Quotation Explorer - 'Literally'

It's weird how I am constantly surprised by the passage of time when it's literally the most predictable thing in the Universe. - Randall Munroe
Abstract means literally to draw from or separate. In this sense every artist is abstract. - Richard Diebenkorn
If security were all that mattered, computers would never be turned on, let alone hooked into a network with literally millions of potential intruders - Dan Farmer
As it happened, all three of us turned out to be real writers--a coincidence almost too large to be termed mere coincidence in a society where literally tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of college students aspire to the writer's trade and where bare hundreds actually break through. - Stephen King
As a young girl, and still to this day, I struggle with trying to figure everything out. Figure out why things happen, what they mean, and how they all work together. It sometimes drives me crazy. Not literally, but I do sometimes feel different. Like maybe I think too much. - J.W. Lord
Not writing is never an option. This is not words of advice. It's just literally never an option! - Lillian R. Melendez
The speaker calls for a careful examination of Christ's principle of turning the other cheek before we use it as a demand or excuse for total personal pacifism. After all, when literally struck on the cheek, Jesus did question the legitimacy of the authority by which this was done. - John Thackway
To read is to translate, for no two persons' experiences are the same. A bad reader is like a bad translator: he interprets literally when he ought to paraphrase and paraphrases when he ought to interpret literally. - W.H. Auden
The definition of management is literally "control," but the definition of true leadership is love. - Richie Norton
PANDEMONIUM, n. Literally, the Place of All the Demons. Most of them have escaped into politics and finance, and the place is now used as a lecture hall by the Audible Reformer. When disturbed by his voice the ancient echoes clamor appropriate responses most gratifying to his pride of distinction. - Ambrose Bierce
I’ll never know if it was figuratively or literally when he said I drove him crazy. - Dominic Riccitello
Those roads provided breath-taking views. There's something special about an empty road going on and on and on to the horizon where the sun burns the world away into a dancing, shmmering heat haze that reflects the crystal blue sky, literally blurring the line between heaven and earth. - Dave Gorman
To stop the bleeding i pushed back the blood that was bleeding out of the hole in my heart. It kept overflowing when i missed you and im dying, not literally, but my heart is. - Nicole
Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence. - Stefan Molyneux
The reason I could never be an atheist is because when they get together they have literally nothing to talk about. - R. Joseph Hoffmann
The bible when taken metaphorically, provides us the truth about god; but when taken literally, the bible provides as the truth about man. - Joey Lawsin
You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door. - Robert Collier
The sad news is, nobody owes you a career. Your career is literally your business. You own it as a sole proprietor. You have one employee: yourself. You need to accept ownership of your career, your skills and the timing of your moves.
To state a theorem and then to show examples is literally to teach backwards.
If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. - Thomas A. Edison
Exercise is medicine. Literally. Just like a pill, it reliably changes brain function by altering the activity of key brain chemicals and hormones.
I have a problem with people who take the Constitution loosely and the Bible literally. - Bill Maher
Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit. - William James
Food is not to enjoy. That's not the reason why you're eating it. That's why the Glutton eats. But someone who's serious about maintaining their health - they eat for health. We're literally digging our graves with our teeth. - Hamza Yusuf
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. - Napoleon Hill
When it comes to learning, there are no boundaries and restrictions literally; all you have to do is to start it where you are. - Auliq-Ice
It is the imagination that argues for the Divine Spark within human beings. It is literally a decent of the World's Soul into all of us. - Terence McKenna
To a homeless man, home is literally where the heart is. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Never take literally what is said out of anger! They are said just to hurt you sometimes the opposite could be true! - Ravi Samuel
Music is power, literally. You hear a certain note, or a rhythm that really clicks, and boom! You’ve got a song. Maybe only in your head. But when you’ve got the idea, the song flows out through your fingers. Nothing else does that. - Caleb Longbons
The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot. - Audre Lorde
Toby Zeigler: There's literally no one in the world I don't hate right now. - Aaron Sorkin
Whenever a woman gets pregnant, she literally bets with her life. - Ikechukwu E. Onyekwelonwu
Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water. - Alison Gopnik
To say that my existence is entirely inconsequential is to utterly ignore the amazing reality that life is a masterful story penned by a brilliant God who wrote me into the story in such a way that my absence would literally diminish the whole of the story. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I really do literally put myself into a character's shoes. - Ruth Rendell
Metagapism is the belief that love is the ultimate reality, literally god and the one shared soul, and the source, nature and destiny of all. - John K. Brown
As long as the forest stood the Tchetchens were unconquerable... and it is literally the fact that they were beaten in the long run not by the sword but by the axe. - John F. Baddeley
Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool. - Paul McCartney
Encourage literally came from "in courage." The courage is put "into" you from outside. Our character and abilities grow through internalizing from others what we do not possess in ourselves. - Henry Cloud
I am very proud of the fact that 20 years [sic] on people tell me they became a vegetarian as a result of 'Meat is Murder'. I think that is quite literally rock music changing someone's life - it's certainly changing the life of animals. It is one of the things I am most proud of. - Johnny Marr
start ignoring people who threaten your joy. literally, ignore them. say nothing. don’t invite any parts of them into your space. - Alexandra Elle
If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. - Thomas A. Edison
Not taking the Bible (or other texts based on 'revealed truths') literally leaves it up to the reader to cherry-pick elements for belief. There exists no guide for such cherry-picking, and zero religious sanction for it. - Jeffrey Tayler
When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence. - Larken Rose
The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams. - Terence McKenna
Most of my novels were developped from dreams I had. A dreamer I AM! Literally , at 1 AM. A dream with 140 characters is to dream an impossible dream. Too many characters to develoo from it. But in twitter that worked just fine for me, - Ana Claudia Antunes
‎Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color - it holds the promise of a brilliant smile, a brilliant day, both literally and figuratively. - Roberta Gately
[He] used to be soinsignificant that one literally felt alone in his presence. - Franz Kafka
Love and trust are so powerful. They can literally change the fate of a person. - Tasha Hoggatt
Sometimes you literally need some pressure on your shoulder, to fetch the best in you... - Shivam Saxena
We owe a huge debt to Galileo for emancipating us all from the stupid belief in an Earth-centered or man-centered (let alone God-centered) system. He quite literally taught us our place and allowed us to go on to make extraordinary advances in knowledge. - Christopher Hitchens
In the world we live in, you will be warned ironically when you kill yourself, but will be killed literally when you heal yourself - Goitsemang Mvula
There are literally billions of people on earth. There are some that won’t admit it, but all of those people want friends. - Daniel Willey
Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath. - Eve Glicksman
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