Quotation Explorer - 'Master'

Lots of people lose themselves in love, it's no shame, they write songs about it. The hitch is you can't stay lost, sooner or later you have to get back to yourself. If you can't then love becomes your master and you're just it's dog.
I am the master of my destiny. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To be the master of tomorrow's dreams, you must first be the servant of today's planning. - Vincent Lowry
I am master of my spoken words and slave to those which remain unspoken. - Ankita Singhal
Water flows through the path of least resistance.Obeying the will of a master and learning to adapt along the way - Kaleb Kilton
You are not meant to serve time. Time is meant to serve you. Become the master of your now - E'yen A. Gardner
Every exceptional writer holds a Master of Arts in Daydreaming. - Richelle E. Goodrich
You are a miracle, you are a light. You are not made of our weaknesses but of your strengths. You are a masterpiece made by The Master. Don't see yourself less! - Kemi Sogunle
Be the master of your craft in black and white, kick asses and run wild with it locally and globally. - Desmond Oshifeso
Master the courage to conquer any mountain - Lailah Gifty Akita
Every day is not a day to master but an adventure to experience. - A.D. Posey
Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it.Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window. - William Faulkner
Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace. - Dalai Lama XIV
‎Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else. - Henry Ward Beecher
Smartass Disciple: Master, what is the secret recipe of your happiness?Master of Stupidity: If I tell you, there is nobody left to be made fun of. - Toba Beta
The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
The creative mind can turn chaos into a master piece and call it Art. - Nikki Rowe
I am the master of my mind and fate. - Lailah Gifty Akita
jadi pilihlah suasana hati kalian, dalam situasi paling kacausekalipun. Karena kalianlah master dan penguasa hati kalian.Dan hati yang selalu bisa dikuasai pemiliknya, adalah hatiorang sukses, - Ustad Salman (Negeri 5 Menara)
Worthy character is best forged from a life of consistent, correct choices centered in the teachings of the Master. - Richard G. Scott
Life is a game and you are the player. As you master the game, so you also create it. - Jay Woodman
A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and a task for life; he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair, the rest of his days. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. - Stephen McCranie
Play always as if in the presence of a master. - Robert Schumann
The Christian who loves his Master needs not fear any longer for himself. For it is then completely irrational, as it is written thus: 'Perfect love casts out fear.' However, it is very much rational for one to instead fear for the enemies of God. - Criss Jami
Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. - Alan Lakein
Recognize, manage and master your beliefs. They aren’t genetic. They are choices. Choose ones that serve you. - Christopher Babson
The Slave master named Mahmel Was a nasty kind of thug, so Stiggy dropped a rock on him and squashed him like a bug. - John Flanagan
To master life, control the mind. To control the mind, guard your speech. - Radhe Maa
I am the master of my own destiny, so I choose greatness and nothing less. - Chiara Gizzi
We can never controlThe World, but from Ourselves we are the Master. - Jan Jansen
When you master the art of work, then your life becomes a work of art...and you're the artist and no one else paints your life for you. - Sotero M Lopez II
Master your instrument, master the music, and then forget all that crap and just play.
