Music and comedy are so linked. The rhythm of comedy is connected to the rhythm of music. They’re both about creating tension and knowing when to let it go. I’m always surprised when somebody funny is not musical. - Conan O'Brien
In life your expectations and disappointments are directly linked. So too is your heartfulness and your contentedness - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Human on human crimes should never be forgotten, or dismissed by time. We are all related here and are linked by spirit. - Gayle Wray
The English word 'creativity' is derived from the Roman-Latin creo - to create. It is inextricably linked to the Western notion of a creator - a divine intervention and violent disrupter. - Thorsten J. Pattberg
Not to know what happened before you were born is always to remain a child. For what is a man's life if it is not linked with the life of future generations by memories of the past.
She had missed him so long now, that the feeling had become a part of her. As each day passed, the missing distanced itself from her heart. One day she woke, and realized the missing was there but the pain was gone. Missing without pain is tolerable. Pain linked to heartache is intolerable. - Coco J. Ginger
The last image I registered was Ethan and my hand – linked, bound and unbreakable. - Erica Sehyun Song
The Fates and Furies, as well as the Graces and Sirens, glide with linked hands over life. - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
When your Knowledge is Linked Together it is called Experience. - Udayveer Singh
Sunsets.The illusion either above the horizon or below it. When day and night are linked in a way that cannot be one without the other, yet they cannot exist at the same time. - Ebelsain Villegas
When your Knowledge is linked together it’s called Experience. - Udayveer Singh
Arabic science throughout its golden age was inextricably linked to religion; indeed, it was driven by the need of early scholars to interpret the Qur'an. - Jim Al-Khalili
Lulled in the countless chambers of the brain, our thoughts are linked by many a hidden chain; awake but one, and in, what myriads rise! - Alexander Pope
Whilst the beautifully crafted image of Michel Angelo's youthful looking priestesslooks out from her position on the ceiling of the sistine chapel linked forever with Heaven Earth and Time. - Daniel Peter Buckley
Evil can't be scientifically defined: it's an illusory moral concept that doesn't exist in nature. Its origins and connotations have been inextricably been linked to religion and mythology. - Spencer Reid
I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. - Mikhail Gorbachev
Harrogate saw them going along Blount Avenue Sunday morning. They wore outfits all cut from the same bolt of cloth and in the church pew standing six across they looked like a strip of gaudy wallpaper cut into those linked dolls madfolk pass their time in fashioning. - Cormac McCarthy
I can promise you that women working together – linked, informed and educated – can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. - Isabel Allende
It is said some lives are linked across time. Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages. Destiny. - Prince of Persia 1
Opinions are based on experiences and experience is always connected with emotions. Anything linked with emotions is always biased. - Nauman Khan
Human rights violations are nit accidents; they are not random in distribution or effect. Rights violations are, rather, symptoms of deeper pathologies of power and are linked intimately to the social conditions that so often determine who will suffer abuse and who will be shielded from harm. - Paul Farmer
Although leaders and followers are closely linked, it is the leader who often initiates the relationship, creates the communication linkages, and carries the burden for maintaining the relationship. - Peter Northouse
Whatever else may divide us, Europe is our common home; a common fate has linked us through the centuries, and it continues to link us today.
The world is ruled by such dreams, dreams of impassioned hearts, and improvisations of warm lips, not by cold words linked in chains of iron sequence, --- not by logic. The heart with its passions, not the understanding with its reasoning, sways, in the long run, the actions of mankind. - William Kirby