Quotation Explorer - 'Freshness'

To enjoy the freshness of life, be simple like water. - Debasish Mridha
Early in the morning, at break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one’s strength, to read a book I call that viciousness! - Friedrich Nietzsche
The beauty of a loving smile has a timeless freshness. - Debasish Mridha
Peace is a fresh flower; when it's freshness and beauty touches heart,it will last forever. - Debasish Mridha
But I've grown thoughtful now. And you have lost Your early-morning freshness of surprise At being so utterly mine: you've learned to fear The gloomy, stricken places in my soul, And the occasional ghosts that haunt my gaze. - Siegfried Sassoon
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. - John Muir
Finding a life partner is like choosing a bed. You need one as a friend either in times of health or sickness. Freshness or weariness. Happiness or sadness. And we can be certain that we've picked the right one without having to sleep with it first. - Isman H. Suryaman
Let happiness bloomIn the freshness of your mind,In the gentle wind of your thoughts.On the ground of kindness and compassion. - Debasish Mridha
I think that freshness and that innocence is something that is missing from a lot of female singers. I'm certainly not denying that I'm young, but I'm not fluff. - Jessica Simpson
The freshness of a smile and the fragrance of a perfume often define the personality of a woman. - Debasish Mridha
I have nothing to do today but to smell the freshness of flowers and feel the joy of life. - Debasish Mridha
Oh my love! You are the light of love in the darkness. I am longing for you, you are my flower and freshness. - Debasish Mridha
And then, the unspeakable purity and freshness of the air! There was just enough heat to enhance the value of the breeze, and just enough wind to keep the whole sea in motion, to make the waves come bounding to the shore, foaming and sparkling, as if wild with glee. - Anne Bronte
(speaking of Ann Radcliffe) A work of art worthy of the name is one which gives us back the freshness of the emotions of childhood. - André Breton
A classic is classic not because it conforms to certain structural rules, or fits certain definitions (of which its author had quite probably never heard). It is classic because of a certain eternal and irrepressible freshness. - Edith Wharton
Moments of prayer intruded on by sloth cannot be made up. We may get experience, but we cannot get back the rich freshness and strength which were wrapped up in those moments. - Frederick W. Robertson
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