LAST, n. A shoemaker's implement, named by a frowning Providence as opportunity to the maker of puns. Ah, punster, would my lot were cast, Where the cobbler is unknown, So that I might forget his last And hear your own. Gargo Repsky - Ambrose Bierce
Providence protects children and idiots. I know because I have tested it. - Mark Twain
We must talk and reach for common understandings, precisely because all of us are imperfect and can never act with the certainty that God is on our side; and yet at times we must act nonetheless, as if we are certain, protected from error only by providence. - Barack Obama
I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth. - John Adams
It is impossible that anything so natural, so necessary, and so universal as death, should ever have been designed by Providence as an evil to mankind. - Jonathan Swift
That by the decrees and volitions, and consequently the providence of God, Scripture (as I will prove by Scriptural examples) means nothing but Nature's order following necessarily from her eternal laws. - Baruch Spinoza
Anxiety is the rust of life, destroying its brightness and weakening its power. A childlike and abiding trust in Providence is its best preventive and remedy.
Every ideal comes from us as do all the amenities of life, in order to make our existence as simple reproducers, for which divine Providence solely intended us, less monotonous and less hard. - Guy de Maupassant
RAPACITY, n. Providence without industry. The thrift of power. - Ambrose Bierce
There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans...Each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Providence has hidden a charm in difficult undertakings which is appreciated only by those who dare to grapple with them. - Anne-Sophie Swetchine
Having supplied them with names, omnipotence, justice, knowledge, Providence, - what are they?
So in actual fact every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine Providence - Sunday Adelaja
Confidence is providence - Habeeb Akande
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. - Thomas Jefferson
Providence knows best. - Michael Beloved
If by saying that all men are born free and equal, you mean that they are all equally born; it is true, but true in no other sense; birth, talent, labor, virtue, and providence, are forever making differences.
Providence has nothing good or high in store for one who does not resolutely aim at something high or good. A purpose is the eternal condition of success.
A special Providence protects fools, drunkards, small children and the United States of America. - Otto von Bismarck
This is new. Old Quinn would not have worn a skirt on her first day of sophomore year. Old Quinn would have worn a pair of jeans (hole in the knee? even better) and a t-shirt advertising the Providence Prep volleyball team, or some other sports team I didn’t play for. - Selena Brooks
Shall ignorance of good and ill Dare to direct the eternal will? Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest.
INSECTIVORA, n. "See," cries the chorus of admiring preachers, "How Providence provides for all His creatures!" "His care," the gnat said, "even the insects follows: For us He has provided wrens and swallows." Sempen Railey - Ambrose Bierce
If you participate in life, you don’t see it clearly: you suffer from it too much or enjoy it too much. The artist, to my way of thinking, is a monstrosity, something outside nature. All the misfortunes Providence inflicts on him come from his stubborness in denying that maxim. - Gustave Flaubert
He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God's providence to lead him aright - Blaise Pascal
AIR, n. A nutritious substance supplied by a bountiful Providence for the fattening of the poor. - Ambrose Bierce
APPETITE, n. An instinct thoughtfully implanted by Providence as a solution to the labor question. - Ambrose Bierce
Whenever God allows a mass blindness to cover his church, it is not out of stupidity, it is out of divine providence - Sunday Adelaja
The power to live long is by learning to appreciate & show gratitude to providence for today's life. - Auliq-Ice