Quotation Explorer - 'Empire'

You cannot build an empire hands folded. - Matshona Dhliwayo
They say the sun never sets over the British Empire, but it rises every morning. The sky must get awfully crowded. - Steven Wright
You look after your empire; I'll look after myself.
Empire always overreaches itself and thus dies by its own hand victim of its own ambitions - rassool jibraeel snyman
In fact, for a period stretching over seven hundred years, the international language of science was Arabic. For this was the language of the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, and thus the official language of the vast Islamic Empire that, by the early eighth century CE, stretched from India to Spain. - Jim Al-Khalili
If atheism solved all human woe, then the Soviet Union would have been an empire of joy and dancing bunnies, instead of the land of corpses. - John C. Wright
This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. - Voltaire
There are no little events with the heart. It magnifies everything; it places in the same scales the fall of an empire of fourteen years and the dropping of a woman's glove, and almost always the glove weighs more than the empire. - Honore de Balzac
The moist star, upon whose influence Neptune's empire stands. - William Shakespeare
All dreams of empire end because day breaks in the hearts of the slaves used to build it. - Luke Montgomery
He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire. - Lao-tzu
Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live on in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
A man who has built a world empire with only ideas and with love, not with swords and with archers, is the greatest amongst all the men! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Haters are my favorite. I´ve built an empire with the bricks they´ve thrown at me. Keep on hating... - CM Punk
Here was the puppeteer who was pulling strings all over the Empire. Didn’t he know that the Fates were the only ones who could tweak the threads of destiny? - Rosie Pugh
In summer the empire of insects spreads. - Adam Zagajewski
He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar.
The Golds have everything, yet they demand sacrifices even from their own. This place is sick. This empire broken. It eats its kings, its queens, as hungrily as it does the paupers who mill its earth. - Pierce Brown
The story became a cloud, and the cloud a sheet of rain, and rain fell throughout the empire. - Alice Hoffman
It is no coincidence that, on all four sides, in all four corners, the borders of the Roman Empire stopped where wine could no longer be made. - Neel Burton
What have I become?My sweetest friend; everyone I know goes away in the end.And you could have it all:my empire of dirt.I will let you down.I will make you hurt. - Nine Inch Nails
My heart's made of goldMy soul is pure steelLoved ones shall riseEnemies will kneelI soothe with water, attack with fireFor I am the master of my own empire. - Sarah Brownlee
Economic recession is a time that differentiates between ordinary and extraordinary firms; the former will fire while the latter will hire for it has a vision to build a sustainable business empire. - Anuj Somany
I am not a dog who needs a bitch to satisfy the life , i m here to build an empire and for that i will wait for my queen - surya pratap
If the teachings of the early Christians changed Rome and the entire Roman Empire, we can’t point to any great change that the teachings coming from our pulpits today are producing upon our world in general - Sunday Adelaja
At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess. - Amit Kalantri
The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman nor an Empire. - Voltaire
Some women born to raise a beautiful families while some women are born to build an empire from ashes and rule the rest. - Pradeepa Pandiyan
Do not build a castle around one act of kindness; do not build an empire around one act of cruelty. - Paul Bamikole
One Bagatelle, and I’ll raise you a novel, Megan had tweeted back.Writing for tea? Now that would have been a solution for the British empire, Laura returned.Writing for me, Megan had typed.I’ll write you a tea fortune.No deal. I want a novel. September sounds good. - L.L. Barkat
To be a Christian is to live dangerously, honestly, freely - to step in the name of love as if you may land on nothing, yet to keep on stepping because the something that sustains you no empire can give you and no empire can take away. - Cornel West
The perfection preached in the Gospels never yet built up an empire. Every man of action has a strong dose of egotism, pride, hardness, and cunning. But all those things will be forgiven him, indeed, they will be regarded as high qualities, if he can make of them the means to achieve great ends. - Charles de Gaulle
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