Quotation Explorer - 'Event'

He who despairs over an event is a coward, but he who holds hope for the human condition is a fool. - Albert Camus
When we are unable to change an event that has already been written in the stars, we are always presented the opportunity to surrender to the heart and find a new pathway to peace. Understanding Divine Reason allows us to honor God’s Divine Plan. - Molly Friedenfeld
Every utterance is an event, and no two events are precisely alike. The extreme view, therefore, is that no word ever means the same thing twice. - Louis B. Saloman
A thrilling story can be dull if told badly, but even the most mundane event can be elevated into a tale of epic scale by a good storyteller. - Johnny Rich
Failure is not actually an event, it is more a reaction to an event and is an important part of learning. - Unarine Ramaru
Life has a plan for each of us; we may not understand the whys on our journey but every event is meaningful nonetheless. - Ken Poirot
Every day is precious. You will never live THIS day again. It is ONE event in human history. Why not make it count? Time is a nonrenewable resource. - Kristen Lamb
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Roy Bennett - Roy Bennett
I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. - Oprah Winfrey
I see a lot of people complaining about the things they can fix, and a lot of people being accepting of the things they cannot change. Maybe tragedy really is the catastrophic event, for the way people view their lives. I would rather be wise, than nieve. - Nikki Rowe
A miracle, my friend, is an event which creates faith. - George Bernard Shaw
Success is a habit not an isolated event. Be passionate about success to cultivate it. - Debasish Mridha
Whether you are trying to finish a race or a book or that hard conversation you've been avoiding, the training leading up to that event is what makes it possible to face the fear & walk forward anyway. Quit complaining about discipline & start seeing it as a powerful tool for courageous living. - Annie F. Downs
A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
My life closed twice before its' close- It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me. So huge, so hopeless to concieve As these that twice befell. Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell. - Emily Dickinson
Black Friday (AKA Zombie Apocalypse)Is an event of subset half-dead human like beings confronted with ravenous bloodthirsty monsters preparing to pummel down the doors mid-afternoon on Thanksgiving Day. - Sage R Fury
Life is not as easy as just picking a wild flower and calling it a rose,it is more tasking in the event that the very simple things on earth may overcome our finger's manipulative capacity and dexterity, that it cost us a lot - Toroitich William
Any event, once it has occurred, can be made to appear inevitable by a competent historian. - Lee Simonson
Its all about perspective, that is how you look at things. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether an experience, event, situation whatever is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. - Stella Payton
We celebrate the event not the time. - Debasish Mridha
Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the young but never the actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event. - Heinz R. Pagels
Love! Love everything, love every event, love every moment and become a great lover. Love liberates the soul of the beloved lover. - Debasish Mridha
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character. - Alan Armstrong
MIRACLE, n. An act or event out of the order of nature and unaccountable, as beating a normal hand of four kings and an ace with four aces and a king. - Ambrose Bierce
You need only claim the event of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality. - Florida Scott-Maxwell
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
When you try to forget, you will never be able to do it. It will only create a stronger memory. You can’t erase an event or memory from your memory box or hippocampus. The memory will only get stronger. - Debasish Mridha
The mind is an invisible net that can catch any event with its power of perception. - Debasish Mridha
Jesus Is The Resurrection, therefore, Resurrection Is Not A Thing Or An Event, RESURRECTION Is A PERSONALITY". - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
We can honor our emotions after any traumatic event by moving through the experience centered in the heart with the goal of reaching the light on the other side. - Molly Friedenfeld
Extinction is not an event, it is a chain reaction! - Vadhan
The act of nutrition is not a purely physiological event... The family meal is a formality that cultivates in us... a capacity for sharing, generosity, thoughtfulness, a talent for civilized conversation. - Francine Du Plessix Gray
Somewhere along the line, "Church" became a weekly event rather than a gathering of people who did life together. - Todd Stocker
