Quotation Explorer - 'Beasts'

The place of the worst barbarism is that modern forest that makes use of us, this forest of chimneys and bayonets, machines and weapons, of strange inanimate beasts that feed on human flesh. - Amadeo Bordiga
God's and beasts, that is what our world is made of. - Adolf Hitler
The wild women in his lap,' my father enthused, 'laying their breasts on his head.'There was a moment of stunned silence. Then my mother spoke slowly, with an edge to her voice. 'I think you mean "wild beasts laying their heads in his lap".''Do I? - Patrick Rothfuss
...because it is the very nature of Imperialism to turn humans into beasts.
We Are Always Scared of Wild Beasts, Yet We Are Unaware About The Wildest Beast Within Us Which Does More Harm Than The Ordinary One.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Humanity one chooses. Men who choose inhumanity are merely upright beasts. - John C. Wright
Attention to our duties provides far greater rewards than beauty and wit. Self-control is what differentiates us from the beasts. Without it, we are merely animals. - Laura Moncur
War is a quarrel between two thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle; therefore they take boys from one village and another village, stick them into uniforms, equip them with guns, and let them loose like wild beasts against one other. - Thomas Carlyle
The bell tolls with a painful note afarWhen man drops in the dreadful jaws of deathBut human beasts watch death with mouth ajarWhile lifeless church bell feels the pangs of death - Manuel Newton-Management Consultant Poet MA M.Com LLB ICWA FIBAM FIMM etc
Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts? - Confucius
All generous minds have a horror of what are commonly called "Facts". They are the brute beasts of the intellectual domain. - Thomas Hobbes
Lion, lion golden spunin savannahs of the sun,What immortal eye, or handweaves beasts from dreams,sews sky to land? - Christyl Rivers
While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth? - George Bernard Shaw
Our Beasts and our Thieves and our ChattelsHave weight for good or for ill;But the Poor are only His image,His presence, His word, His will; -And so Lazarus lies at our doorstepAnd Dives neglects him still. - Adelaide Anne Procter
So that, in effect, religion, which should most distinguish us from beasts, and ought most peculiarly to elevate us, as rational creatures, above brutes, is that wherein men often appear most irrational, and more senseless than beasts themselves. - John Locke
Our thoughts, feelings and whereabouts: Food we dish up on plates called photographs and status updates; to feed Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.; beasts with insatiable appetites. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
See with your soul and not your eyesbecause to dance with the beasts youmust penetrate their disguise. - P.C. Cast
I was a weird little kid. I was very irritable, bored, frustrated. I felt my imagination bubbling inside my head without having any way to express itself. Given a crayon and paper, I would not draw a train or a house. I would draw these monsters, beasts and demons. - Clive Barker
Most humans are but beasts and bitches, till the One in All - this unconscious seeking, and conscious finding of it - 'em itches. - Fakeer Ishavardas
What is this you call property? It cannot be the earth. For the land is our mother, nourishing all her children, beasts, birds, fish, and all men. The woods, the streams, everything on it belongs to everybody and is for the use of all. How can one man say it belongs to him only? - Massasoit
The ability to make love frivolously is the chief characteristic which distinguishes human beings from the beasts. - Heywood Broun
Of the animals I saw, I could write volumes. All were wild; for the Great Race's mechanised culture had long since done away with domestic beasts, while food was wholly vegetable or synthetic. - H.P. Lovecraft
People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
When he followed the instincts which God had transmitted to him from his ancestry of beasts of prey, he called it sin and asked God to forgive him. - Bertrand Russell
Emotions make us human. Denying them makes us beasts. - Victoria Klein
I've known humans, and I know beasts. The beast is better. It is unpretentious. It kills for food. Humans do 'cause they're just not any good. - Fakeer Ishavardas
If you want to catch beasts you don't see every day,You have to go places quite out of the way,You have to go places no others can get to.You have to get cold and you have too get wet, too. - Dr. Seuss
The power of hiding ourselves from one another is mercifully given, for men are wild beasts, and would devour one another but for this protection. - Henry Ward Beecher
Humans are beasts, until tamed. - Fakeer Ishavardas
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