We are like a bunch of dogs squirting on fire hydrants. We poison the groundwater with our toxic piss, marking everything MINE in a ridiculous attempt to survive our deaths.
Ever poised on that cusp between past and future, we tie memories to souvenirs like string to trees along life’s path, marking the trail in case we lose ourselves around a bend of tomorrow’s road. - Susan Lendroth
When you print out your manuscript and read it, marking up with a pen, it sometimes feels like a criminal returning to the scene of a crime. - Don Roff
I felt somewhat like a fire hydrant – with everyone marking their territory around me. - Farrah Naseem
It is easy, retrospectively, to endow one's youth with a false precocity or a false innocence; to tamper with the dates marking one's stature on the edge of the door. - Evelyn Waugh