The artist has the master picture in his mind, before he begins to paint. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Forgiving other people does not mean that they will get away with what they did to you, it means that You are set free from the pain they have caused you. Forgiveness is the hardest lesson we are here to learn to master, but it is possible with time and patience. - Jeanette Coron
Read , read , he is the master of us all. Pierre-Simon Laplace - Euler
Master Chekhov says Man is what he believes. From here we conclude that when Man believes in a crap, Man becomes a crap! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Smartass Disciple: Why we shouldn’t judge others? Master of Stupidity: Don’t! Unless you are paid for it. - Toba Beta
If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. - Frank Herbert
The slave has but one master, the ambitious man has as many as can help in making his fortune. - Jean De La Bruyere
I suddenly asked my master Caeiro, Are you at peace with yourself? and he answered, No, I’m at peace. It was like the voice of the earth, which is everything and no one. - Álvaro de Campos
No man is free who is not master of himself. - Epictetus
When you understand the mechanincs of stress and master the techniques to manipulate someone's fears and dreams, you will be powerful. - Gregory Hartley
A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it - Roald Dahl
He is beginning to master wisdom when he tries to learn how not to try. - Paul Brunton
The measure of a master is his success in bringing all men around to his opinion twenty years later. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool. - Seneca
You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny. - Roy T. Bennett
Kindness is the master key which opens the gates of inner bliss. - Debasish Mridha
The Master said, What a worthy man was Yan Hui! Living in a narrow alley, subsisting upon meager bits of rice and water—other people could not have borne such hardship, and yet it never spoiled Hui’s joy. What a worthy man was Hui!(Analects 6.11) - Confucius
To produce things and to rear them,To produce, but not to take possession of them,To act, but not to rely on one's own ability,To lead them, but not to master them -This is called profound and secret virtue. - Lao-tzu
But when one does not complain, and when one wants to master oneself with a tyrant’s grip one’s faculties rise in revolt and one pays for outward calm with an almost unbearable inner struggle. - Charlotte Brontë
The Master said, If your conduct is determined solely by considerations of profit you will arouse great resentment. - Confucius
Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master their sadistic destructiveness. - Wilhelm Reich
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful. Praise be to AllahThe Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds: Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. (First Chapter from the Quran, Al Fatiha, which every Muslim prayer contains and begins with, but in Arabic) - Our Creator
I don't care for moon to be on my side, I already have his Master. - Jawwad Zafar
If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things. - Vincent van Gogh
MARRIAGE, n. The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two. - Ambrose Bierce
In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant. - Charles De Gaulle
If you find an action hard, do not try it but master. - Mahin Choudhary
Many a man lives a burden to the Earth, but a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, imbalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
Truth is a hard master, and costly to serve, but it simplifies all problems. - Ellis Peters
Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.
Tsze-Kung asked, saying, 'Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life?" The Master said, "Is not Reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." - Confucius
There is an easy way to silence your critics; just try to do what they say you can't do. If they are still not content, do more of it! Keep doing it until you become a master. Then look around, and you will see fewer critics and many compliments! - Israelmore Ayivor
If you can think independently, you are the master of this universe. - Debasish Mridha
If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out. - Mark Zuckerberg
The key to finding happiness in this life is realizing that the only way to overcome is to transcend; to find happiness in the simple pleasures, to master the art of just being. - Brianna Wiest
Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out - it's the grain of sand in your shoe. - Robert Service
Master To Be Mastered A MasterReligious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleOctober 18, 2016Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende - Petra Hermans
One of the greatest skills any leader can master is becoming comfortable with silence. - David Grossman
Money makes a monster of a man, that makes money his master. - Anthony Liccione
Master the attitude of gratitude and the pathway to abundance will open for you. - Pooja Ruprell
To be the best in whatever you’re doing you need to have a master plan. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Why comes temptation, but for man to meet and master and crouch beneath his foot, and so be pedestaled in triumph? - Robert Browning
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master. - George Washington
Smartass Disciple: Master, why God let human did sins in the beginning?Master of Stupidity: If the saviour must come, why should He prevent that? - Toba Beta
To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. - Milton Glaser
The simplified form of life is your Master, follow him without hesitation. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
don't be too much busy on imagining your your life as perfect as the romantic movies, you have your own private story that is being written by the master of the masters. - asma ismaciil
Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home. - Gore Vidal
