Hatred seems to work on the same glands as love: it even produces the same actions. If we had not been taught how to interpret the story of the Passion, would we have been able to say from their actions alone whether it was the jealous Judas or the cowardly Peter who loved Christ? - Graham Greene
Without archives many stories of real people would be lost, and along with those stories, vital clues that allow us to reflect and interpret our lives today. - Sara Sheridan
Arabic science throughout its golden age was inextricably linked to religion; indeed, it was driven by the need of early scholars to interpret the Qur'an. - Jim Al-Khalili
We would go out and play these songs and people could interpret them however the hell they wanted. - Carrie Brownstein
Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality. - Karl Lagerfeld
A painting is a universal language which everyone can read, understand, and interpret in his own way through the power of imagination. - Debasish Mridha
For those who believe executive branch officials will voluntarily interpret their surveillance authorities with restraint, I believe it is more likely that I will achieve my life-long dream of playing in the NBA. - Ron Wyden
Slowly, Jimmy held up his outstretched hands. Men had been arguing for two hundred years about this gesture; would every creature, everywhere in the universe, interpret this as "See--no weapons"? But no one could think of anything better. - Arthur C. Clarke
Nowadays the job of the judge is not to do justice. The judge is more of a functionary . He's like a civil servant whose job is to interpret words written down by another branch of the government, whether those words are just or not. - Stephan Kinsella
That's rather a broad idea," I remarked. "One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature," he answered. - Arthur Conan Doyle
Everyone has their opinion and everyone loves it. Nobody wants to accepts others opinion. So to make them happy be diplomatic and speak unclearly, let them interpret your thoughts by themselves, let them think what they want to think - Jagdish Poudel
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. - Umberto Eco
I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather for my life to interpret my dreams. - Susan Sontag
To read is to translate, for no two persons' experiences are the same. A bad reader is like a bad translator: he interprets literally when he ought to paraphrase and paraphrases when he ought to interpret literally. - W.H. Auden
I long ago developed a very practical smile, which I call my "Noh smile" because it resembles a Noh mask whose features are frozen. Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want; you can imagine how often I've relied on it. - Arthur Golden
Perception is the lens through which we interpret experiences,and when we change the lens we change how we experience. - Aisha Mirza
Powerful women always interpret hostility as unrequited love. - Tina Brown
There are different churches because men wanted to interpret the Bible to their favour and which conflicts with the next person's interpretation. These led to people starting different churches, that ministers what they interpret as right. - Unarine Ramaru
Kino: It's pretty interesting, isn't it?Hermes: What is?Kino: The way that when someone expresses something, someone else always shows up to interpret it. Maybe the world is just a series of such events. - Kino no Tabi
He wondered if somewhere far off, defying the laws of science, Mitch's two screams were still echoing, if those vibrations had traveled into space, if they moved on and on like rays in a light-year. There might be other forms of life who were receiving the noise and trying to interpret the tones. - Jane Hamilton
Her smile was like a Samuel Beckett play - easy to read but difficult to interpret. - Bob Smith
You came so that you could learn about your dreams," said the old woman. "And dreams are the language of God. When he speaks in our language, I can interpret what he has said. But if he speaks in the language of the soul, it is only you who can understand. - Paulo Coelho
People experience conscious will when they interpret their own thought as the cause of their action. - Daniel Wagner
Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible. - Karl Barth
Don't interpret anything too much. This is time waster number 1. - Dee Dee Artner
We solely choose how we interpret something said, a behavior or action of another. No one can make us feel anything we don’t choose for ourselves. - Renee Cefalu