
Nothing matches a Sailor’s kiss coming back home where he belongs. - Sameh Elsayed
Give us what belongs to us in peace, and if you don't give it to us in peace, we will take it by force. - Emma Goldman
Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming - David Bowie
Never be ashamed of who you are. True shame always belongs to the person that enjoys being ashamed of who you are. - Shannon L. Alder
This world belongs to our future generations, so we have to take utmost care of it. - Debasish Mridha
Let the creatures other than man also breathe freely. Remember that earth belongs to all the creatures living in this planet. - Mehmet Murat ildan
This city belongs to ghosts, to murderers, to sleepwalkers. Where are you, in what bed, in what dream? - Marguerite Yourcenar
What is grace? It is the inspiration from on high: it is love; it is liberty. Grace is the spirit of law. This discovery of the spirit of law belongs to Saint Paul; and what he calls "grace" from a heavenly point of view, we, from an earthly point, call "rigtheousness." - Victor Hugo
The future belongs to those who procreate. - Duane Alexander Miller
Beautiful places are not just a joy for the moment, while you’re there. They will become homes for you, spaces of solace and comfort, where you can close your eyes and go to. Nothing you experience will ever go away. It belongs to you now. Just feel. Don’t be afraid to feel. - Charlotte Eriksson
Lyrics belongs to us ina specific language, but music is universal. - Abrar Ahmed chowdhury
The future doesn't belong to the light-hearted. It belongs to the brave. - Ronald Reagan
Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence. - Louis Pasteur
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I've seen you, beauty, and you belong to me now, whoever you are waiting for and if I never see you again, I thought. You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil. - Ernest Hemingway
I celebrate myself, I paint and dance and sing myself, and what I assume you will assume, for every atom as of me as good belongs to dreamy You. I am a song. I am a poem. I am the soil and a gem. I am a stargate and a voyage. I am the ocean and your soul. - Oksana Rus
The future belongs to those who can rise above the confines of the earth. - Alfred North Whitehead
Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health; everything unconditional belongs in pathology. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Religion is a natural phenomenon of the human mind, but today, in the hands of theoretical bloodsucking religious preachers it has become a lifeless mockery. Now is the time that you take back religion from those intellectual idiots and place it where it belongs, in the temple of your inner cosmos. - Abhijit Naskar
One is alone when the last one who remembers is gone. I have nephews and nieces and kind friends---but there's no one who knew me as a young girl---non one who belongs to the old days. I've been alone for quite a long time now. - Agatha Christie
Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature. - Benjamin Franklin
A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The universe belongs to you, and you belong to your conscience. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened and after you are finished reading one you feel that it all happened to you and after which it all belongs to you. - Ernest Hemingway
Success and greatness in life belongs to those who take responsibility. - Sunday Adelaja
I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to it's laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another. - Thomas Jefferson
What does greed mean? Greed means taking away what belongs to others. - Dada Bhagwan
RANSOM, n. The purchase of that which neither belongs to the seller, nor can belong to the buyer. The most unprofitable of investments. - Ambrose Bierce
Every lake belongs to the quietness desired by the swans. - Munia Khan
The future belongs to those who dare. - Anonymous
Tomorrow belongs to those who are sincerely learning and loving today. - Debasish Mridha
The future belongs to those who never forget to think. - Debasish Mridha
You are the beloved child of this universe, so live as if everything is yours. Every morning the sun is rising for you. The rays of light are kissing you, birds are singing for you, flowers are dancing for you, and everything belongs to you. - Debasish Mridha
Future belongs to those who live with hopes and dreams, act on those dreams and hopes until those are a reality. - Debasish Mridha
There is almost no country in Africa where it is not essential to know to which tribe, or which subgroup of which tribe, the president belongs. From this single piece of information you can trace the lines of patronage and allegiance that define the state. - Christopher Hitchens
The church doesn’t belong to the pastor; it belongs to Jesus Christ. - Sunday Adelaja
For a chic and an honorable full victory, you must make your own fight and win your own battle entirely by yourself! Try to refuse any help to get a pure victory, a victory which belongs merely to yourself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
It is to be recognized that the negative emotions and the guilt that comes with it is not a part of the Consciousness, it only belongs to the mind! - Frank Wanderer
To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal. - Saint Augustine
Nothing matches a Sailor's kiss coming back home where he belongs - Sameh Elsayed
Religion does not belong to God; it belongs to the human reaction against mortality! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The future belongs to nations who have grains not guns. - Dr. MS Swaminathan
Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is truly love. Don't bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The world belongs to those who read. - Rick Holland
It's not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the doer of deeds might have done them better. Instead, the credit belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred by sweat and blood and tears. - Theodore Roosevelt
Everything that you can touch with pure love belongs to you. - Debasish Mridha
Stripped of its arrogance, its desire to make off with half of the patrimony and never be seen again, history belongs at the family table. If theology, the older brother, pretends not to need or notice him it will be a sign that he has forgotten, after all, who his father is. - N.T. Wright
The world belongs to those who know how to love but not how to judge. - Debasish Mridha
I think when we sleep, the world belongs to everyone still awake. Which means a shitload of the world belongs to Craig. ~Lio - Hannah Moskowitz
The secret belongs only to the Maker of good and faithful dogs. - John Buchan
Progress belongs to the Askers; the smarter the question, the lesser the guessing. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
I’m more than this kinesthetic intelligence of us trapped in this great chain of being that belongs to all of us. - Marieta Maglas- Eschatological Regression
Let no one think of me that I am humble or weak or passive; let them understand I am of a different kind: dangerous to my enemies, loyal to my friends. To such a life glory belongs.
Humans live best when each has his place, when each knows where he belongs in the scheme of things. Destroy the place and destroy the person. - Frank Herbert
The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way. - Stephen King
Respect is a matter of one's faith in another. It doesn't understand which gender, class, caste or race one belongs. Respect earned, within. - Premchand Shetty
Even if we have bad feelings about our past and it causes a sense of alienation, it belongs to our history. Its benchmarks are stored in the granary of our mind and crucial evaluations for the future cannot be made without consulting the archive of our memory. ( Not without the past) - Erik Pevernagie
The man who leaves money to charity in his will is only giving away what no longer belongs to him. - Voltaire
All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that. - Baltasar Gracian
Humans live best when each has a place to stand, when each knows where he belongs in the scheme of things and what he may achieve. Destroy the place and you destroy the person. - Frank Herbert
When you are growing up there are two institutional places that affect you most powerfully: the church, which belongs to God, and the public library, which belongs to you. The public library is a great equaliser. - Keith Richards
The future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously creating the future they want. - Robert Anton Wilson
The world can be such a fright, but it belongs to us tonight. - Craig Ferguson
Regardless of gender, one has to be willing to take what belongs and what has been promised, by not backing down and by not giving up. Never be willing to throw in the towel and accept defeat! - Ellen J. Barrier
The world belongs to the energetic. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Anyone who fights the light belongs to no other place than the abode of darkness - Osho Samuel Adetunji
There are dread secrets that none may know and have peace. More, secrets that render whosoever knoweth them an alien unto the tribe he belongs to, that cause him to walk alone on earth, for he who takes, pays. - E. Hoffmann Price
And that's why books are never going to die. It's impossible. It's the only time we really go into the mind of a stranger, and we find our common humanity doing this. So the book doesn't only belong to the writer, it belongs to the reader as well, and then together you make it what it is. - Paul Auster
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