Anyone who has experienced a strange episode in their life that defies all present scientific knowledge can appreciate the limits of human knowledge. There's nothing like such an event to make you keenly aware of how little we truly know and understand. - Steven Symes
Don’t let any tragic event or any people pull you away from the path of peace. Be strong and attract others to your path toward peace. - Debasish Mridha
Every event creates a memory in the heart; photographs remind and reinforce that memory in the future, - Debasish Mridha
Well, Southerners like to eat well. You see, it's an event when it's done right. - Stan Shaw
Forgiveness means that you will not allow a temporary event to have forever repercussions. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
At some point, our lips met and it was perhaps the most wonderful thing I'd ever experienced. And truly, I guess there wasn't just one kiss, but several. A polite frenzy. A mass migration of delicate wildebeest kisses. I remember them as one transcendent event, though. - Dean Hale
Happy people are those who use a lower threshold in order to label an event positive. - David Niven
Whatever happens in life happens to make you stronger. So fear not, accept it as a gift from the universe. Use the event to capture the essence of this journey we call life. - Debasish Mridha
with a fresh breath comes a vision aheadmight be today, tomorrow or or further and beyondwarm up to that event, it may be that ride one only hopes formuch like water at times may pass between thru the fingersgrasp firm to retain, cherish the light and look beyond and above... - levi paul taylor
Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
All that we call sacred history attests that the birth of a poet is the principal event in chronology. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The probability of an event is the reason we have to believe that it has taken place, or that it will take place.The measure of the probability of an event is the ratio of the number of cases favourable to that event, to the total number of cases favourable or contrary, and all equally possible. - Siméon Denis Poisson
Sexual normalcy and abnormality are personal and subjective concepts. What is unnatural to one [person] is natural to another. What is abnormal under certain conditions may be completely normal under others. And, in any event, to be different is not necessarily to be wrong, or to be sick. - Victor J. Banis
A single event can shape our lives or change the course of history. - Deepak Chopra
The actual tragedies of life bear no relation to one's preconceived ideas. In the event, one is always bewildered by their simplicity, their grandeur of design, and by that element of the bizzare which seems inherent in them. - Jean Cocteau
After torturing our adrenaline by watching a horror movie for a couple of hours the places we are most afraid of are the doors and windows of the room even though they are the only ways for us to escape in case of occurrence such an event. - Sanhita Baruah
Forgiveness is not an event. It is a series of decisions made over and over again. - Karen Salmansohn
Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event. - Oscar Wilde
Anytime you meditate, some electric jerks occur in your thigh...the symbol of premonition of an unpleasant event that has happened or will take place in future. - Michael Bassey Johnson
On any day - in any given event - you have to believe in yourself and back yourself 100% - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Coming to Christ is not an event. It is a process where we keep trying and trying and never give up. - Toni Sorenson
An event had happened, upon which it is difficult to speak, and impossible to be silent. - Edmund Burke
God is not an Almighty Being watching over life on earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. - Abhijit Naskar
Many are less fortunate than you’ may not be a roof to live under, but it will serve to retire beneath in the event of a shower. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
The inner drama is the meaning of the exterior event. - Aaron Siskind
Success is a process, not an event. - Richie Norton
Lucid Dreaming is the ability of a brain to download the information of a possible futuristic state of an event from a Parallel Universe. - Vishwanath S J
Revolution is not a onetime event. - Audre Lorde
In the event that,If you know time really well then you know the future. - Jerril Thomas Abraham
Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event - Gaston Bachelard
We Neuroscientists have come a long way in proving that God is neither a Delusion nor an Almighty Being watching over life on Earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. I termed this state of attaining God, as 'Absolute Unity Qualia'. - Abhijit Naskar
Every day is a training day and every event is a training event. - James Pritchert
The ritual of marriage is not simply a social event; it is a crossing of threads in the fabric of fate. Many strands bring the couple and their families together and spin their lives into a fabric that is woven on their children.
