Quotation Explorer - 'Creates'

It’s not the destination (of seeking the truth) that creates our dignity or integrity, it’s the journey. From Messages From a Grandfather, by - Robert Gately
Change is neither good nor bad. It only creates a different situation. - Daniel Egger
Every perfect traveler always creates the country where he travels. - Nikos Kazantzakis
Brutality creates respect.
Books create readers; conversation creates friends. - Marty Rubin
We create our own reality. The blessing (or problem) with this is that when one creates one's own reality, one must live it! Are you living a blessing or is it a curse? - Gary R. Ryan
Poetry creates the myth, the prose writer draws its portrait. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Electronic communication is an instantaneous and illusory contact that creates a sense of intimacy without the emotional investment that leads to close friendships. - Clifford Stoll
The mind that does inner intentions (bhaav-mann) is the ‘charge’ mind. The mind that is getting exhausted (dravya-mann) is the ‘discharge’ mind. Bhaav-mann creates the worldly life. Dravya-mann brings an end to the worldly life. When egoism goes away, bhaav-mann vanishes. - Dada Bhagwan
When you start speaking the "TRUTH" it creates enemies out of Ignorance. But always learn to speak the truth, though, it should be a solid weapon to a positive progression. - Henry Johnson Jr
purpose of life give away to vision, vision creates dream, and dreams become reality. - charley sweeney
Any proposition containing the word "is" creates a linguistical structural confusion which will eventually give birth to serious fallacies. - Alfred Korzybski
Whenever negativity makes us drip, Inspiration creates a flip from Negative to Positive. - RVM
Emptiness is not a great loss. It creates a great opportunity to fill yourself again and again with great love. - Debasish Mridha
Two wrongs' create an additional problem.'A wrong' plus 'A right' creates a remorse.'Two rights' create a solution. - Emmanuel Aghado
The historian records, but the novelist creates. - E.M. Forster
Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It's a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment. - Zack W. Van
Courage is living by the free will that one creates for themselves, not the life of monotony determined by another. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
Knowledge is essential to conquest; only according to our ignorance are we helpless. Thought creates character. Character can dominate conditions. Will creates circumstances and environment. - Anne Besant
Quality speaks by itself. Rightly communicated it creates Joy. Like an Infant needs no words to express to her mother. Any success of communication enhances beauty of both, which too needs no words to endorse. - Priyavrat Thareja
Our heart creates everything from nothing. That is the magical power of love. - Debasish Mridha
Transformation is my favorite game and in my experience, anger and frustration are the result of you not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life. Being fake about anything creates a block inside of you. Life can’t work for you if you don’t show up as you. - Jason Mraz
Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love. - Morihei Ueshiba
Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes. - Stephen Richards
Since when has love ever looked for reasons, or evidence? Why would love bow to the reality of things, when it creates a reality of its own, so much more vivid, wherein everything resonates to the key of the heart? - Paul Murray
For women, men creates war, even though women are the symbols of love, peace, and harmony. - Debasish Mridha
Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich. - Sarah Bernhardt
Hating creates a hole in the heart. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Thanksgiving creates abundance. - Ann Voskamp
Correction badly undertaken creates distance. - Kevin Thoman
When the inner beauty exceeds the outward beauty--it creates a magical dance in the heart. - Angie karan
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. - Herbert Simon
Film and novel characters are often stereotyped, but racial stereotyping in many novels or films creates & encourages labelling, discrimination & racism. ~ - Angelica Hopes
Earthly possessions are transient and ephemeral. Giving away love creates ripples that last for some time. - Debasish Mridha
The disease of intolerance is not communicated only in religious groups. I’ve seen it infect racial groups, economic groups and even whole nations (where it is often cleverly disguised as patriotism). Intolerance always fences people out. It creates one group we call US. And the rest we call THEM. - Steve Goodier
Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The best master is the one who raises many more masters and much more important than this, who creates masters even much better than himself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A leader creates a new way to success for followers and inspires them to follow him toward the ultimate purpose. - Debasish Mridha
A leader first tries to listen, then tries to understand, then creates a common vision and then together takes action for the realization. - Debasish Mridha
