PIG, n. An animal (_Porcus omnivorus_) closely allied to the human race by the splendor and vivacity of its appetite, which, however, is inferior in scope, for it sticks at pig. - Ambrose Bierce
Great wits are sure to madness near allied And thin partitions do their bounds divide.
What the world stigmatizes as romantic is often more nearly allied to the truth than is commonly supposed. - Anne Brontë
But in a still life, there is no end to our looking, which has become allied with the gaze of the painter; we look in and in, to the world of things, in their ambiance of cool or warm light, in and in, as long as we can stand to look, as long as we take pleasure in looking. - Mark Doty
There is a courtesy of the heart; it is allied to love. From its springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe