Quotation Explorer - 'Gaze'

we can look underneath a rock or we can gaze upward into the skywe may choose to hear the whisper, or only turn to feel the warmth of a breathall to grasp the moment a message is passing bye, knowing all the time that we are not alone by chance... - levi paul taylor
It is beautiful to talk about beautiful things and even more beautiful to silently gaze at them. - Dejan Stojanovic
Till tomorrow good sir one must but gaze at stars - Andrew Fisher
He who fights monsters should look into it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you.
When I lay these questions before God I get no answer. But a rather special sort of 'No answer.' It is not the locked door. It is more like a silent, certainly not uncompassionate, gaze. As though He shook His head not in refusal but waiving the question. Like, 'Peace, child; you don't understand. - C.S. Lewis
No jewels, save my eyes, do I own, but I have a rose which is even softer than my rosy lips. And a quiet youth said: 'There is nothing softer than your heart.' And I lowered my gaze... - Vladimir Nabokov
He had golden-brown hair, the most vivid baby-blue eyes, and a body that belonged on the cover of Men’s Health magazine. Her gaze roamed over his broad shoulders and down his chest. - Lia Davis
Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon’s location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger. - Hui-Neng
It is difficult to describe the peace that comes with giving yourself permission to know what you know. To have hard, complicated realities staring at you and be able to raise your head and look back at them with a steady gaze, scared maybe, grieved perhaps, but straight on and unwavering - Valerie Tarico
They tended to look at his lips, for his transient gaze was dizzying, though the mouth, you see, the mouth was also a danger, for the teeth would do the unraveling. - Erica Alex
We gaze up at the same stars, the sky covers us all, the same universe encompasses us. What does it matter what practical system we adopt in our search for the truth? Not by one avenue only can we arrive at so tremendous a secret. - Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
There are women who inspire you with the desire to conquer them and to take your pleasure of them; but this one fills you only with the desire to die slowly beneath her gaze. - Charles Baudelaire
Why is it people will complain, when they have an open door, where they can walk out to and gaze the stars; rather than having a closed door to lock them in? - Anthony Liccione
When eyes have died in its gaze, know the heart had died in its blaze. - Anthony Liccione
placid, adj.Sometimes I love it when we just lie on our backs, gaze off, stay still. - David Levithan
Beneath her curls, I forget the world,With a mere gaze she raises my hopes of gold. Love is as much in her heart as in mine,But she doesn’t say it, her punishment so divine. - Faraaz Kazi
When the Day of Judgment dawns and people, great and small, come marching in to receive their heavenly rewards, the Almighty will gaze upon the mere bookworms and say to Peter, Look, these need no reward. We have nothing to give them. They have loved reading. - Virginia Woolf
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
For there comes a day on which we will see a mirror of judgement; to gaze not on man, but within ourselves. what cometh on that day in you? truth or despair? love or hate? - Robert Vanleeuwen
What is seen by all on FB becomes what each person also sees in the mirror when he sees himself. The others’ gaze, but also the others’ values, opinions, and judgements become one’s own. - Nicos Hadjicostis
I neither knew nor cared whether my experience was insanity, dreaming, or magic; but was determined to gaze on brilliance and gaiety at any cost. - H.P. Lovecraft
Her eyes are sad.My thoughts are sadder.And you can't fall in love with me.She slowly walks inside, avoiding my gaze as she watches her feet with each step.They're the saddest steps I've ever seentaken.I close the door.It's the saddest door I've ever had to close. - Collleen Hoover
She turned around to look at me with her enchanting gaze that further pierced my heart; a look I would never forget and I would retain till perpetuity and think of it always whenever she came to my mind. And that is not going to be a few times, if my heart is to have its way. - Faraaz Kazi
When I gaze deep into your mind, I am met with the beauty of a thousand diamonds Z_m - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Unable and crippled I amAs I gaze into the vastnessThe vastness that harbors your praiseAnd glories of the best of creation...If I tried to spell..A drop of ink from your loveMa quill would burn in shamefor your love match no words...ya rasoolullah! - Anila Aboo
All sky full of color, stars & mirage , i gaze , i gaze & i gaze . - Ankit Samrat
Don't ever let the blessings from your hand take my gaze off the beauty of your face or my pursuit of the beating of your heart. - BJ Richardson
And here's the surprising truth: As you gaze at yourself in the mirror held by another, you will see far more than your flaws. You also will see the beauty that is uniquely you; beauty that others see clearly and you may hardly know exists. That is also part of the truth about you. - Steve Goodier
Of course, fashions come and go but metrosexuality isn’t a fashion it’s an epoch. It represents a fundamental shift in what men are allowed to be and to want. Men are now permitted to be ‘passive’ inviting our gaze. - Mark Simpson
Don't turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That's where the light enters you. - Jalaluddin Rumi
He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Feminism is a way of thinking and being, not a way of dressing. You know a feminist by her gaze, not her neckline. - Sophia Amoruso
Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat: coeli scrutantur plagas. (No one sees what is before his feet: we all gaze at the stars.)
