Quotation Explorer - 'Scene'

The few little years we spend on earth are only the first scene in a Divine Drama that extends into Eternity.
The woman whose behavior indicates that she will make a scene if she is told the truth asks to be deceived.
What is so incredible and essential about an authentic cultural scene is it rejects a value system based on consumption and productivity and instead celebrates creation, critical thought, aesthetics and expression. That can’t be mass marketed. - Claire Vaye Watkins
Wearing of the greenOn March seventeen.Shamrocks and Irish folkTake o'er the scene! - Richelle E. Goodrich
Every artist joins a conversation that's been going on for generations, even millennia, before he or she joins the scene. - John Barth
A lover goes toward his beloved as enthusiastically as a schoolboy leaving his books, but when he leaves his girlfriend, he feels as miserable as the schoolboy on his way to school. (Act 2, scene 2) - William Shakespeare
I think of rounds of editing as hammer time. Then, when they interrupt my writing, I can say... *shakes head* Nah, I just can't do it. Although when I come across a brilliant line, I do think, Can't touch this. And when I'm worried I'm overwriting a scene, I think, Hammer, don't hurt 'em. - Brent Weeks
We are drawn to our television sets each April the way we are drawn to the scene of an accident. - Vincent Canby
A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past. I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast. - Bob Dylan
Life is but a play and we are merely the characters of our own scene. - kamar brown
There could be nothing more scary scene in public relationship than the fact as how most people spend time together without having any liking for one another especially in the corridors of wealth power. - Anuj Somany
When a person loves only oneself and meets the people of own nature , it creates often an illusion to the onlookers that they all like one another but the real scene could be different altogether. - Anuj Somany
I have never felt the need to worship someone or something, but I recognize the beauty of creation, the miraculosity of existence, and honor the genius behind the scene, who came up with all of this. - Stefan Emunds
In matters of good-lookingness, we writers are the ugliest of the bunch, and normally our appearance is akin to that of someone investigating a crime scene; though the women in American writing keep producing world-class beauty in droves, and there are many breathtaking writers among them. - Pat Conroy
A good novel is an indivisible sum: every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
When you want to make the main color pure and bright, don't just keep adding bright colors on it. Just make the colors around the spot darker and dull. It will give the scene dramatical effects.I think the life is the same. - Hiroko Sakai
Aristotle may be regarded as the cultural barometer of Western history. Whenever his influence dominated the scene, it paved the way for one of history's brilliant eras; whenever it fell, so did mankind. - Ayn Rand
I wondered why I hadn't realized before that art was hard because you had to recreate not merely the scene but the way it soared into your soul and changed you. - Edeet Ravel
you wanna cause a scene? - Kell Jeffery Schwers
When you are suffering from sexual starvation, a spank or even a hug seems like a porn scene. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
They hadn't much faith in travel, nor a great belief in a change of scene as a panacea for spiritual ills; they were simply glad to be going. - Zelda Fitzgerald
It was like passing the scene of a highway accident and being relieved to learn that nobody had been seriously injured.
I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth. - John Adams
Every man has his fault, and honesty is his.- Lucullus (Act III, scene 1) - William Shakespeare
The lively oral storytelling scene in Scots and Gaelic spills over into the majority English-speaking culture, imbuing it with a strong sense of narrative drive that is essential to the modern novel, screenplay and even non-fiction. - Sara Sheridan
To be honest, as this world goes is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.Hamlet Act II, Scene II Lines 178-179 - William Shakespeare
A James Cagney love scene is one where he lets the other guy live. - Bob Hope
There's a rule in acting called, "Don't play the result." If you have a character who's going to end up in a certain place, don't play that until you get there. Play each scene and each beat as it comes. And that's what you do in life: You don't play the result. - Michael J. Fox
The challenge is quite formidable if you spell it out explicitly: artists must look at a three-dimensional scene with their two-dimensional retinas and then generate a two-dimensional painting that appears three-dimensional to viewers who look at it with their two-dimensional retinas. - Margaret S. Livingstone
A change of scene will not produce a change of thought in the master mind unless he so elects. - Christian D. Larson
When I look out on such a night as this, I feel as if there could be neither wickedness nor sorrow in the world; and there certainly would be less of both if the sublimity of Nature were more attended to, and people were carried more out of themselves by contemplating such a scene. - Jane Austen
All single people are not really singleThey all have untold stories behind the scene. - Ahmed Ali Anjum
In this funny debut, flashy Filipino fashion designer Boy Hernandez sees his American dream become a nightmare when he’s ensnared in a terrorist plot and shipped to Guantanamo. Gilvarry nails the couture scene, but Boy’s rough journey from Manolo to Gitmo is no joke. - Andrew Abrahams
How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over In states unborn and accents yet unknown! - William Shakespeare
The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. - Jay Leno
for my grief's so greatThat no supporter but the huge firm earthCan hold it up: here I and sorrows sit;Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it.(Constance, from King John, Act III, scene 1) - William Shakespeare
To Savor The Scene, A Book, or A Friend. - Barbara Shook Hazen
When you print out your manuscript and read it, marking up with a pen, it sometimes feels like a criminal returning to the scene of a crime. - Don Roff
When you realize that incompetent police officers are harassing you, you need to call 911 and demand that a police supervisor be immediately dispatched to the scene. In the mean time you need to be video recording everything, as police officers are known for their blatant lies and fabrications. - Steven Magee
It was a slaughterhouse, the most horrific scene I have ever witnessed... - Minette Walters
Many fear mistakes. In TV and films you just re-shoot the scene. In life do the same and just shoot a re-take. - Ian Dobson
After what she's been through, there really should be crime scene tape around her heart. - John Mark Green
Helena had been standing by her window looking out to sea, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the picturesque scene of a small ship sailing into the harbor.She had not been able to think of anything other than Mikolas for days."From LONGING the 3rd chapter of TRUE LOVE - Destin Bays
Your life is a movie. You are the main character. You say your scripts and act to your lines. Of course you do your lines in each scene. There is a hidden camera and a director who you can ask for help anytime up above. - Diana Rose Morcilla
There is a story, there is a scene which you always miss and you never pay attention at it... (The Ring 1) - Deyth Banger
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