Do you truly believe in the worthiness of your dreams? Do you truly think they are worth the consistent effort required to make them manifest? Once you truly believe, nothing can stop you but yourself, for such belief is the same power which creates and maintains all existence. - Stephen Richards
A kind thought, word, or action creates infinite ripples of caring, consideration, and peace. - Amy Leigh Mercree
A living being either creates or destroys...some choice. - Mike Redican
Family is a permanent adhesive that creates a lifetime bond. - Conrad Brooks
No misery ever so beautiful than the one this mind creates. - Vivid Darkness
The ripple effect. You throw a pebble into the water and it creates ripples. Your action was to throw the pebble—the representation of your choice. That’s all that you can control. But not the ripples—those are the consequences of your choice. And that you cannot control. - Michele Bardsley
Negativity is a debilitating disease. It is a slow and painful way to experience life. It attacks the immune system, creates anxiety, and can lead to loneliness and depression. Finding your inner harmony is the quickest way to alleviate the methodical destruction of this dark energy - Gary Hopkins
I have to hold that up as a metaphor for everything, being prepared and then being brave enough to just be there. Just listen and follow, maybe jump. Everyone leans in, it brings them into your emotional vicinity because, you said "Risk creates intimacy - Mary-Louise Parker
Your vibe creates your tribe. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Earth is a heaven but man often creates many hells within this heaven and a fascist country is one of the hottest and the most suffocating hell amongst all those hells! - Mehmet Murat ildan
One who speaks ‘completely’ negative creates karmic obstructions (antray) and ‘positive’ does not create any obstruction (antray). - Dada Bhagwan
We find beauty not in the thing itself but in the patterns of shadows, the light and the darkness, that one thing against another creates. - Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
Belief creates the actual fact. - William James
Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely rather than risk failure. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the downward spiral begins. - Charles F. Stanley
If life was a piano light and darkness would be the keys. And shadows would be the melody that creates the harmony. - Joe Rodriguez
Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future. - Lewis B. Smedes
Environment' is a term that creates no pictures in the mind, which is why I have begun to use 'natural world' or 'living planet' instead. - George Monbiot
Clever wives are mostly silent ,alert and pay equal attention to limiting the kind and degree of emotions of family which creates and destroy HOMES. - Kishore Bansal
Love if mishandled spreads hatred and creates agony and chaos. - raja shakeel mushtaque
Vision is purpose, and when your purpose is clear so are your life choices. Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety, no doubt-just absolute confidence.
To find a peaceful world, a man of wisdom creates peace within himself. - Debasish Mridha
The universe is a deep, still body of water in which we all swim. Every move that we make creates a ripple that echoes across reality and the deeper that we swim, the more force those waves carry and the farther they may span. - Cristen Rodgers
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. - Scott Adams
Nature creates curved lines while humans create straight lines. - Hideki Yukawa
Every Human creates for another Human, So every Human has a 'Hope' for other Human, Try to recognize and never let it down because your 'Hope' is also in hand of another Human. - Arbab J. Edhi
A writer creates wings of words and lets them fly in the sky of readers' minds. - Debasish Mridha
Every man has two lives: The first one is the one we are living now and the second one is our memories! Memories are our invisible lives. But you must know that it is your first life that creates your second life! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Anger is an indication of pain and pain is an indication of sadness that grows inward and creates a lot of discomfort. - Euginia Herlihy
A simple journey creates a peaceful life. - Debasish Mridha
The most beautiful as well as the most ugly inclinations of man are not part of a fixed biologically given human nature, but result from the social process which creates man. - Erich Fromm
Punishment creates crime. - Silvia Hartmann
I think what creates a winner is a person who can connect with their partner - another human being.. connect with their soul - Patrick Swayze
What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
In the space which thought creates around itself there is no love. This space divides man from man, and in it is all the becoming, the battle of life, the agony and fear. Meditation is the ending of this space, the ending of the me. - Krishnamurti