Her gaze traveled across the western sky that was dotted with clouds and was held by the wintry looking sun, so pure, so lovely, and so impossible to touch. Sheila felt that that was how her love was - Out of reach, unquestionably warm, and as certain as the celestial ball. - Shampa Sharma
All other creatures look down toward the earth, but man was given a face so that might turn his eyes toward the stars and his gaze upon the sky. - Ovid
Life is a maze. Don't just gaze. Change your pace, to win the race. - RVM
Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God. - A.W. Tozer
I have long thought that anyone who does not regularly - or ever - gaze up and see the wonder and glory of a dark night sky filled with countless stars loses a sense of their fundamental connectedness to the universe - Brian Greene
Pride is the chalice into which all human sins are poured: it glitters and jingles and its arabesque lures your gaze, while your lips involuntarily touch the seductive beverage. - Vladimir Odoevsky
Look in the mirror. The face that pins you with its double gaze reveals a chastening secret. - Diane Ackerman
How exquisite that gaze of yours would be if you were being whipped to death, in the last agony.
When nobody will look at you, you can stare a hole in them. Picking out all the little details you'd never stare long enough to get if she'd ever just return your gaze, this, this is your revenge. - Chuck Palahniuk
I think your hair could blow every which ways in a high wind and still look pretty," he answered, then dropped his gaze and cleared his throat. "Uh, well, are you ready to go?" he added in a brisker tone."Joshua - Werner A. Lind
One thing I have asked from Jehovah- It is what I will look for- That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, To gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah And to look with appreciation upon his temple. - New World Translation of the World Scriptures
But in a still life, there is no end to our looking, which has become allied with the gaze of the painter; we look in and in, to the world of things, in their ambiance of cool or warm light, in and in, as long as we can stand to look, as long as we take pleasure in looking. - Mark Doty
And yet, protest it if we will,Some corner of the mind retainsThe medieval man, who stillKeeps watch upon those starry skeinsAnd drives us out of doors at nightTo gaze at anagrams of light. - Adrienne Rich
Once you have flown, your eyes will ever gaze skyward. For once you have been there ... There you will go again! - Leonardo Da Vinci
Choose your thoughts, carve them in your mind and fix your gaze on them always. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Gaze upon others with eyes of love. - Debasish Mridha
His hand came out and captured her by the chin. She froze, finding it hard to breathe as he gently raised her face to meet his gaze. - Lia Davis
There was a large sting near his upper lip. I touched it lightly. Does it hurt?My gaze moved from his lips up to his eyes. He was looking at me in a way that made me blush.Yes, he responded quietly. - Colleen Houck
I sense the joy of young and old,I hear wondrous tales told,Beauty surrounds me as I gaze above,But I am alone for I live without love. - Anonymous
Why dost thou gaze upon the sky? O that I were yon spangled sphere! Then every star should be an eye, To wander o'er thy beauties here. - Sir Thomas More
His gaze swept her head to toe. You’re wearing my colors, love. He stalked forward and leaned down to brush her cheek with a kiss. Soon you’ll be wearing me, he whispered for her ears only. - Rebecca Zanetti
Create simple ways to prove the Divine exists in every aspect of your life and then make the choice to cast your gaze only upon those things that make your heart sing loudest. - Molly Friedenfeld
tell meof something fiercer than the love with which i gaze upon youof something softer than the tendernesswith which i hold you. - Sanober Khan
Most people gaze neither into the past nor the future; they explore neither truth nor lies. They gaze at the television. - Radiohead
He will be sorry for the way he treated you, Don't you worry about that. Focus on your growth and watch his eyes gaze in sorrow as he knows, he was the bastard that made you strong. - Nikki Rowe
Best *sometimes it is best not to speakbut just gaze silentlyinto the infinity of your own soul_____________________________ (c) 2015"The Poetic Assassin - rassool jibraeel snyman
There is no need for arms, physical violence, material constraints. Just a gaze. An inspecting gaze, a gaze that each individual under its weight will end by [internalising] to the point that they are their own overseer, each individual thus exercising surveillance over, and against themself. - Michel Foucault
Shepherds lift their heads,not to gaze at a new lightbut to hear angels. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Men's eyes were made to look, let them gaze, I will budge for no man's pleasure. - William Shakespeare
Once I saw a chimpanzee gaze at a particularly beautiful sunset for a full 15 minutes, watching the changing colors [and then] retire to the forest without picking a pawpaw for supper. - Adriaan Kortlandt
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
As we gaze on Christ, the mind is informed, and the heart is inflamed, and the body begins to line up. - Matt Chandler
For me, it's always a little sad getting out of bed. Every morning after I get up, I always gaze longingly at my bed and lament, 'You were wonderful last night. I didn't want it to end. I can't wait to see you again. - Jim Gaffigan
Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon. - Ikkyu
I gaze forward without fear. - Alexander Pushkin
He turned his gaze upon her, and their eyes not only met, the pupils shook hands, exchanged business cards, and sat down for tea together. - John Moore
Her blond hair hung loose, cascading around her shoulders, and stopping over her breasts. She turned toward him, violet eyes meeting his gaze. For a moment, he lost all coherent thought. - Lia Davis
But I've grown thoughtful now. And you have lost Your early-morning freshness of surprise At being so utterly mine: you've learned to fear The gloomy, stricken places in my soul, And the occasional ghosts that haunt my gaze. - Siegfried Sassoon
I’m not a lot of trouble, she said.His gaze slid to her mouth. You sure about that?Completely. And then she flashed him an indeed trouble-filled smile.And that’s when he knew. He was the one in trouble. Deep trouble. - Jill Shalvis
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