Quotation Explorer - 'Sting'

Leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, To prick and sting her. - William Shakespeare
Honey is sweet but bees sting. - French Proverb
As many opinions you bound about a person, if you let go of them, you will attain a natural state. For whomever and for whatever matter, you have bound opinions, those opinions will continue to sting you and when you let go of those opinions, you can become natural. - Dada Bhagwan
I love bright words, words up and singing early;Words that are luminous in the dark, and sing;Warm lazy words, white cattle under trees;I love words opalescent, cool, and pearly,Like midsummer moths, and honied words like bees, Gilded and sticky, with a little sting. - Elinor Wylie
Sting my heart, but don't rip it apart. - Raven Frost
Time doesn't heal all wounds, only distance can lessen the sting of them. - Shannon L. Alder
Having high resilience does not mean it doesn't sometimes sting. - Aisha Mirza
Did you feel it? Did you feel the darkness in their souls and their countless evil deeds? Their fate was to die in my grasp, beneath the sting of my bite. - Demetri Bithanos from the Dragon Queen Series
There are words which sever hearts more than sharp swords; there are words the point of which sting the heart through the course of a whole life.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. - Muhammad Ali
The pleasure of sin is soon gone, but the sting remains. - Thomas Watson
Some guys like to undermine a girl's self-esteem with little verbal jabs. Eventually it all adds up. One bee sting doesn't hurt a horse, but enough bee stings can kill a horse. - Oliver Gaspirtz
Honey does not lose its sweetness because it is made by bees that sting. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The devil, darkness, and death may swagger and boast, the pangs of life will sting for a while longer, but don't worry; the forces of evil are breathing their last. Not to worry...He's risen! - Charles R. Swindoll
There was a large sting near his upper lip. I touched it lightly. Does it hurt?My gaze moved from his lips up to his eyes. He was looking at me in a way that made me blush.Yes, he responded quietly. - Colleen Houck
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? - Bible
May I forget what ought to be forgotten; and recall, unfailing, all that ought to be recalled, each kindly thing, forgetting what might sting. - Mary Caroline Davies
You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'emBut you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em - Eminem
If a friend starts behaving silly because you bother him so much, don't worry, you're not the first person, he has got a sting in his stomach, an hunger that causes an epidemic hatred. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Aelin sighed. 'This place has been shut down for months, and yet I swear I can still hear the music floating in the air.'Rowan angled his head, studying the dark with those immortal senses. 'Perhaps the music does live on, in some form.'The thought made her eyes sting. - Sarah J. Maas
A lot of people approach risk as if it's the enemy when it's really fortune's accomplice. - Sting
A private organisation often inducts a new person treating him like a king, then it immediately ties him with string , clips his wing and asks him to fly as much as he can and even dance & sing to entertain the top brass who continues to sting him. - Anuj Somany
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. - William Arthur Ward
Bees sting us to remind us we're real. - Marty Rubin
I prefer male enemies to female ones; I can survive a dog’s bite better than a scorpion’s sting. - Matshona Dhliwayo
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