God is the Master Author of your life. He has written every page of your life story in His eternal book. It's up to you to turn up the pages and move on with the next chapter or just get yourself stuck in the same content over and over again."- Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. - Abraham Lincoln
Every English poet should master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them. - Robert Graves
Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master. - Demosthenes
File Under General Wisdom: You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner?The master has failed more times than the beginner has tried. - Anonymous Facebook
Let every man be master of his fate. - Khalid Masood
Whenever someone introduces themselves as a Master or a Guru, I immediately wonder…If those are the lies they tell themselves, what lies will they tell me? - Steve Maraboli
The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose - especially their lives. - Eugene V. Debs
Propriety was a rigid master, but one that must be obeyed if one wanted to keep a sterling reputation. - Lawana Blackwell
Marriage: the state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all, two. - Ambrose Bierce
Part of being a Master is learning how to sing in nobody else's voice but your own. - Hugh Macleod
Life is like a game if you fail try again until you master and accomplish, but remember if you accomplish it glorify God who created you and gives you strength. - Daniel Habil
So the story of man runs in a dreary circle, because he is not yet master of the earth that holds him. - Will Durant
If you fail to control your thought, your thought will never fail to control you! Master the art of controlling your thought better and your thought will control you better - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Mastered To Be Mastered A Master : Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleOctober 9, 2016Babaji - Petra Hermans
There is a language for every heart, you just need to master one. - Alahdal A. Hussein
To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem. - Maurice Young
A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one. - Alexander Hamilton
However, he was happy. He felt he was conquering nature. He laughed aloud. He felt he was stronger than the elements. In this type of weather animals hid in their holes and did not come out. He was out, fighting the elements. He was a man, master of the world. - Jack London
Some think that they are incredible but are actually un-credible. Do you work, master your craft... - Rasheed Ogunlaru
LIII.What is the holiness of conversation? It isto master death. - Anne Carson
An ambitious amateur will rise above a complacent master. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. - Brian Tracy
loneliness is a great teacher and a master test of character - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! It is a dangerous servant and a terrible master. - George Washington
Refuse to be called master, otherwise people will start thinking that whatever you say is right! Refuse to be called master! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is other--outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women & wilderness, to be used as I see fit. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Logic, like science, must be the servant and not the master of man. - Winston S. Churchill
The arts are the servant; wisdom its master. - Seneca
You can always be better than your master but you can never change the fact that you were his student and he was your master! The seed must always respect for his soil! - Mehmet Murat ildan
One day you will be the one called Master (Naruto). You'll be the one to treat others to ramen. We can't stay kids forever."- Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) - Masashi Kishimoto
The master mind is the mind that thinks what it wants to think, regardless of what circumstances, environment or associations may suggest. - Christian D. Larson
Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be read to fight the enemy you can see. - أبو حامد الغزالي
He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself. - Philip Massinger
The slave has but one master; the ambitious man has as many as can help him in making his fortune. - Jean de la Bruyere
Just being a Christian doesn't mean you're better than anyone. Ever notice how Jesus was a servant instead of a master? - Jacob Bowen
Money should not dictate how I live my life..I must take charge and become the master of money, so that I decide what I want to do with my time. - Manoj Arora
We teachers can only help the work going on, as servants wait upon a master. - Maria Montessori
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. "It means just what I choose it to mean - neither more or less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all." - Lewis Carroll
To be a highflier and a name to conjure with, you must decide your dimension, plan your path, master the moment, focus on the future, determine your degree, push your persistence and leadyour life. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Lying is an art, if you can convince yourself with lie, then you are a master. - Nikhil Yadav
The real you suffocates under the layers of your learned identity. Uncover the layers so you can truly breathe again from the true center. Being aware of your infinite potential and access awakens the Master with the Master Key within. You have always been settled in oneness with All. - Franklin Gillette
Think good and positive thoughts and you will attract good and positive things, think bad and negative thoughts and you will attract bad and negative things. It’s as simple as that in theory, but it takes time to master it fully, it takes time, patience and practice. - Jeanette Coron
They decided to allow their baby to be born. What they did not realize is that they themselves were the ones who would be 'born,' infants in a new world where magic is commonplace, Harvard professors are the slow learners, and retarded babies are the master teachers. - Martha N. Beck