a man in earnest finds means, or if he cannot find he creates them. A vigorous purpose makes much out of little, breathes power into weak instruments, disarms difficulties, and even turns them into assistances. Every condition has means of progress, if we have spirit enough to use them. - William Ellery Channing
Putting labels on others creates a black hole of disregard where judgment thrives and schisms deepen. - David W. Earle
We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. - Gene Roddenberry
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao Tzu
Not the builder, but the writer, creates the road to the future. - Debasish Mridha
The world each person creates for himself is a distinctive world, not the same world others occupy. - Dean C. Barnlund
Virtue creates reputation, but action brings success. - Debasish Mridha
We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities but its own talents. - Eric Hoffer
Your dreams of today creates your future. - Laillah Gifty Akita
Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something it creates a talking point. - Chris Arnold
How you spend your energy is ultimately what creates who you are."(On Beauty: , Vogue, January 8, 2016) - Susan Sarandon
To attack terrorism, firstly attack the ignorance which is the greatest source of terrorism! Attack the ignorance worldwide because ignorance often creates sick minds! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The brain is full of lonely ideas, begging you to make some sense of them, to recognize them as interesting. The lazy brain just files them away in old pigeonholes, like a bureaucrat who wants an easy life. The lively brain picks and chooses and creates new works of art out of ideas. - Theodore Zeldin
In love, you can sometimes feel a melting and merging with the other person, and the two becomes one. The physical bodies are still separate, but something beyond the bodies creates a oneness. It opens a spiritual dimension. - Swami Dhyan Giten
Shared laughter creates a bond of friendships. When people laugh together, they cease to be young and old, teacher and pupils, worker and boss. They become a single group of human beings. - W. Lee Grant
Change is inevitable and the ultimate way of life. Change creates new opportunities for new beauties in life. - Debasish Mridha
Thoughts have creative energy exhilaration is required to creates dissolves and recreates. - Kishore Bansal
People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. - Thomas Szasz
The journey of life, creates my art!!! - Michael Judkins
Ignorance’ (absence of Self-Knowledge) creates vibrations (causes) and ‘Knowledge’ (Self-Knowledge) stops these vibrations. - Dada Bhagwan
The self may be extinguished, but there are many selves and the Will creates them. - S.R. Hardy
Inaction creates nothing. Action creates success. - Stephen Richards
Anger is a poison that affects our thoughts and creates a fire that burns our sweetness of heart. - Debasish Mridha
Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality. - Karl Lagerfeld
Judging is the cause that creates the effect of choosing. - Joey Lawsin
Sounds of Time rattles the silence of Reality. An illusion pierces through similar existence and creates a conflict zone. - Amitav Chowdhury
Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men, which, to the democratic mind, are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility. - Thomas Szasz
When our internal reference point is the ego or self-image, we feel cut off from our source, and the uncertainty of events creates fear and doubt. - Deepak Chopra
The deepest and most sublime hatred is a hatred which creates ideals and transforms values—something whose like has never been seen on earth - Fredrich Nietzsche
Wisdom to accept change creates life, but conformity creates stagnation and leads to death. - Debasish Mridha
My thoughts are limitless. Social conditioning creates the limits. I like to overtake those and like to go where my thoughts take me. - Debasish Mridha
Belief creates conviction, conviction creates persistence, persistence creates perseverance and perseverance creates unlimited opportunities for greatness. - Jason Versey
Emulate nature; see! A flower creates it's beauty with openness, kindness, slowness and with harmony. - Debasish Mridha
Love in action puts a mind at ease. It creates wonders and good feelings. Such is the magic word that when you allow it to flow freely, it awakens every human heart, and uplifts every human spirit. - Rita Barnes
Whatever GOD creates, GOD sustains. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Positive energy is power. Use it more in your life, and see for yourself the success it creates. - Stephan Labossiere
When freedom prevails, the ingenuity and inventiveness of people creates incredible wealth. This is the source of the natural improvement of the human condition. - Brian S. Wesbury
Adding FUN to learning creates the best educational experience possible. - Tamara L. Chilver
Inspiration creates a never-ending Power that makes you go on and on and on and on! - RVM
When a person loves only oneself and meets the people of own nature , it creates often an illusion to the onlookers that they all like one another but the real scene could be different altogether. - Anuj Somany
Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.
