Quotation Explorer - 'Satisfy'

Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed: for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess. - Rene Descartes
It's possible to satisfy the needs of the inner life by an intimate communion with nature, or by knowledge of the past. - Adolf Hitler
The work of a motivational speaker is not that of a shopkeeper, so s/he has to give what people actually need than what they merely want to just satisfy their greed. - Anuj Somany
It is impossible to satisfy self. Self always wants more and more. It is an ugly monster that will devour you if you don't devour it. Stop feeding it an watch the pressure be released. Self deprivation is much more fulfilling than self gratification. Who Knew? - Randa Manning-Johnson
Love is the dance of the spirit on a stage called heart with the songs of mind to satisfy our eternal desires to belong. - Debasish Mridha
We need to track back ISIS ideology to its origins, so as to pull it up by its roots. Then, and only then, we can establish a whole new understanding of the righteous religion rather than mere individuals’ interpretations that satisfy clerks desires and fantasies. - مُضر آل أحميّد
Words could never satisfy me, but life satisfies me. - Marty Rubin
Don't run around looking for someone who can sexually satisfy you, run around and look for the book which will intellectually satisfy you. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Never choose a situation which is a burden to your command only to satisfy fellows' standards; rather choose a situation that may be difficult but is compliment to your will. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread; they may satisfy appetite for the moment, but there is death in them at the end.
[To a first-term congressman who wanted wanted excused from voting with the party to satisfy his biggest contributors:] Son, if you can't take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women, and then vote against 'em, you don't deserve to be here.
Men are generally idle, and ready to satisfy themselves, and intimidate the industry of others, by calling that impossible which is only difficult. - Samuel Johnson
We spend great sum of money to buy good books, so that we can satisfy our pleasure of reading. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. - Lily Tomlin
Do not look back. And do not dream about the future, either. It will neither give you back the past, nor satisfy your other daydreams. Your duty, your reward- your destiny-are here and now. - Dag Hammarskjold
Tis easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. - Benjamin Franklin
You cannot pursue all your goals simultaneously or satisfy all your desires at once. And it's an emotional drain to think you can. Instead, you must focus on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term success and, at various points in your life, think carefully about your priorities. - Eric C. Sinoway
A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend. - Henry David Thoreau
When you reach the thing you were desiring, if it doesn't satisfy you, it was not what you were desiring. - C. S. Lewis
It is much easier to extinguish a first desire than to satisfy all of those that follow it. - François de La Rochefoucauld
If you are not satisfied with the things you have got then stop crying and start working and go get those things that will satisfy you. - Amit Kalantri
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need... but not every man's greed.
But wait ooo ....Alcohol(Outings & Fashion), Women/Men, Money, Thats all about it.you call this fun ? These don't satisfy ME and you both know how you feel when you are alone. IT STINKSJESUS SATISFIES, NOT CHURCH. - Mary Tornyenyor
In the struggle between the needs of the soul and the wants of the body, satisfy the soul first for it carries also the riches of the body. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi
Nobel intentions have no real meaning to them if you don't do it solely for you. Do it to satisfy your soul, not theirs. Don't do it in hope that it earns you a reward at the end, instead let the reward be the beauty created as a result of your actions. - Kendal Rob
Relaxation is good, holidays are necessary, but there is nothing as rewarding and healthy as doing what you love and loving what you do. Our honest toil should inspire and satisfy us. - Ogwo David Emenike
It’s never been easier for audiences to skip, filter, or avoid advertising, so the best ideas are the ones that respect that the audience needs to get something out of the work; it should inspire, satisfy, or motivate them. You can’t just bombard people with messages anymore. - Ajaz Ahmed
Material things may satisfy your temporal desires, but none can be taken with you when you're gone. Build your hopes on things eternal ! - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. - C. S. Lewis
The kiss intimately relates to the most primitive kind of human contact, which can satisfy all of our needs, like: feeding, enjoying pleasure, tasting, wanting, rejecting, everything we associate with love. - Mabel Iam
I am not a dog who needs a bitch to satisfy the life , i m here to build an empire and for that i will wait for my queen - surya pratap
After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on - have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains. - Walt Whitman
Choose a man who loves God more than he loves you. If he loves you more than he loves God you'll never be enough because no one and nothing can ever satisfy a man's soul but God himself. - Mei Jancorda
Don't dilute your core message burning in your spirit just to satisfy the masses - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Food- the only thing that the fortunate ones put aside to satisfy their fancy dietary plans and work load while the less fortunate ones work to earn. - Adhish Mazumder
We have created our own fake world in order to satisfy our imagination through the illusion. - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day's work absorb your entire energies, and satisfy your widest ambition. - Sir William Osler
The pleasures of the world are deceitful; they promise more than they give. They trouble us in seeking them, they do not satisfy us when possessing them and they make us despair in losing them.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you. - Wayne Dyer
Often the best way to overcome desire is to satisfy it. - W. Somerset Maugham
Approval is overrated...Approval and disapproval alike satisfy those who deliver it more than those who receive it. I don't care for approval, and I don't mind doing without. - Gregory Maguire
Sixty years is too brief a compass for man’s imagination. The incomplete joys of this world can never satisfy his heart. - Alexis de Tocqueville
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart.I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask.I want to exorcise the demons from your past.I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart. - Matthew Bellamy
Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.
To satisfy a want or a need, you must first go for it - Martin Powell
The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy. - Thomas Sowell
Sex doesn't satisfy for a lifetime, the more you have it, the more you want it. And the more you have it, the more you die out. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The writer writes in order to teach himself, to understand himself, to satisfy himself; the publishing of his ideas, though it brings gratification, is a curious anticlimax. - Alfred Kazin
Naming can satisfy a need, it can shorten a conversation that otherwise might go on for hours. - Nihad Sirees
I never can love you deep enough or long enough to satisfy me. - Debasish Mridha
Porn mainly exists to satisfy the physical needs of men. Unfortunately many young men use porn to get educated about sex. But porn is not romance, lovemaking and about an emotional connection with their girlfriend, wife, or lover. - Dr. Warren Shepell
If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. - C.S. Lewis
If your thirst for knowledge is strong enough, you will find the waters to satisfy it. - Debasish Mridha
The day I realized that sunshine doesn't satisfy everyone. It gave me an understanding of true contentment, which will always be found internally. - Tyconis D. Allison Ty
Cultures produce myths because they satisfy a deep-rooted human need: the need to make sense of life. Myths are appealing because they reduce the complexity of experience, by making things seem simple and absolute; myths define popular realities which are accepted readily, even uncritically. - Matthew Screech
One must count ones riches by the means one has to satisfy his desires. - Abbé Prévost
A man should live if only to satisfy his curiosity. - Yiddish Proverb
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Marketing's illusive promise is that this one product will change your life, make you feel more sexy, satisfy all your heart's desires. - L.G. Durand
Never question yourself to satisfy the comfort of those living blindly by the false masks of life. - Nikki Rowe
What if my greatest disappointments, or the aching of this life, is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy? - Laura Story
If you desire romance then give some it’s equally heartwarming. There’s many ways to satisfy one’s heart, and feel special. - Ron Baratono
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world. - C.S. Lewis
If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world. - C. S. Lewis
Art works to satisfy the instinct and the science works to satisfy the reason. - Thiruman Archunan
All the material wealth cannot satisfy the soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Do not give your heart to that which does not satisfy your heart. - Abba Poemen
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