The best master is the one who raises many more masters and much more important than this, who creates masters even much better than himself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If thou are a master, be sometimes blind; if a servant, sometimes deaf. - Thomas Fuller
Put off this sloth,' the master said, 'for shame!Sitting on feather-pillows, lying reclined Beneath the blanket is no way to fame -Fame, without which man's life wastes out of mind, Leaving on earth no more memorialThan foam in water or smoke upon the wind - Dante Alighieri
Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life. - Carl Rogers
The purpose of four incarnative existence is the evolution of the soul. It is to learn, grow and become master of our own life. - Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Each man is master of his own death, and all that we can do when the time comes is to help him die without fear of pain. - Gabriel García Márquez
poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. - Leonardo da Vinci
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
A fool believes that math adds up, but also believes that they can master luck. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Money is a great servant but a bad master. - Francis Bacon
Master your mind and you'll master the world around you. - Stephan Labossiere
Love is a better master than duty. - Albert Einstein
if you can't control yourself, you will be controlled by others—choose your master. - Rick Julian
Smartass Disciple: How the hell do we find the truth ?Master of Stupidity: Just seek it with hope it’ll find you. - Toba Beta
don't take a multiple shots to have a master piece one, instead wait for a time which will give you a masterpiece at once. - kurbhatt
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action. - George Washington
Man has six organs to serve him and he is master only of three. He cannot control his eye, ear or nose, but he can his mouth, hand and foot. - Leone Levi
I like coincidences. They make me wonder about destiny, and whether free will is an illusion or just a matter of perspective. They let me speculate on the idea of some master plan that, from time to time, we're allowed to see out of the corner of our eye. - Chuck Sigars
When you fall so many times, you become the master of flight. - Nikki Rowe
Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public. - Winston S. Churchill
There are so many responses to the truth that would please the heart of our master. Heaven awaits only your decision. - Sunday Adelaja
There is an art of which every man should be a master the art of reflection. If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all? - William Hart Coleridge
No writer can be the ‘Master of the Words’ without loving them! Loving is the way for Mastering! No Love, no Master! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Humanity need not be taught in schools, it is a gift and skill one should master. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
Be a master of yourself. - Lailah Gifty Akita
In sorrow and in pain, still do remember your Master Jehovah; He can make things that do not matter, matter. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
You become the master of what you master. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it. - Confucius
Once you master starting and stopping, the rest is easy. - Marty Rubin
Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Practice, the master of all things. - Augustus Octavius
A wise master teaches. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Marriage, n.: The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two. - Ambrose Bierce
We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. - Ernest Hemmingway
Master the chaos within yourself and I promise you, you will gain the strength to withstand any storm. - Nikki Rowe
You are safe master nothing can harm you now - S GOEL
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
A wise man will be master of his mind, a fool will be its slave. - Publilius Syrus
You have control over yourself. You are the master of your destiny. You're the captain of your ship and YOU are the one who'll decide where to go... - Ane Krstevska
Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. - James A. Garfield President of the United States
Smartass Disciple: Master, please show me the way to the enlightenment.Master of Stupidity: Walk with me! [but I won't let you try to surpass me]. - Toba Beta
I feel like the queen of the oven! I am the Queen of all oven-dry! Master of heat! You may now address me as "Your Royal Highness"! - Elizabeth Duivenvoorde
If you fail at something, it means you have not mastered the art. With persistence practice, you will be master and eventually succeed. - Lailah Gifty Akita
One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels. - Gustave Flaubert
Some may say I did not write well...but no one can say I did not write...that is all that matters. One must attempt the things they desire and in the attempt, master their fear of failure for the only definitive failure is to never try. - Shelley K. Wall
Discipline friends is the master of excellence. - Sunday Adelaja
Anger should be your servant, not your master - Alok Jagawat
A true master is an eternal student - Yi
However, in this city (San Francisco) that prides itself in being so progressive, it feels like we need to go back and master something both simple as well as incredibly complex each other. We can learn to embrace our differences without making them a joke or a spectacle. - Crystal Sykes
Master: When a human being asks 'WHO AM I?', the honest answer is eternal silence.Disciple: Do we make noise to feel that silence, Master? - Saurabh Sharma
In dream, delusion, and fantasy, exist man’s next best reality: that place where he is the creator of his own worlds; where he builds, learns, discovers and entertains; is master of all outcomes, his own god of destiny, and thus the student of his own evolving and ever uncertain truth. - Duane Hewitt
The Master said, A true gentleman is one who has set his heart upon the Way. A fellow who is ashamed merely of shabby clothing or modest meals is not even worth conversing with.(Analects 4.9) - Confucius