Expectation creates the reality. - Debasish Mridha
The Responsive Classroom approach creates an ideal environment for learning--every teacher should know about it. - Daniel Goleman, PhD
Every man is subconsciously promiscuous, but it is the conscious mind that keeps those primordial urges in check. A healthy brain creates a healthy mind, which keeps your relationship strong, safe and healthy. - Abhijit Naskar
Gratitude is the best food to start and sustain you. Hankering creates hunger, unhappiness, bellyache, headache and heartache - and often leaves a bitter taste - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Despise (viradhana) of a Gnani [the enlightened one] creates hindrance in (acquiring right) Knowledge-Vision-Conduct (Gnan-Darshan-Charitra). - Dada Bhagwan
Your brain processes a thought while your mind creates and cultivates not only your thoughts, but also the knowledge and experiences you gain. - Toni Sorenson
I've found that busting your ass on a daily basis to make your art good, clear, and meaningful creates the most luck. - Don Roff
Thought creates character. - Annie Bessant
Actually, it's nature itself that creates the most beautiful pictures, I'm only choosing the perspective. - Katja Michael
The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain. - Gabor Maté
Persistence creates genius; without persistence, there is no winner. - Debasish Mridha
Your perception about the world creates your thoughts, your thoughts create your desires and intention, and your intentions manifest as your reality. - Debasish Mridha
Alchemy is the process of changing lead into gold. Inner alchemy (personal transformation) occurs when we clear our clutter—internal and external—and let go of things that no longer serve us well. This creates balance and space, a place that nurtures contentment, which I believe is true success. - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
Giving is the sacred-gift that creates wealth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Universe is a friend, it creates us; universe is an enemy, it kills us! It is neither a complete-friend, nor a complete-enemy. - Mehmet Murat ildan
The mind creates a story in a strange way. Love keeps us together in this eternal play. - Debasish Mridha
An original is a creation motivated by desire. Any reproduction of an originals motivated be necessity. It is marvelous that we are the only species that creates gratuitous forms. To create is divine, to reproduce is human. - Man Ray
Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand. - Neil Armstrong
Every poet creates their own universe that looks more beautiful than reality. - M.F. Moonzajer
Discipline creates ways for the lovers of it. - Sunday Adelaja
Every event creates a memory in the heart; photographs remind and reinforce that memory in the future, - Debasish Mridha
Your consciousness creates pure potentiality where nothing is impossible. - Debasish Mridha
Often religious education teaches us to conform and creates a psychological prison which is difficult to escape. - Debasish Mridha
Disappointment resides in expectation. Showing a little regard creates consideration, which results in understanding. Steps to a peace of mind. - Tyconis D. Allison Ty
Smile creates love and peace; love and peace create smile. - Mehmet Murat ildan
A miracle, my friend, is an event which creates faith. - George Bernard Shaw
The palaces faith builds are greater than the prisons fear creates. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Sometimes, inflexibility creates a callus, scarring over all the bitterness and disappointment improperly, and there is no honest way to break that silence or that infinite distance, not even in death, not even in memory. - Víctor del Árbol
Diversity creates dimension in the world. - Elizabeth Ann Lawless
Commitment mixed with drive and sprinkled with imagination creates sustained results. Stay focused and you will make your mark! - Amy Leigh Mercree
Patience creates a platform for deeply intimate communication. This platform tests our ability to listen, our willingness to be kind, and our strength against loss. This is the platform in which the most authentic types beauty can be exchanged. - Ilse Hildebrandt
The smallest component of the human molecule is a vibration - the equivalent to a musical note. Taking the time to learn more self-awareness at this level creates life experiences beyond that of all the greatest symphonies ever heard - Gary Hopkins
Embracing our brokenness creates a need and a desire for mercy and perhaps a corresponding need to show mercy. - Bryan Stevenson
Desire creates the power. - Raymond Holliwell
Thought is the only concept that creates the unknown. You have everything you need to know in this moment. - Matthew Donnelly
Education is a weapon that doesn't create destruction, that creates peace - Kip Keino
Happiness does not create humor. There's nothing funny about being happy. Sadness creates humor. - Charles M. Schulz
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. - Robert L. Peters
There is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen. - Sean O'Faolain
Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
Leadership is not the loudest roar that creates change it is the consistent whisper that challenges your fears and inspires your magnificence - Bluenscotttish
Stunt dwarf or destroy the imagination of a child and you have taken away its chances of success in life. Imagination transforms the commonplace into the great and creates the new out of the old. - L. Frank Baum
Sarcasm creates a chasm between yourself and others. - Gayle Forman
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. - Harry S Truman
Giving is the only thing that creates wealth. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Watch your mouth: The language we use creates the reality we experience. - Michael Hyatt
The operation of the Church is entirely set up for the sinner; which creates much misunderstanding among the smug.(August 9, 1955) - Flannery O'Connor
Money creates more problem than it solves - Kowtham Kumar K
Kindness is very soft but it creates the hardest bond. - Debasish Mridha
Taking a risk is something we do not for our mind but for how it makes us feels, emotions it brings, excitement it creates and I feel alive. - Luke Blaise Pereira
Saying 'Love you' never creates a story, its the beginning of trouble. - Sumanta Goswami
God creates men, but they choose each other. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Angels love to create synchronicities because each synchronicity produces an illumination point for a soul to connect the dots on life experiences. This insight, in turn, creates an opportunity to expand the heart and grow the soul, which always results in positive change for humanity. - Molly Friedenfeld
Every word you speak is a prayer, or meditation of reinforcement which creates permanence. - Bryant McGill
We cannot learn real patience and tolerance from a guru or a friend. They can be practiced only when we come in contact with someone who creates unpleasant experiences. - Dalai Lama XIV
The case for trade is not just monetary, but moral. Economic freedom creates habits of liberty. And habits of liberty create expectations of democracy. - George W. Bush
Time creates Let time work at your projects. - Rossana Condoleo
An anarchist government somehow creates an impression in the hearts of citizens that no one cares. - Amit Kalantri
Have you ever stopped to realize the disrespect that is afoot in our society? From the White House to God's House, and even Mom's house... Just remember that disrespect creates distance. How far have we strayed from home? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Courage creates and makes more wounds, but its good for the brave and not the strong ones without wisdom. - Auliq Ice
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.
