When God's favour and Godly flavour is in you, your haters will taste wisdom and the only thing they can do is to regret ever tasting a sweet thing. - Israelmore Ayivor
Chris enjoys spending quality time while cooking, wine tasting, attending opera, playing golf, and practicing martial arts – JiuJitsu. - Chris Salamone
I kiss your tear-stained cheeks, tasting the saltiness of a hidden sea of sorrow. - John Mark Green
You have to take an interest in something in life, I told myself. I wondered what could interest me, after I was finished with love. I could take a course in wine tasting, maybe , or start collecting model aeroplanes - Michel Houellebecq
Come quickly, I am tasting stars!
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.
When i was a child, i liked tasting any candy i happened to see, but as i grew older, i realized those are a great meal to the worms in my innards. Will you shun old habits or nay? That's the question. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Words I write... go through my mind, like tasting fine wine on the lips. - Jennifer Webb
Jam on a winter took away the blue devils. It was like tasting summer. - Sandra Dallas
We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer tasting them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age. - Charles Caleb Colton
Jesus lived a life of deep meditation. If thoughts and words were physical objects, meditation would be the act of holding, examining, taking apart, tasting, smelling, listening to, and savoring in order to study and become one. - amy litzelman
Writing to you like this is the same as saying your name when I've woken up late, feeling sick, tasting rot. It's pointless, but it happens. - Gwendoline Riley
I have a fear of living a surface kind of life; barely existing, barely touching or tasting anything. That's why you'll always see me giving my all or walking away ~ I'm too full of depth to dance in the middle of anything. - Nikki Rowe
And the next time I reach for my pen,it won’t be to write about you again.The sun will feel warm on my skin once more,and I will get drunk on the colors of the skyinstead of tasting hangovers dripping from strangers’ lips. - Sade Andria Zabala
The kiss intimately relates to the most primitive kind of human contact, which can satisfy all of our needs, like: feeding, enjoying pleasure, tasting, wanting, rejecting, everything we associate with love. - Mabel Iam
In philosophy, phenomenology is the study of the structures of experience and consciousness. Wine blind tasting is the best phenomenology, phenomenology par excellence, returning us from our heads into the world, and, at the same time, teaching us the methods of the mind. - Neel Burton
Treading the soil of the moon, palpating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra... these form the most romantic sensation an explorer has ever known... - Vladimir Nabokov
When we allow the bitterness of others to consume us, it prevents any chance of tasting life’s sweetness. - Charles F. Glassman