Quotation Explorer - 'Cuts'

Obession is dangerous. It's like a knife in the mind. In some cases... the knife can turn savagely upon the person wielding it... You use the knife carefully, because you know it doesn't care who it cuts. - Stephen King
Our past is the forge upon which we are hardened and tempered, to prepare us for the present. We are like a fine blade that must be hammered into shape before it can be ready to make its finest cuts. - Larry Atchley Jr.
And so, wish becomes pang; the crave, an ache; pleasure, pain. Losing all its pleasure, anticipation cuts the opposite direction and becomes merely a constant, painful reminder of what they’ve lost, forever. - Geoffrey Wood
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Writing is like making jewelry -jeweler doesn't make a diamond, he polishes and cuts it, but the gem is from God. - Bela Abel
In the long run most short cuts are flawed - especially on journeys to 'so-called' success - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Unjustified ambition kills value,Kills someone else's desire to fly, Cuts their wings, sucks their air.If there is nothing else, it eats its own life. - Dejan Stojanovic
True Christianity cuts across all other religions and creates its own culture. - J. Otis Yoder
Nothing cuts as deep and unexpectedly as the illusion of hope. - Wynand de Beer
CURSE, v.t. Energetically to belabor with a verbal slap-stick. This is an operation which in literature, particularly in the drama, is commonly fatal to the victim. Nevertheless, the liability to a cursing is a risk that cuts but a small figure in fixing the rates of life insurance. - Ambrose Bierce
Forgiveness offered -especially when so undeserved - cuts chains off the human heart that no other power in any universe anywhere can rattle much less break....love did what hatred can not and never will. - Charles Martin
When no power is vested in a turbulent man, he behaves sorrowfully like a nearly killed christmas goat, but when fully endorsed, without considering his level of insanity and evil gestures, he cuts everyone in the society into pieces. - Michael Bassey Johnson
You have been having our rights so long, that you think, like a slave-holder, that you own us. I know that it is hard for one who has held the reins for so long to give up; it cuts like a knife. It will feel all the better when it closes up again. - Sojourner Truth
All things old become new again. In my youth the athletes had crew cuts and the hippies had long hair. Now the athletes have long hair and the hippies are bald. - Harley King
There is a graceless human tendency to wish upon others the ills visited upon oneself. Instead of pointing successors towards short cuts, you relish seeing them clambering through identical hoops. - Michela Wrong
The habit of love cuts through confusion and stumbles or contrives its way out of difficulty, it remembers the way even when it forgets, for a dumfounded moment, its reason for being. The path is the thing that matters. - Eudora Welty
It was death by a thousand cuts - Unknown
It appears that no one is so unfortunate that he or she is exempt from spending cuts, while at the same time no one is so fortunate as to be ineligible for a tax cut - Jonathan Schell
The question our century puts before us is: is it possible to regain the lost dimension, the encounter with the Holy, the dimension which cuts through the world of subjectivity and objectivity and goes down to that which is not world but is the Mystery of the Ground of Being. - Paul Tillich
The pen, a double-edged mystery: cuts the writer, heals the reader. - Jenim Dibie
A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life. - Coco Chanel
I was a hugely unchaperoned reader, and I would wander into my local public library and there sat the world, waiting for me to look at it, to find out about it, to discover who I might be inside it."[ slams library cuts (The Guardian, 23 June 2011)] - Patrick Ness
I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything. - Jerry Seinfeld
Time invested in improving ourselves cuts down on time wasted in disapproving of others.
Privilege doesn't just insulate people from the consequences of their prejudice, it cuts them off from their humanity. - DaShanne Stokes
I ‘am shaggy as rivers, forests and mountains My eyes see the universe natural and super My mind is of many cuts Non-identical I have fought demons Half-horse, half alligator I ‘am victorious, I bled - John E. Wordslinger
Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself. - Peter da Silva
Tell me what’s the differencebetween hope and waitingbecause my heart doesn’t knowIt constantly cuts itself on the glass of waitingIt constantly gets lost in the fog of hope - Anna Kamieńska
The rich control our politics to a huge extend. In return they get tax cuts and deregulation. It's been and is an amazing ride for the rich. - Jeffrey D. Sachs
In life, most short cuts end up taking longer than taking the longer route. - Suzy Kassem
The marvel of our Bible never shows more marvellous than at such times, when you see it in deed and in truth the Sword of the Spirit, and it cuts. - Amy Carmichael
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