I'm very pleased with each advancing year. It stems back to when I was forty. I was a bit upset about reaching that milestone, but an older friend consoled me. 'Don't complain about growing old - many, many people do not have that privilege.' - Earl Warren
If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing. - Saint Augustine
There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans...Each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Let mental culture go on advancing, let the natural sciences progress in even greater extent and depth, and the human mind widen itself as much as it desires: beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines forth in the Gospels, it will not go. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The slow pace of our perfection has to be borne with patience, provided that on our part we always do whatever we can to continue advancing. - St. Francis de Sales
Betrayal is advancing myself at the expense of the one who I committed myself to advance. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We become happier by advancing our understanding of life and by finding its endless beauty. - Debasish Mridha