Quotation Explorer - 'Spot'

INTERREGNUM, n. The period during which a monarchical country is governed by a warm spot on the cushion of the throne. The experiment of letting the spot grow cold has commonly been attended by most unhappy results from the zeal of many worthy persons to make it warm again. - Ambrose Bierce
If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered. - Edgar Allan Poe
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low. - Desmond Tutu
The most common way to spot a common person is perhaps that s/he, irrespective of her/his wealth position, has almost all thinking common most often with the most people. - Anuj Somany
I am in a spot where I can neither be what I always am nor turn into what I could be. - Claire Keegan
Out, damned spot! out, I say! - William Shakespeare
Keeping the door that leads to your heart ajar is destructive as univited guests would move in and trample on your feelings, leaving you in great pains, but closing it always is a sure way to spot out the destructive and innovative guests. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Anyone that insults my country, my intelligence, my feminist ideals, all women in general, and a favorite childhood food, and refers to both himself and me in the third person in one sentence automatically gets an honorary spot on my Hate With Every Fiber of My Being For All Time list. - J. T. Geissinger
Life is made of peaks & troughs. If you don’t like going up and down then you must live your life standing in one spot. - Alex Zar
There is no such thing as making the miracle happen spontaneously and on the spot. You've got to work.
I'd rather have fun, being young and being dumb, than be saved a spot in heaven - The Cab
I'll never stop wandering. And when the time comes to die, I'll find the wildest, loneliest, most desolate spot there is. - Everett Ruess
The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions. - Anthony Jay
He smiled in a way that made me want to kiss him right on the spot. Or the lips. Whichever was closer. - Shannon Hale
Though it may be interesting to know how many hairs there are on the human head, or how the giant red spot on the surface of Jupiter was formed, the real truths we are interested in are those about ourselves. - Stephen Richards
Our avian brothers are back to roost on the first leg of their annual sojourn south. Why them and not us? Maybe it's because we humans are meant to be rooted in one spot. - Mitchell Burgess
Wit and puns aren't just decor in the mind; they're essential signs that the mind knows it's on, recognizes its own software, can spot the bugs in its own program. - Adam Gopnik
The day will always have some bit of weirdness in it like a piece of fruit with one bad spot. Spit it out as fast as u can and eat the rest! - Raven Moore
The only person I compete with is Satan. If that happens to be you, then could you please move out of the way? You’re standing in Christ’s spot. - Shannon L. Alder
If you want to hurt somebody and you want to know where his vulnerable spot is you have to know him, before you can put in the right dig, that's very important. - Heinz Kohut
If you possess the basic necessities in life, there is absolutely no reason to feel any sorrows. For there is someone praying that they could have your spot. - - Jessiie Mahadeo
English is only a weak second language, so that the third language--which at the moment is getting the most play, since French is what I speak, read, and hear almost 24/7--is trying to take over the no. 2 spot. - Apol Lejano-Massebieau
Why study the Bible? You must know truth in order to spot error - Jim George
Her characters tend to err when they reject the grubby and complex circumstances of everyday life for abstract and radical notions. They thrive when they work within the rooted spot, the concrete habit, the particular reality of their town and family. - David Brooks
I spilled spot remover on my dog; now he's gone. - Steven Wright
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. - Pablo Picasso
In a flash I saw the truth; that my love for this spot is built up of numberless trivialities, of small memories all incommunicable, or ridiculous when communicated... - Quiller -Couch, Arthur Thomas
When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask if I'm leaving. - Steven Wright
There is a fine line between any contradictory matters. When our souls fail to spot it before our minds, we lose track of both reality and vision in which lead to a one way ticket for an unknown path - Rola Mahmoud
Some of the most polished ideas are discovered through healthy, honest debate, so if you don't argue with yourself every once in a while, other people will gladly point out if, in any sense, you missed a spot. - Criss Jami
Every spot his mouth touches closes the empty spaces inside. - Christine Fonseca
The time to pray is not when we are in a tight spot but just as soon as we get out of it. - Josh Billings
