Quotation Explorer - 'Private'

While the invisible hand looks after the private sector, the invisible foot kicks the public sector to pieces. - Herman E. Daly
We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
All struggles against oppression in the modern woeld begin by redefining what had previously been consideered private, non-public and non-political issues as matters of public concern, as issues of justice, as sites of power. - Şeyla Benhabib
There are many things in your heart you can never tell to another person. They are you, your private joys and sorrows, and you can never tell them. You cheapen yourself, the inside of yourself, when you tell them. - Greta Garbo
Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence. - Richard Dawkins
We are parts of one universe, true enough. We stand within an almost infinite network of relationships. Yet each of us is a single point of consciousness, a unique event, a private, unrepeatable world. This is the essence of our aloneness. - Nathaniel Branden
Keep your relationship private but don't hide the fact you're in one. - Genereux Philip
It's important to have your private enjoyments because sometimes that's all we have. - Kay Ryan
In private life I never knew anyone interfere with other people's disputes but he heartily repented of it. - Thomas Carlyle
I came to the realization that there were certain public issues that were most usefully dealt with within some sort of framework of at least my private beliefs, if not my private life. - Anna Quindlen
Write about the thing that scares you most or your most private confession and you'll never have a problem coming up with decent fiction. - Don Roff
Justice: To seek it, one must be willing to give up the right to privacy, as nothing more private will become more public.
I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State; and as for the man who sets private friendship above the public welfare - I have no use for him either. - Sophocles
I am really Chloe Anthony Wofford. That's who I am. I have been writing under this other person's name. I write some things now as Chloe Wofford, private things. I regret having called myself when I published my first novel, The Bluest Eye. - Toni Morrison
God, how I still love private readers. It’s what we all used to be. - J.D. Salinger
Greatness consists not in the holding of some future office, but really consists in doing great deeds with little means and the accomplishment of vast purposes from the private ranks of life. To be great at all one must be great here, now, in Philadelphia. - Russell H. Conwell
I am an atheist but I promise whenever there is complete freedom of religion I would worship you as my private and individual God. - M.F. Moonzajer
Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. - John F. Kennedy
Everyone had learned that it was worth giving up privacy for the merest possibility of fame, and the idea that only a private self was truly autonomous and free had be lost in the static of the airwaves. - Salman Rushdie
Social justice has to do with issues such as poverty, inequality, war, racism, sexism, abortion, and lack of concern for ecology because what lies at the root at each of these is not so much someone's private sin but rather a huge, blind system that is inherently unfair. - Ronald Rolheiser
The only private sector industry where employees work with their lives on stake for the interest of common people is media industry. - Amit Kalantri
Some thirty inches from my noseThe frontier of my Person goes,And all the untilled air betweenIs private pagus or demesne.Stranger, unless with bedroom eyesI beckon you to fraternize,Beware of rudely crossing it:I have no gun, but I can spit. - W.H. Auden
Content thyself to be obscurely good. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station. - Joseph Addison
We feel a private thrill, admit it, at the sight of beauty in flames. We wish to blast all the fine old things to oblivion and replace them with tasteless identicalstructures. - Don DeLillo
The more men I kill, the more far away from home I feel -- Saving Private Ryan - Tom Hanks
A first kiss is the demarcation line: the same information that a moment ago felt private, all of a suddens seems unfair to withhold. And with that exchange came more. - Francesca Marciano
Leadership is a collective and constantly redistributed function, and not the private property of the few or The One. - Harrison Owen
The words ‘when I take you home’ echoed in the captain’s mind, caroming off that private place where all his suspicions and uncertainties slept. - Michelle Franklin
To attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils. - Adam Smith
We are living in a generation where people ‘in love’ are free to touch each other’s private parts but are not allowed to touch each other’s phones because they are private. - Robert Mugabe
The love of our private friends is the only preparatory exercise for the love of all men.