Karma can be seen as a curse or a gift a curse because it keeps us attached to this world and a gift because it creates links with our loved ones it’s like a chain that binds us all together. - Abdullah Fort
Good things have different colors, it’s like a rainbow or flowers and it’s more likely how I feel for my love ones that creates a joyous melody in my heart.How it makes me feel happy and alive - Bradley B. Dalina
REAL trumps PERFECT... because REAL creates TRUST. - Ted Rubin
Worlds of my own creation are erected with walls that are within but a few scant paces of each other. The world that God creates for me has no idea what walls are. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Happiness isn't something one finds, it's something one creates. - Marty Rubin
It is the mind which creates the world about us, and even though we stand side by side in the same meadow, my eyes will never see what is beheld by yours, my heart will never stir to the emotions with which yours is touched. - George Gissing
It is adversity that often creates beauty. - Debasish Mridha
Positivity creates change. - Isabella Poretsis
This philosophy of spiritual formation through the consumption of external experiences creates worship junkies Christians who leap from one mountaintop to another, one spiritual high to another, in search of a glory that does not fade. - Skye Jethani
Out of the cacophony of random suffering and chaos that can mark human life, the life artist sees or creates a symphony of meaning and order. A life of wholeness does not depend on what we experience. Wholeness depends on how we experience our lives. - Desmond Tutu
Your Misunderstanding creates your Understanding! - Ramana Pemmaraju
I am telling himwhat he wants to hear: antsdying of love underthe constellation of the dandelion.I swear that a white rose,sprinkled with wine, sings.I am laughing, tiltingmy head carefullyas if checking an invention.I am dancing, dancingin astonished skin, inan embrace that creates me. - Wisława Szymborska
Selfrighteous creates wars more often than other reasons. - Toba Beta
When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life. - Brenda Ueland
It is the mind which creates the world around us, and even though we stand side by side in the same meadow, my eyes will never see what is beheld by yours, my heart will never stir to the emotions with which yours is touched. - George Gissing
A peaceful mind creates joyful thoughts and fills the world with infinite joy. - Debasish Mridha
And afterwards, if you had asked any of the survivors how they had managed it, they would not have been able to tell you. It was as if those days in the forest, the escape to the city, had passed in a trance. The mind creates an alternative state. - Aminatta Forna
The power of weapons is transient and destroys everything. The power of love is everlasting and creates all things. - Debasish Mridha
Dreams are lovely. But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It's hard work that makes things happen. It's hard work that creates change. - Shonda Rhimes
A writer creates many lives, changes lives, and with that lives forever. - Jen Golembiewski
No one creates a double-edged sword without the intent of using both sides. - Priscilla Vogelbacher
with the pain jealousy instils and the love hate relationship it creates surely its just easier to appreciate what you have then what you could loose - Richard Kent
He who denies the existence of a truth because it sounds negative creates a vacuum that draws the darkness unto him.