I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. I was never not coming here. This was never not going to happen. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Every spot on earth is particular, detailed, and incomprehensibly complex. - Jane Smiley
I often think of you all, one cannot do what one wants in life. The more you feel attached to a spot, the more ruthlessly you are compelled to leave it, but the memories remain, and one remembers - as in a looking glass, darkly - one's absent friends. - Vincent Van Gogh
Even in the heart of the darkness ,You will find a spot of light - Mohammed Sekouty
He may take long walksin the raining darkalmost aimlesslyto a spot of soaked grassin a neighbor’s open field.He’s decided this is the placefor you and him to meet again. - Kristen Henderson
It's the problem in seeing too much of the world. In loving too much of it. You can only live in one place at a time. And eventually, you pick your spot, and the memories of all the others just become ghosts. - Daniel Abraham
When you want to make the main color pure and bright, don't just keep adding bright colors on it. Just make the colors around the spot darker and dull. It will give the scene dramatical effects.I think the life is the same. - Hiroko Sakai
The sweet spot is where duty and delight converge. - Thomas Mann
Copy cats may seem good at what they are doing, but they will never find a spot at the top. - Cyc Jouzy
Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, though not the boundary, of the affections. - Mary Baker Eddy
Communication works best when we combine appropriateness with authenticity, finding that sweet spot where opinions are not brutally honest but delicately honest. - Sheryl Sandberg
do not cry , you can focus the light spot with the eyes , the eyes of your heart . smile - Mister one
My tomb shall be in a spot where the north wind may scatter roses over it. - Omar Khayyám
A story never ends. The narrator is usually provided with a nice, artistic spot for his voice to stop, but that's about all. - J.D. Salinger
Teenagers can spot hypocrisy a mile away and here I was telling them how to cope when they witnessed the shambles of my own life and how I was living. - David W. Earle
It went automatically to a heavy-weight mother with beetling eyebrows who looked as if she had just come from doing a spot of knitting at the foot of the guillotine. - P.G. Wodehouse
Sister, spot me. - Joe Hill
Laughing is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one spot. - Josh Billings
There was going to be a spot for me in this joint, the earth, after all. It was never going to be a great match for someone as bright and strange as me, but books were going to make it survivable. - Anne Lamott
There is never another one of you in exactly the same spot you are in right now, so give yourself a break and release blame from the past so you can be free to move around the future!! - Monika Zands
When one thing becomes TRUE for you the PARADOX becomes a BLIND SPOT! - Harrish Sairaman
Belief is just the place of understanding you are at the moment. Without an open mind, you will be standing in that one spot forever. - Dannye Williamsen
Real data is messy. ...It's all very noisy out there. Very hard to spot the tune. Like a piano in the next room, it's playing your song, but unfortunately it's out of whack, some of the strings are missing, and the pianist is tone deaf and drunk- I mean, the noise! Impossible! - Tom Stoppard
There's an empty spot I've always had inside me. I tried to fill it with family, religion, community service, but those were dead ends! I think this chair is the answer. - Matt Groening
Reality offers us such wealth that we must cut some of it out on the spot, simplify. The question is, do we always cut out what we should? ­ - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Surprises are one of the secrets of a good relationship. Find someone who, out of the blue, will grab you, and a blanket, take you to a secluded spot and canoodle as the sun rises... - Virginia Alison
Don't borrow your neighbor's map, Your destination spot may be different. - Andrea L'Artiste
Guilt -- if there was any guilt -- spread out and diffused itself over everybody and everything. . . . Perhaps at some point in time, at some spot in the world, a moment of responsibility existed. - Philip K. Dick
Magnolia leadership isn't a given. Not forever. You have to earn your spot. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
Once you are aware that you have a weak spot you can begin to strengthen it, work on it, and finally turn it into a stronghold. But nothing can happen until you become aware. - Toni Sorenson
I think a person permeates a spot, and a lost presence makes the environment timeless to me, keeps an area alive. It pulsates because of that. - Andrew Wyeth
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun - Pablo Picasso
My heart is too valuable to allow hatred and jealousy to rent a spot. - Mufti Ismail Menk
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