Quotation Explorer - 'Enchanting'

Everything has a purpose on our earth which reflects within us our own self-worth.Chepi, Meet the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure - Chris DiSano Davenport
She turned around to look at me with her enchanting gaze that further pierced my heart; a look I would never forget and I would retain till perpetuity and think of it always whenever she came to my mind. And that is not going to be a few times, if my heart is to have its way. - Faraaz Kazi
What music is more enchanting than the voices of young people, when you can't hear what they say? - Logan Pearsall Smith
Philosophy is the toil which can never tire persons engaged in it. All ways are strewn with roses, and the farther you go, the more enchanting objects appear before you and invite you on. - Mary Wortley Montagu
Pursuing your passions makes you more interesting, and interesting people are enchanting. - Guy Kawasaki
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