Charm is deceptive, Wise is sly, having talent is impressive and that puzzles you why. I, but not you, know the mask that I wear. Like how a master knows its masterpiece which is unknown to the world. - Red Delachina
I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the full menu of rights. - Desmond Tutu
They say grief occurs in five stages. First there's denial followed by anger. Then comes bargaining, depression and acceptance. But grief is a merciless master. Just when you think you're free you realize you never stood a chance. - Emily Thorne
Smartass Disciple: Master, I’m going to change the whole world.Master of Stupidity: It changes within you. It changes without you. - Toba Beta
If you want to master your past at some point in time you’ll have to learn forgiveness. - Chris Vonada
Master the difference between somebody wanting to get into your business vs. somebody wanting to be of support to you, everyone is not out to destroy you - Tammie Beard
I'm a master at setting people off...' accounting my sexual history and scope of experience; surrendering; in conclusion an epic failure - Robert Wesley Miller
The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there. -, Zen master (1885-1973) - Yasutani Roshi
As an artist, my talents are not mine alone to just keep. My creations have to touch lives, spread love and let my skills be used only in good things but should be selfless not through selfish motives. In this manner, I am giving the gift back to my Master Creator." - Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
Regarding the creative: never assume you're the master, only the student. Your audience will determine if you're masterful. - Don Roff
Master Plato once said that Lux est umbra Dei; light is the shadow of God. I say this way: Light is the god of shadow! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Success in whatever format it prevails is founded on how deeply we master the inner workings of our minds. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
I'm not a clever man, but I'm willing to listen to people who are, and I think you are. Just don't try poking me in the direction you want me to go. I don't like that Master Balwer. - Robert Jordan
To understand the soulis to master the soul - Petra Hermans
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself - and be lenient to everybody else. - Henry Ward Beecher
The victim is always morally superior to the master; that is the victim's ambivalent triumph. That is why there have been so few notoriously wicked women in comparison to the number of notoriously wicked men; our victim status ensures that we rarely have the opportunity. - Angela Carter
Few of us would regret the years it takes to complete an education or master a crucial skill. So why complain about the perseverance needed to become a well-balanaced and truly compassionate human being? - Matthieu Ricard
Feel oddly barren. My sickness is when words draw in their horns and the physical world refuses to be ordered, recreated, arranged and selected. I am a victim of it then, not a master. - Sylvia Plath
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Liberace was certainly master and commander of the ivories ~ he is the only pianist I can watch or listen to without suffering a case of 'Stagefright Sympathy Sickness'. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Smartass Disciple: Master, what do say about the truth itself ?Master of Stupidity: Like sex, no fun anymore if all is revealed. - Toba Beta
Whereas a novice makes moves until he gets checkmated (proof), a Grand Master realizes 20 moves in advance that it’s futile to continue playing (conceptualizing). - Bill Gaede
The Master said, A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.(Analects 2.11) - Confucius
This man was no servant. She looked up at him in acute agitation and knew: this man was now her master. - V.S. Carnes
Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. - Helen Keller
The markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion. - Amory B. Lovins
Perfection exists no where, because we all live in fragments - mental, psychological, physical, spiritual. Being total is an art which takes many lives to master! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Describing my sexual history and scope of experience; am surrendering; in conclusion an epic failure'I'm a master at setting people off...of this it may continue... - Robert Wesley Miller
A master can tell you what he thinks of you. A teacher, though awakens your own expectations. - Patricia Neal
The master of thinking is like a master of sword! He can easily win any fight with a high art and a great elegance! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Jesus Christ is the Master of the business we are doing. We are not the master - Sunday Adelaja
The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. - Richard Bach
Even the Master, in one way or another, is a student throughout life. - Fakeer Ishavardas
In my perception and self - awareness of life, I see the big picture ~ I see my self ~ the place of my true home ~ the home of my soul.You are the Master of your own life - The key and beauty of your soul. - Angie karan
More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations. - Kofi Annan
It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy to me. I assure you, dear friend, no one has given so much care to the study of composition as I. There is scarcely a famous master in music whose works I have not frequently and diligently studied. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
When you have learned to love and control yourself, then you become the master of yourself. - Debasish Mridha
One challenge at a time, I try to turn into the face of fear and tell it you are not my master, you are the product of my self and I am your master. I look into the monster’s eyes until it disappears. Then I am free. - Rohvannyn Shaw
Sometimes the hardest power to master is the power of yielding. -Hestia - Rick Riordan
The conception of each star was at the point of no return; of a desperate soul struggling to master the winds! - C. JoyBell C.
