Quotation Explorer - 'Contemplating'

People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking that their faults are always present to other people's minds, as if they believe that the world is always contemplating their individual charms and virtues. - Elizabeth Gaskell
Gaia spins on, silently contemplating what it means to be born into a sarcastic universe. - David Brin
As I was contemplating each second of your existence, the sound of nothing but your delicate breathing, brings me back the memories of experiences I have not yet experienced - Stephen Clayworth
It places value on experience versus intellectual understanding. I saw a lot of people contemplating things but it didn't seem to lead to too many places. I got very interested in people who had discovered something more significant than an intellectual, abstract understanding. - Steve Jobs
Bad books on writing tell you to "WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW", a solemn and totally false adage that is the reason there exist so many mediocre novels about English professors contemplating adultery. - Joe Haldeman
When I look out on such a night as this, I feel as if there could be neither wickedness nor sorrow in the world; and there certainly would be less of both if the sublimity of Nature were more attended to, and people were carried more out of themselves by contemplating such a scene. - Jane Austen
Contemplating this suffering which is unbearable to us, and is unbearable to others, too, can produce awake mind, which arises from the compassion that wishes to free all living beings from suffering. - Dalai Lama XIV
The images of Myth are reflections of Spiritual and Depth potentialities of every one of us. Through contemplating those we evoke those powers in our own lives to operate through ourselves. - Joseph Campbell
Happiness, noun. An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another. - Ambrose Bierce
Natural marriage, therefore, is fully understood in the light of its fulfilment in the sacrament of Matrimony: only in contemplating Christ does a person come to know the deepest truth about human relationships. - Pope Francis
Funny how a little sleep, a little makeup, and a lot of contemplating can make you feel like a different person - a stronger version of yourself. - Anna Banks
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