As private parts to the gods are we! They play with us for their sport. (Lord Melchett, Blackadder.) - Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
DEGRADATION, n. One of the stages of moral and social progress from private station to political preferment. - Ambrose Bierce
The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand. - Richard Feynman
What is the point of a relationship if not to grant two people the very private privilege to uplift one another every day? - Kamand Kojouri
What is prudence in the conduct of every private family can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. - Adam Smith
You should not live one way in private, another in public. - Publilius Syrus
A private individual may do anything except that which is legally forbidden; A government individual may do nothing except that which is legally permitted. - Ayn Rand
The idea that work competes with life ignores that life is actually the intersection and interaction of four major domains: work, home, community, and the private self. - Derric Yuh Ndim
God enters by a private door into every individual. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Writing a book is like raising a child. They are conceived in private, and with hard labor, delivered in due time and given a name. Our own DNA is written all over them, and we pray their life will be a blessing to others. - Danny L. Deaubé
Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. what a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau
A private organisation often inducts a new person treating him like a king, then it immediately ties him with string , clips his wing and asks him to fly as much as he can and even dance & sing to entertain the top brass who continues to sting him. - Anuj Somany
Morals are private. Decency is public. - Rita Mae Brown
How could a state be governed, or protected in its foreign relations if every individual remained free to obey or not to obey the law according to his private opinion. - Thomas Hobbes
gay marriage... always being an issue for the voting public when it should be an individual‘s private choice. - G.A. Hauser
Statesmanship is developed in the hard knocks of general experience, private and public. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Sabbath, in the first instance, is not about worship. It is about work stoppage. It is about withdrawal from the anxiety system of Pharaoh, the refusal to let one’s life be defined by production and consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being. - Walter Brueggemann
The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that's why they're called public servants. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called private individuals. - Glenn Greenwald
The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
We would not be ashamed of doing some of the things we do in private, if the number of sane human beings who do them in public were large enough. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Evil" is an inverted anagram of "live." As we live our life, learn to tame our own private demons and conquer evil with a good, pure, humble, courageous, patient heart. - Angelica Hopes
Every man's memory is his private literature. - Aldous Huxley
Greatness consists not in the holding of some future office, but really consists in doing great deeds with little means and the accomplishment of vast purposes from the private rants of life. To be great at all one must be great here, now, in Philadelphia. - Russell H. Conwell
To be allowed, no, invited into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. - Maya Angelou
Private property is redundant. "Public property" is an oxymoron. All legit property is private. If property isn't private it's stolen. - Gustave de Molinari
Private Latimer had become a monster, and he must have guessed this was so. Did a girl love him before? Could she continue to? - Ian McEwan
In his private heart no man respects himself. - Mark Twain
Sane and intelligent human beings are like all other human beings, and carefully and cautiously and diligently conceal their private real opinions from the world and give out fictitious ones in their stead for general consumption. - Mark Twain
Consider the weak point in your private life and make a resolution for it, you will be stronger than what you thought and you'll start to achieve your goals easily. - Auliq Ice
I'd wear any of my private attire for the world to see. But I would rather have an open flesh wound than ever wear a band aid in public. - Lady Gaga
The waking have one world in common; sleepers have each a private world of his own. - Heraclitus
keep the relationship with your God private, special & unique... then ignore all the filters other Christians use to look at you... - Mwirigi LG
Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards. - Robert A. Heinlein
The three most important parts a man has are, briefly, his private parts, his money and his religious beliefs. - Samuel Butler
In your opinion, where do private and political life, personal history and History meet? You know the answer, Maya. You say it unhesitatingly - in art and literature. - Abdourahman A. Waberi
If you have firm trust in God, the success that comes to you will always be that which is most useful for you whether it appears good or bad in your private judgment. - Francis de Sales
The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty. - A.E. Samaan
Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private. - Allen Ginsberg
There is nothing that is personal and private, it is all universal. All that stuff we share but don't admit to, and don't talk about...what is that about?
There is no separation between the gospel and culture, between how we live in society and how we live in our private lives, between the lordship of Jesus inside the four walls of a church building and outside that building. - Michael Brown
When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself. - Mark Twain
Forget decorated generals, tell me about Private Ryan. - Dejan Stojanovic
Honesty is the great essential. It exalts the individual citizenship, and, without honesty, no man deserves the confidence of the people in private pursuit or in public office. - Warren G. Harding
Politics: private interests masquerading as public concerns. - Marty Rubin
Probably one of the most private things in the world is an egg before it is broken. - M.F.K. Fisher
Every man ought to be supposed a knave, and to have no other end, in all his actions, but private interest. By this interest we must govern him, and by means of it, make him cooperate to public good, notwithstanding his unsatiable avarice and ambition. - Alexander Hamilton
My show is my statement. What I have to say is on the screen. My life is my own. I don't want to talk about my private self. Why should I? - Flip Wilson
The general will rules in society as the private will governs each separate individual. - Maximilien Robespierre
Private property and free trade stand on exactly the same footing, both being essential and indivisible parts of liberty, both depending upon rights, which no body of men, whether called governments or anything else, can justly take from the individual. - Auberon Herbert
Having to explain to a child of today, who has learned to swipe before they can speak, that certain aspects of a person’s life must remain private for the preservation of one’s sanity is almost frivolous. - Aysha Taryam
I believe we have an obligation to read for pleasure, in private and in public places. If we read for pleasure, if others see us reading, then we learn, we exercise our imaginations. We show others that reading is a good thing."[The Guardian, 15 October 2013] - Neil Gaiman
Speak of things public to the public, but of things lofty and secret only to the loftiest and most private of your friends. Hay to the ox and sugar to the parrot.