Internal and external world is interdependent. Your experiences and impressions of the outside world shape your thoughts and imagination, while making the choice and decisions, from your internal thought process, creates your physical reality. - Roshan Sharma
Contradictions are the impossible chasms that create forever separations. God is the forever bridge that creates impossible reunions. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. - Brian Adams
Embracing each instant creates enthusiasm and joy towards your life. Each moment is new, exciting, and fresh when you accept instead of judge and deny. Your whole life is transformed into celebrated moments. - Janice Anderson
String theory makes sense to me because the universe is a symphony that creates harmony with the vibration of our strings. - Kamand Kojouri
Reassuring a jealous woman that you don't want her man creates the bigger beast of resentment because that tells her that what she has isn't desirable and to her, where the opinions of others correlates to her self-worth, is unforgivable. - Donna Lynn Hope
Be like a water who creates his own path don't be like a stone who stops everyone's path - Awais Aman
It's my contention that each book creates its own structure and its own length. I've written three or four slim books. It may be that the next novel is a big one, but I don't know. - Don DeLillo
Meditation creates harmony in the midst of chaos in my inner world and outer reality. - Debasish Mridha
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. - Lao Tzu
All change comes from deepening your understanding of the salvation of Christ and living out the changes that understanding creates in your heart. - Timothy J. Keller
Don't just dream of success; create a plan and act upon it! Your momentum creates the door upon which opportunity knocks. - Steve Maraboli
Vulnerability creates unimaginable space to build each other up, as much as it creates ample room to tear each other down. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We all have flaws, curves, and tempers, but together, it creates us, a vintage kind of beautiful. - Heather Blynn
There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure. It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different. - Piper Payne
I get lost in the magical beauty that is all around me. My mind is an enchanted magician who mysteriously creates all of that magnificent beauty. - Debasish Mridha
When an author sleeps, her brain creates more stories for her pen. - Evelyn Smith
Fear creates mountains; faith conquers mountains. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Prayer creates a bridge from your heart to God. - Eileen Anglin
A mirror creates the illusion of distance which makes the client feel more comfortable as he or she shares deep, personal details with their stylist. - StacyK
What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God. - Monica Baldwin
The merging of characteristics between different species creates a very powerful language, one that I love to explore through my art, enabling me to tap into the unconscious. - Virginia Lee
Although leaders and followers are closely linked, it is the leader who often initiates the relationship, creates the communication linkages, and carries the burden for maintaining the relationship. - Peter Northouse
Love is the greatest artist in the universe; everything it creates is a masterpiece. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it’s own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow. - Coco J. Ginger
A little love, a little kindness,a little hope, a little joyfulness,a little tolerance, a little gratefulness,brings harmony and creates peacefulness. - Debasish Mridha
Fear is a product of doubt. it is a negative energy. Fear is an opposite of faith. Law is not necessary for people who have freedom. Law is the control switch that produces fear. That Fear produces lawful citizens is a delusion, it only creates fearful citizens . - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
People often say that this person is or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something that one finds. It is something one creates. - Thomas Szasz
Not the action, but the expectation creates results. - Debasish Mridha
A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness. In fact, he creates new appearances of things. - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Art creates high energy, high vibrations, high music, high feelings, high of everything! Without art, we leave highness and we meet lowness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is nothing so special or boring nor there are any weak or strong things in this world. It is we and our surficial perception that creates these types of environment - Rajendra Ojha
You make the decision to love everyday, whether you feel the magic or not. It's the decision that creates perseverance, not the feeling of love in itself, because sometimes, butterflies do not suffice - Ufuoma Apoki
Action on the move creates its own route; creates to a very great extent the conditions under which is it to be fullfilled, and thus baffles all calculation. - Henri Bergson
Democrats were quick to point out that President Bush's budget creates a 1 trillion dollar deficit. The White House quickly responded with "Hey, look over there, it's Saddam Hussein."
Guilt is helpful only when it keeps us acting in line with our beliefs and morals. Otherwise, it creates needless suffering.
Art is a deception that creates real emotions - a lie that creates a truth. And when you give yourself over to that deception, it becomes magic. - Marco Tempest
Saying 'I don’t know' is one of the most powerful things you can say because it creates the potential to find out. - Kyle Schmalenberg
True Christianity cuts across all other religions and creates its own culture. - J. Otis Yoder
Criticism always produces negative reactions, but appreciation always creates positive actions. - Debasish Mridha
Problems are part of life and within the obstacles it creates are brilliant miracles for the enduring folks. - Darmie Orem
True education creates a new reality for humanity. - Debasish Mridha
Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace. - Todd Stocker
Remember that things are not always as they appear to be… Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities. - Roy T. Bennett
We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents. - Eric Hoffer
There is the truth , the perception of truth, and versions that don't even come close; but it's the perception that creates the most conflict every time. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
A catalyst by definition creates a reaction, but itself remains unchanged. Be a positive catalyst for a cause you are passionate about. I dare you to remain unchanged! - Michele Jennae
New Golden Rule of Fractional Reserve Banking: He who creates the "fool's gold" controls the fools. - Orrin Woodward
Whatever is what you are creating is what creates you. - Ana Ortega
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