The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings. - Eric Hoffer
We entertain God's Truth not as a guest but as master of the house. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
You can't always control what happens to you but you can master how you react to it. - Nikki Rowe
In success formula, master of history is the master builder of tomorrow - Dr Lloyd Magangeni
Jack of all trades or master of one? If you're a master of one, you'll soon be a master of none. Times are a changin. Be a jack of all trades. Or better, master of many! - Richie Norton
Control Master Theory suggests that our psychological problems come about in much the same way: our decision to make ourselves unhappy because one or both of our parents were unhappy is just as altruistic as our friend's decision to run through flames to save his daughter. - Lewis Engel
...A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton
Be the master of your own thoughts to control your future. - Debasish Mridha
Become the master of your life. Be dedicated to becoming excellent at what you want. Persistence leads to achievement. - Mark F. LaMoure
You will be most readily cured of vanity or presumption by studying the history of music, and by hearing the master pieces which have been produced at different periods. - Robert Schumann
I can conquer my fears.I can overcome my weaknesses.I can master my failures.I can survive my disappointments.I can beat my obstacles.I can endure my trials.I am strong.I am able.I am gifted.I am special.I am exceptional. - Matshona Dhiliwayo
Though you can love what you do not master, you cannot master what you do not love. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I cringe when critics say I'm a master of the popular novel. What's an unpopular novel? - Irwin Shaw
When a man is prey to his emotions, he is not his own master. - Baruch Spinoza
Pick the paper off the floor, throw it in the trash, study—even if you think you already know the subject, say thank you for an act of kindness, and be the support you want to receive. You want to become a master of the mundane, making it easier to be a sorcerer of success. - K. Abernathy Can You Action Past Your Devil's Advocate
The man who cannot obey God cannot say that he loves or trusts his Master. If God knows best then how dare we interfere with His will? - Alan de Jager
Master yourself, your thoughts and feelings, and you master the whole universe. - Jeffrey Fry
Love is the master key that opens every blessings door. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Man acts as though he were the sharper and the master of language, while in fact language remains the master of man. - Heidegger, Martin
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. - George Washington
A thing is never learned until we master it. - Debasish Mridha
Me too thy nobleness has taughtTo master my despair;The fountains of my hidden lifeAre through thy friendship fair. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
As the flectcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts. - Buddha
When u practice something with conscious mind n then continue practicing the same even with sub-conscious mind, You Master it.. - honeya
The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. - Robin S. Sharma
In that little pocket-size world of his, he was the absolute master. - Eileen Chang
Life is an unfinished art, few master it, most just bark. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Talk not of genius baffled, Genius is master of man. Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can.
It's the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion. - Rebecca West
If one is the master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time insight into and understanding of many things. - George Santayana
The Master said, The gentleman does not serve as a vessel.(Analects 2.12) - Confucius
In order to master compassion, you have to spend time getting to know monsters. When you can do that you will see that there are no monsters, only people that acted like monsters because no one gave them the time or compassion to hear their story. - Shannon L. Alder
A good book is the precious life-blood of the master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose for a life beyond. - John Milton
I was brought up in that other service; but I knew from the first that the Devil was my natural master and captain and friend. I saw that he was in the right, and that the world cringed to his conqueror only from fear. - George Bernard Shaw
An apprentice carpenter may want only a hammer and saw, but a master craftsman employs many precision tools. Computer programming likewise requires sophisticated tools to cope with the complexity of real applications, and only practice with these tools will build skill in their use.