Federal and state laws (should) be changed to no longer make it a crime to possess marijuana for private use. - Richard M. Nixon
don't be too much busy on imagining your your life as perfect as the romantic movies, you have your own private story that is being written by the master of the masters. - asma ismaciil
Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. - A.W. Tozer
You can learn as much - or more - from one glance at a private space as you can from hours of exposure to a public face. - Malcolm Gladwell
...even though we do not have the wisdom to enumerate the reasons for the behaviour of another person, we can grant that every individual does have his private world of meaning, conceived out of the integrity and dignity of his personality. - Virginia M. Axline
NOMINEE, n. A modest gentleman shrinking from the distinction of private life and diligently seeking the honorable obscurity of public office. - Ambrose Bierce
In cities where peace and the arts flourish, men are more consumed by jealousy, worry, and anxiety than they are in cities under the blight of a besieging army. Private sorrows are more bitter than public suffering. - Voltaire
As I like to put it, we have hit pay dirt. The effort to cure the resource curse is a good example of what private foundations working with NGOs can accomplish. - George Soros
A time will come when a politician who has wilfully made war and promoted international dissension will be as sure of the dock and much surer of the noose than a private homicide. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not stake their own. - H.G. Wells
We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society. - Alan W. Watts
The drama of the essay is the way the public life intersects with my personal and private life. It's in that intersection that I find the energy of the essay. - Richard Rodriguez
I couldn't live a week without a private library - indeed, I'd part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor before I'd let go of the 1500 or so books I possess. - H.P. Lovecraft
Prayer in private results in boldness in public. - Edwin Louis Cole
Success always occurs in private and failure in full public view. - Unknown
America’s treasure troves of public and private data, IP, and critical infrastructure continues to be pilfered, annihilated, and disrupted, while an organizational culture of ‘Participation Trophy Winners managed by tech neophyte executives continue to lose one battle after the next. - James Scott, Sr. Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology
Men are private. This I have learned. They are whole continents of privacy; you can only go to the borders; you can look in but you cannot enter. - Niall Williams
Let's be private... I am different character and DeYtH is different as character. - Deyth Banger
People interfere in a person’s internal family matters not with an intention to resolve the feud, but mere with a selfish interest of showing own importance as a judge. Only foolish individual invites those devilish minds as mediators in own private home dispute. - Anuj Somany
Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.I have bought this wonderful machine a computer ... it seems to me to be an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. - Joseph Campbell
Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau
PRIVATE, n. A military gentleman with a field-marshal's baton in his knapsack and an impediment in his hope. - Ambrose Bierce
Fake people will insult you infront of the whole world but those who are true to you will insult you more but in private. - Shizra
Teddy Roosevelt "had relished "every hour" of every day as president. Indeed, (he was) fearing the "dull thud" he would experience upon returning to private life. - Doris Kearns Goodwin
So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private citizens will occasionally kill their.s - Elbert Hubbard
But the wild things cried, Oh please don’t go - we’ll eat you up - we love you so!And Max said, No!The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye. - Maurice Sendak
A lie is the most sacred private property on Earth. Governments claim it is not theirs, and that their critics are the rightful owners. - Gustavo Gus Larsen
Admit that your own private Mount Everest exists. That is half the battle. - Hugh Macleod
Government is a gang, but not merely as meritorious as a private gang because it claims legal legitimacy. It pillages and uses violence but under the cover of law, and seeks legitimacy not through competition but through the myth of the social contract. - Jeffrey Tucker
I did realize, as do you, how blessed I was to know bookjoy, the private pleasure of savoring text. - Pat Mora
No great deed, private or public, had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty. - Leon Wieseltier
I’ve been accused of being cold, snobbish, distant. Those who know me well know that I’m nothing of the sort. If anything, the opposite is true. But is it too much to ask to want to protect your private life, your inner feelings? - Grace Kelly
People form close friendships by knowing private things about each other, and the reason most people don't make close friends is because they're too embarrassed to share anything really important about themselves. - Eliezer Yudkowsky
The key to living a moral life is this: Do nothing in private that you would be ashamed to discuss openly with your mother.
Don't be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life...fear beauty! - Michael Bassey Johnson
Our thoughts are private to protect others not ourselves. People don't have the ability to handle what you really think about them - Morena Baloyi
I was determined to get them away from the idea that their education is a private experience. - Joan Countryman
I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands clean as they are empty. - Thomas Jefferson
To believe your own thought: To believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. - Henry David Thoreau
Arguments should always be held in private. Audiences inflate the ego. - L.J Vanier
Private Benjamin lives next door but one to Bob Cryer from The Bill. I once saw him crouching down behind a sycamore tree and using his nose as an Allen Key to release a starving rat. - St John Morris
Politics: "The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." - Ambrose Bierce
A private organisation may not have sufficient apple or other essential ingredients in its monthly stock, but its top brass will only talk about individual’s performance pie i.e. achievement vs target of apple-pie sales in the meeting. - Anuj Somany
I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. - George Washington
Education is a private matter between the person and the world of knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.
Nearly all legislation involves a weighing of public needs as against private desires; and likewise a weighing of relative social values. - Louis D. Brandeis
Most people have seen worse things in private than they pretend to be shocked at in public. - Edgar Watson Howe
Anatomy lessons are much more fun when conducted in a private coed environment. - Dixie Waters
My favorite thing about the Internet is that you get to go into the private world of real creeps without having to smell them. - Penn Jillette
Public prayers of are of little value unless they are founded on or followed up by private praying. - E.M. Bounds
We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict. - Jim Morrison
I have never believed there was one code of morality for a public and another for a private man. - Thomas Jefferson
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