Quotation Explorer - 'Responded'

Democrats were quick to point out that President Bush's budget creates a 1 trillion dollar deficit. The White House quickly responded with "Hey, look over there, it's Saddam Hussein."
You have always understood and accepted my most genuine, most intimate impulses and responded to them with surprising accuracy. I wish all people turned into such mirrors for each other. - Igor Eliseev
I'm appalled with description of "Sex Criminal" as recreation. Just responded to "20 minutes of action" by father of Stanford rapist. Lots of women at Goodreads, what are you thinking? - Bawb Cawx
Whoa, that dude is incredibly gay". He said. "And you're incredibly straight". I responded. Big difference, I thought. - Mekiah Johnson
When first asked if he would grant an interview with TIME, Greene responded by asking a question of his own: 'Does the candidate get paid? - Michael Scherer
There was a large sting near his upper lip. I touched it lightly. Does it hurt?My gaze moved from his lips up to his eyes. He was looking at me in a way that made me blush.Yes, he responded quietly. - Colleen Houck
The poet Mallarmé listened to the painter Degas complaining about his inability to write poems even though he was full of ideas. My dear Degas, Mallarmé responded, poems are not made out of ideas. They’re made out of words. - Stéphane Mallarmé
Why don't they let us explain who we are?' Derin protested 'It's not fair judging us like that without giving us a chance to speak'Marna laughed mirthlessly.'Do you think that would help?' she responded. 'The face of fear has neither eyes nor ears. It is blind and deaf to all but its own terrors. - Victor Kelleher
A guy said to a girl he liked; ' I am scared of loving again' The girl responded ; ' the only thing that scares me is living a life of regret, in never chasing that things that once took my breath away - Nikki Rowe
When asked for advice on how to write a short story, Carlos Cortés responded, No advice. Every writer has to exorcise his own demons. - Carlos Cortés
Lady Astor was also said to have responded to a question from Churchill about what disguise he should wear to a masquerade ball by saying, "Why don't you come sober, Prime Minister?"(Reported exchange with Winston Churchill) - Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
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