The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him. - Cicero
Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace.
If, as I have reason to believe, I have disintegrated the nucleus of the atom, this is of greater significance than the war.[Apology to the international anti-submarine committee for being absent from several meetings during World War I.] - Ernest Rutherford
What I learned in Rwanda was that God is not absent when great evil is unleashed. Whether that evil is man-made or helped along by darker forces, God is right there, saving those who respond to His urgings and trying to heal the rest. - James Riordan
What a major mistake, having rejected pretty much all of the great talented female artists that have lived throughout the ages, art history is left incomplete. The validity of the written art history is as absent as those women left out. - Siren Waroe
The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse. - Benjamin Franklin
To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three men, two of whom are absent. - Robert Copeland
Nothing that we despise in other men is inherently absent from ourselves. We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or don't do, and more in light of what they suffer. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
You read enough books in which people like you are disposable, or are dirt, or are silent, absent, or worthless, and it makes an impact on you. Because art makes the world, because it matters, because it makes us. Or breaks us. - Rebecca Solnit
When truth and honesty is absent in the nation, it relates not just to the politicians. - Sunday Adelaja
Overlook our deeds, since you know that crime was absent from our inclination. - Ovid
The absent are always in the wrong. - English Proverb
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due. - Neil Gaiman
My wisdom absent of God’s wisdom is nothing more than a best-guess. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
There is no good singing, there is only present and absent. - Jeff Buckley
Would you dare to reach inside the vault of a feral heart?Glare into the keyhole, eyes bound with it real what we perceive? or does the absent colour leave you lost or decieved? - L V HALL
…love is by definition freeand if he choose to gowhen I would have him stayperhaps I'll die a bitbut I'd rather sothan taste his absent minded kissand lie uneasy in a masked embrace - Lenore Kandel
There would be fewer absent fathers, if straight men were turned on only by women with whom they would not mind having children. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Meditation, practiced individually and as a family, helps with a different type of peace. It is not a calm absent of noise and confusion but a calm that persists in the very center of the noise and the chaos. Ten minutes daily can transform your life. - Ann Brasco
Something about the circus stirs their souls, and they ache for it when it is absent. - Erin Morgenstern
When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. - Herophilus
Influence is when you are not the one talking and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Influence is when you don't talk and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
When the resurrection sings itself in the robin's glad song, and bursting buds defy the death grip of winter, and you walk upon the yielding earth near my grave...remember that my soul is not there, but rather it is absent from the body and present with the Lord. - Carl Burnam
Sometimes, when one person is absent, the whole world seems depopulated
you're quite wrong there, Collie. One does miss sex. The body has a life of it's own. We do miss what we haven't had, you and I. Biologically. Ask Sigmund Freud. It is revealed in dreams. The absent touch of warm limbs at night, the absent - Muriel Spark
If the only tool in Willem's arsenal was a silent supplication to an absent almighty, then I might as well be sitting next to a raving radical ready to die for the promise of seventy-two virgins and a couple of camels. - Lisa C. Temple
I often think of you all, one cannot do what one wants in life. The more you feel attached to a spot, the more ruthlessly you are compelled to leave it, but the memories remain, and one remembers - as in a looking glass, darkly - one's absent friends. - Vincent Van Gogh
Books are absent teachers. - Mortimer J. Adler
Love is implicit in every connection. It should be. Thus when absent it makes us insane. (You Shall Know Our Velocity) - Dave Eggers
Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent. - Sextus Propertius
A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change. - Earl Nightingale
Where love is absent, violence is a glaring possibility. Introduce love into any situation and violence gradually evaporates. - Pooja Ruprell
"Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent.
Absent in body, but present in spirit. - Bible
Speak no evil of an absent friend. (Non male loquare absenti amico) - Titus Maccius Plautus