The Master said, The gentleman understands what is right, whereas the petty man understands profit.(Analects 4.16) - Confucius
When the heart is beautiful, its light shines through the eyes, vocal tones and actions of its master. True beauty is not in the body, but in the heart of the beholder. - Suzy Kassem
Man is slave of emotions when they arise, and master of them when they don't. - Raheel Farooq
I tell you loneliness is the thing to master. Courage and fear, love, death are only parts of it and can easily be ruled afterwards. If I make myself master my own loneliness there will be peace or safety: and perhaps these are the same. - Martha Gellhorn
Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. - Phineas Taylor Barnum
Asking, "If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking, "If there is no master, whose slave will I be?" If your purpose of life is to submit as a slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom who should detest. - Dan Barker
A change of scene will not produce a change of thought in the master mind unless he so elects. - Christian D. Larson
Any work done with love - be it a photo or a meal or a painting - always looks so pretty, because love is a master of creating magical beauties! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Begin to study. You can master any field of choice. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The day is short, the labor vast, the toilers idle, the reward great, and the Master urgent. - Tarphon
People thank God when God no longer sits on the throne. The angels descend down to deliver miracles because they are trying to maintain the face of God. In the end, you must place your hopes and prayers with the angels. It has become quite sad in Heaven without its puppet master. - Lionel Suggs
Walking on the path I met my Master, known by a million names in different cultures and places yet people have forgotten the way to HIM. - Maitreya Rudrabhayananda
Few men desire liberty: The majority are satisfied with a just master. - Sallust
The muse is the mystic force, but you are the master. - A.D. Posey
Man is the master of Woman" - this statement may have been a glorious fact of primitive life in the wild, but it is nothing but an obnoxious stain on psyche of the thinking humanity. - Abhijit Naskar
I won't say that all senior citizens who can't master technology should be publicly flogged, but if we made an example of one or two, it might give the others incentive to try harder. - Chuck Lorre
Two such as you with such a master speedCannot be parted nor be swept awayFrom one another once you are agreedThat life is only life forevermoreTogether wing to wing and oar to oar - Robert Frost
Most of the people who have verbally asserted that ‘there is no master of pronounciation’ have intentionally made a claim and unintentionally made their claim believable. (It is ‘pro-nun-ciation’ not ‘pro-noun-ciation’.) - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Mind: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master. - Osho
One sheds ones sickness in books- repeats and presents again ones emotions, to be master of them. - D.H. Lawrence
These people were the first to master a new kind of late twentieth-century life. They thrived on the rapid turnover of acquaintances, the lack of involvement with others, and the total self-sufficiency of lives which, needing nothing, were never disappointed. - J.G. Ballard
The great mentor is master builder of great students. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If Patience is the Key of Success then Communication is the master key of it - Haris Siddique
Science and technology are the engines of prosperity. Of course, one is free to ignore science and technology, but only at your peril. The world does not stand still because you are reading a religious text. If you do not master the latest in science and technology, then your competitors will. - Michio Kaku
Smartass Disciple: Master, I want to eradicate all corruptions in this world.Master of Stupidity: Let it be a bit! Otherwise you'll make us jobless for good. - Toba Beta
My heart's made of goldMy soul is pure steelLoved ones shall riseEnemies will kneelI soothe with water, attack with fireFor I am the master of my own empire. - Sarah Brownlee
When it comes to broken trust, women are the master masons, building barriers that not even love can breach. But mothers…they are the architects. - Jason Worthley
The thing is to become a master and in your old age to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing. - Ernest Hemingway
There are many who wish to be masters over others. Rare indeed is the man who wishes to be master of himself - Radhe Maa
Darkness and anger, when combined, are their own master. - S.R. Ford
Time spent praying and planning gives you a master plan that works for your home and sets a pattern of order for your life. - Elizabeth George
Money is only a problem to those that aren't willing to develop a higher conscience about how to master it. - Robin Sacredfire
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