Quotation Explorer - 'Denying'

There is no shame in ignorance, only in denying it. By knowing what we do not know, we can take steps to remedy our lack of knowledge - Graham McNeill
Denying realism amounts to megalomania. - Karl R. Popper
Emotions make us human. Denying them makes us beasts. - Victoria Klein
Denying the popular vote is un-American and anti-democratic. - DaShanne Stokes
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them - Harold J. Smith
Claiming that a person who views the Bible as nothing but a compendium of myths is thus denying the existence of a Creator is like claiming a person who rejects the junk science behind ‘man-made global warming’ is denying the existence of atmosphere. - Dave Champion
Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose - because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.
If you participate in life, you don’t see it clearly: you suffer from it too much or enjoy it too much. The artist, to my way of thinking, is a monstrosity, something outside nature. All the misfortunes Providence inflicts on him come from his stubborness in denying that maxim. - Gustave Flaubert
We emerge into the light not by denying our pain, but by walking through it. - Joan Borysenko
Depression exist without you knowing it, even denying it. It is not an illusion. You don't even know you're in it. It takes awhile before you realize it. If you deny it, it means your still in there or else you won't talk about your misery and the dramas in your life. - Ann Marie Aguilar
I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it. - Garrison Keillor
The biggest form of witchcraft is denying someone information. - Unarine Ramaru
If a rhinoceros were to enter this resteraunt now, there is no denying he would have great power here. But I would be the first to rise and assure him that he had no authority whatever. - G. K. Chesterton
I think that freshness and that innocence is something that is missing from a lot of female singers. I'm certainly not denying that I'm young, but I'm not fluff. - Jessica Simpson
Anytime I was denying my inner self, I knew absolutely nothing. - A.D. Posey
I am trying to find ways to live honestly and hopefully in the world without ignoring or denying the universe´s cold and painful indifference to us. - John Green
That a work of creation struggles and insistently demands to be brought into being is a fact that no genuine artist would think of denying. - Dorothy L. Sayers
Love is not a crime, denying it is. Having dreams is not a crime, not chasing them is. Making mistakes is not a crime, not learning from them is. Life is not a crime, not living it is.
Familialism consists of magically denying social reality, and avoiding all connections with the actual flux. - Félix Guattari
If you believe everything you feel is an illusion then you’re delusional. Your emotion is part you. You’re made with it. Denying it and thinking it is all your mind, is denying your existence. - Ann Marie Aguilar
Denying yourself a life of personal freedom is denying yourself of a life worth living. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
It's always difficult to make conversation with a drunk, and there's no denying it, the sober are at a disadvantage with him. - W. Somerset Maugham
Denying God is admitting our ignorance, our spiritual limitation and blindness - Jacqueline Job
One of the schools in Tlön has reached the point of denying time. It reasons that the present is undefined, that the future has no other reality than as present hope, that the past is no more than present memory. - Jorge Luis Borges
Anger met with anger only increases enmity rather than diffusing a tense situation. Anger, in turn, gives birth to hate. In such cases the wisest thing to do is not to engage through emotion. Emotions are self-centered and denying them spares animosity. - Donna Lynn Hope
By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox. - Galileo Galilei
[Science fiction is] out in the mainstream now. You can tell by the way mainstream literary authors pillage SF while denying they're writing it! - Terry Pratchett
The process of leniency involves accepting the reality of the current situation and finding a satisfying meaning therein, as opposed to misconstruing or denying the facts of the situation. - Sandra L. Schneider
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