Quotation Explorer - 'Super'

Men, I want you just thinking of one word all season. One word and one word only: Super Bowl.
It doesn't matter how many friends I have because my best friend is God. And, he is a Super Friend. People come and people go, but God's love for you will remain the same. Embrace it, Cherish it, and Spread it everywhere you go. Let your light shine brightly for all the world to see. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
I realize parenting is hard and boring at times and a four-hour break would be super, but this is the job we signed up for. Some days it sucks, but most days it's great. - Jen Mann
GOD is super intelligent - says GO & DO GOOD things, if not I may pick you as an ODD human & like a honest DOG knows what to do next! - Ningraj
The Paranormal is entirely NORMAL. Furthermore, I believe the Supernatural is both SUPER and NATURAL. Paranormal and Supernatural experiences happen to ordinary folk like you and I, every day. Ain't it cool? - JoLynne Valerie
She had the blood of the sun running through her veins and the dust of stars at her fingertips. Her every breath birthed new cosmos and her thoughts were the super moon of the darkest night. Every word was a supernova and every step an inescapable singularity. Her touch though...it was soft. - Hubert Martin
Anger is a super weapon given by god...with a catch...the more you use it the less effective it becomes. - ketan r shah
Her taste still teased my tongue, and her touch tipped my fingers. Her smile licked my lips, and her heart beat my own. So I tugged on her sheets, like it was a cape. To me, she was a God damned super hero, and underneath, was everything I need. Her super powers on top of me. - J. Raymond
I wish to resist the temptation to kiss...By super magic animals (Song: The Temptation)A visual poem about unfulfilled love... - Super magic animals
As we transcended and transformed from Neanderthal so will future humans transcend to a new level of consciousness and transform into a super human or homo-cosmicus. - Debasish Mridha
There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created. - Guillermo del Toro
He's like Super Librarian, y'know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. - Joss Whedon
Nothing against the music, it's awesome... but going deeper and deeper in Super Genes... it's kind of dry... isn't it???So I need something bloody!- Crime is a great choice! - Deyth Banger
Imagination is activating the SIM card of your super conscious. - RVM
The easiest way to remember your future wife’s birthday is to marry her on Super Bowl Sunday. - Matshona Dhliwayo
. . . and together you're what, the Super Friends? - Mark Jeffrey
To be honest, I’ve always made films and I never really stopped, starting with little stop-motion experiments using my dad’s Super 8 camera. In my mind, it’s all one big continuum of filmmaking and I’ve never changed. - Christopher J. Nolan
Learn Japanese FAST with our FREE Podcasts and Audio Lessons. Our unique methods make learning Japanese SUPER EASY! Download our MP3 files to listen and learn. - John Smithh
I'm a super hero, too, underneath my sweater. - Rusted Root
Rain is nature’s art; umbrella is man’s art. When you walk with your umbrella in a rainy day, you walk with a super art which is a combination of two different arts! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If we allow our "high creativity" to remain alive, we will never be bored. We can pray, standing in line at the super market. Or we can be lost in awe at all the people around us, their lives full of glory and tragedy, and suddenly we will have the beginnings of a painting, a story, a song. - Madeleine L'Engle
One woman filled with self love and self acceptance is a model more super than any cover girl. - Amy Leigh Mercree
She don't only believe in Shoes & cars.... She do believe in Super Star. That's the kind of girl you need bro, the girl that will believe in you & support your career. - GoalsRider
faith means super confidence - Nation Chirara White
I ‘am shaggy as rivers, forests and mountains My eyes see the universe natural and super My mind is of many cuts Non-identical I have fought demons Half-horse, half alligator I ‘am victorious, I bled - John E. Wordslinger
A flower blooms with all of her power and love to give you joy and to beautify this world. Is she conscious, unconscious, or super conscious? - Debasish Mridha
Some people need a super hero to save them, but I am my own super hero. All I need is myself, my strengths and the fiery passions in my heart to overcome the obstacles in my life. - Imania Margria
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