I'm a word man. See, there's this theory about the nature of tragedy, that Aristotle didn't mean catharsis for the audience but a purgation of emotions for the actors themselves. The audience is just a witness to the event taking place on stage. - Jim Morrison
People are all over the world telling their one dramatic story and how their life has turned into getting over this one event. Now their lives are more about the past than their future. - Chuck Palahniuk
In AR, a falling tree makes no sound unless there is a witness to behold the event. Otherwise, it is only a changing pattern in a complex data-stream. - Mark Cantrell
I feel sad for the people who I hear always plan, plan, plan the next day's event to occur. Life only stands still for them. - Ingrid Nkenlifack
How you define an event produces emotionand determines how you feel going forward - Derric Yuh Ndim
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy Bennett
Standing in the middle between the idea of an event and the actual event, a strange kind of physical reality just in the middle between possibility and reality. - Heisenberg
The theater is a communal event, like church. The playwright constructs a mass to be performed for a lot of people. She writes a prayer, which is really just the longings of one heart. - Marsha Norman
The journey itself IS the reward. NOT the destination or future event. - Matthew Donnelly
We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. - Dan Quayle
Very much of the literature of economics strikes me as rationalization after the event. - John H. Williams
You don't know what it means to live the life that you could have lived, if an event over which you have no control, an unforeseeable circumstance, had not distracted and diverted you, and at times crushed you, as has happened to me. - Luigi Pirandello
cease to regard the canvas as a surface on which to paint a picture, but instead as a surface on which to record an event - Harold Rosenberg
PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral human event of enormous proportions with massive repercussions. - Susan Pease Banitt
Relationship Time to Aloneness." Having a companion fixes you in time and that of the present, but when the quality of aloneness settles down, past, present and future all flow together. A memory, a present event, and a forecast all equally present. - John Steinbeck
Every strict progression of an uncertain event is cease of movement in time and a birth of new space. - Vishwanath S J
Failure is an event, never a person. - William D. Brown
Then one day a thought clicked my mind... and even theweirdest event in the past start Making complete sense... - shivangi lavaniya
In any event, we must remember that it's not the blinded wrongdoers who are primarily responsible for the triumph of evil in the world, but the spiritually sighted servants of the good. - Fyodor Stepun
We are parts of one universe, true enough. We stand within an almost infinite network of relationships. Yet each of us is a single point of consciousness, a unique event, a private, unrepeatable world. This is the essence of our aloneness. - Nathaniel Branden
Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us - and those around us - more effectively. Look for the learning. - Louisa May Alcott
If time is analog, then the New Year is an ephemeral event with no time measure at all, not even a nanosecond. It's careening around the world towards you, like some subatomic particle wave. Whoops -- you missed it. - Scott Archer Jones
Excellence is not an event but a habit. - Debasish Mridha
An event in which you did not achieve your desired outcome (definition of failure). - Steven K. Scott
Treading the soil of the moon, palpating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra... these form the most romantic sensation an explorer has ever known... - Vladimir Nabokov
The best thing to do when someone is trying to argue with you is to repeatedly state "Stay Away" and video record the entire event. You may need that video for the police afterwords when the aggressor starts fabricating fantasies about the event. - Steven Magee
Surrender isn’t a one-time event but a moment-by-moment choice. - Paula Hendricks
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. - Roy T. Bennett
Whatever is rejected from the self, appears in the world as an event. - C.G. Jung
This sheaf of paper with gaudy cover glued to the spine is not the book. The book is not an object on the table, it is an event in the readers mind.... The book, therefore is only finished when someone reads it. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Be in your LIMIT... event it's a DREAM - Arafath Shanas
The most important doctrine I can declare, and the most powerful testimony I can bear, is of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. His atonement is the most transcendent event that ever has or ever will occur from Creation’s dawn through all the ages of a never-ending eternity. - Bruce R. McConkie
You never know when one seemingly unrelated event may become the catalyst that sets off a chain of synchronistic events. Though you may not know for sure when something important will happen, you can always be ready to take action. - Andrea Goeglein
Dying, however, is lonely, the loneliest event of life. Dying not only separates you from others but also exposes you to a second, even more frightening form of loneliness: separation from the world itself. - IRVIN D.YALOM
Success or failure is not a one day event, but continuous life process. Each day you succeed and each day you fail with life, and most of the time, success follows the failure. - Roshan Sharma
The economists have us well along the way of the greatest mass extinction event in human history. - Steven Magee
It is generally true that, the more preparations one has for an event, the more inconveniently fast the event will occur. - Monica Fairview
An event without a good presentation is like a pizza without cheese. - Aayush Jain
There is no use being alive if one must work. The event from which each of us is entitled to expect the revelation of his own life’s meaning - that event which I may not yet have found, but on whose path I seek myself - is not earned by work. - André Breton
Much of our understanding of God's action in outlying is achieved in hindsight. When a particular crisis or event in our life has passed we cry out in astonishment like Jacob, "The Lord is in this place and I never knew it. - Sheila Cassidy
Rather than allowing our response to an even affect our breathing, we can learn instead to let our breathing change our relationship to the event. - Cyndi Lee
Poetry, Shakespeare and opera, are like mumps and should be caught when young. In the unhappy event that there is a postponement to mature years, the results may be devastating. - Dimitris Mita
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. - Bob Newhart
I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is much better policy to prophesy after the event has taken place. - Sir Winston Churchill
Someone who claims to write with emotion recollected in tranquility, is a fool and a liar. To understand is to tremble. To recollect is to re-enter and riven......I admire the authority of being on one's knees in front of an event. - Harold Brodkey
A poem is an event, like a wedding or birth. - Marty Rubin
He had made a fairly unambiguous pass at her, as she was getting out of the cab. But event that had come to nothing. Sheba said that she had sensed something resentful about him, as if he begrudged her for having the power to attract him. - Zoë Heller
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