Quotation Explorer - 'Attended'

If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. - Dorothy Parker
When I look out on such a night as this, I feel as if there could be neither wickedness nor sorrow in the world; and there certainly would be less of both if the sublimity of Nature were more attended to, and people were carried more out of themselves by contemplating such a scene. - Jane Austen
(I should mention I attended a Christian elementary school where my dad’s hermeneutic can beat up your dad’s hermeneutic served as legit schoolyard banter.) - Rachel Held Evans
Nine-tenths of all artistic creation derives its basic energy from the engine of repression and sublimation, and well beyond the strict Freudian definition of those terms. attended new College in Oxford. You might like to see my collection of Oxford trees at Rob's Bookshop. - John Fowles
The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. - Henry David Thoreau
Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world. - C.S. Lewis
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. - Abigail Adams
GRACES, n. Three beautiful goddesses, Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne, who attended upon Venus, serving without salary. They were at no expense for board and clothing, for they ate nothing to speak of and dressed according to the weather, wearing whatever breeze happened to be blowing. - Ambrose Bierce
INTERREGNUM, n. The period during which a monarchical country is governed by a warm spot on the cushion of the throne. The experiment of letting the spot grow cold has commonly been attended by most unhappy results from the zeal of many worthy persons to make it warm again. - Ambrose Bierce
'Whom are you?' he asked, for he had attended business college. - George Ade
An new idea is rarely born like Venus attended by graces. More commonly it's modeled of baling wire and acne. More commonly it wheezes and tips over. - Marge Piercy
And when long years and seasons wheeling brought around that point of time ordained for him to make his passage homeward, trials and dangers, even so, attended him even in Ithaca, near those he loved. - Homer
[S]tart at the turn of the last century, in 1901, with the celebration of Detroit’s bicentennial. That was the Detroit that came before--before all the racket that attended the making of the modern world, which happened here first and faster than anywhere else on this planet. - Jerry Herron
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