Quotation Explorer - 'Loneliest'

There’s a loneliness that only exists in one’s mind. The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is blink. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Poems can getsleepless tooand becomethe loneliest thingin the universe. - Sanober Khan
Dying, however, is lonely, the loneliest event of life. Dying not only separates you from others but also exposes you to a second, even more frightening form of loneliness: separation from the world itself. - IRVIN D.YALOM
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The moment when you think that you are the loneliest person in the world, you close your eyes and feel ,it is much better this way. - M.F. Moonzajer
Sometimes being surronded by everyone is the loneliest, because you'll realise you have no one to turn to. - Soraya
Maddie: Now it’s just me against the world, and it’s the loneliest feeling ever. - Dixon, Ruby
even in the loneliest momentsi have been therefor myself. - Sanober Khan
Tennis is the loneliest sport - Andre Agassi
I'll never stop wandering. And when the time comes to die, I'll find the wildest, loneliest, most desolate spot there is. - Everett Ruess
Hanging with people who make you feel unappreciated, for the mere sake of appearing to be popular, is the loneliest place to be. - Ellen J. Barrier
From midnight to 4: 00 AM is the loneliest time in the world. Because for those of us too sad to sleep, the only thing we have to look at is an empty bed, and the only thing we have to think of is every single person who didn't want to fill it tonight. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
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