Quotation Explorer - 'Shared'

If a thought has been said or shared for merely fun, then only there is likely to be support from many ones; otherwise often none. - Anuj Somany
Memories are just a spark from the fire that you have in your heart from the love you have for the person you shared them with. A flash of warmth that comes with the knowledge that at that very moment life is perfect, a glimmer of hope that this happiness will last forever. - Stephen Skolnik
Life to me is a beautiful gift from from AdoShem that should not be wasted but shared with others. Including amazing revelations that are meant to be seen and meant to be told for such a time as this! - Sipporah Joseph
Knowledge is a commodity to be shared. For knowledge to pay dividends, it should not remain the monopoly of the selected few. - Moutasem Algharati
Knowledge is power as long as it is shared. - Baris Gencel
I hate the notion of a secret recipe. Recipes are by nature derivative and meant to be shared - that is how they improve, are changed, how new ideas are formed. To stop a recipe in it's tracks, to label it "secret" just seems mean. - Molly Wizenberg
There are places I cannot visit. Places of unbearable sadness, grief, mourning. They say places are made by people. I say places are defined by the memories they conjure—the lunge of a curse, a shared and shattered history, a loved one drowned and lost in the ocean of forgetting. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship, depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world. - Stefan Collini
To have loved, to have lost and to be so empty when love is forgotten and not shared is an empty heart that's always whispering "fill me"~bns - Bluenscottish
We will go away and nothing will remain except what we shared and gave away with love. - Debasish Mridha
Digital publishing allows an author a new platform for which the words of one heart can be shared with all souls of the world. - Molly Friedenfeld
That's why we make enemies of our friends as soon as they start to drift, he thought, cos that way they get stuck with all our flaws, unlike when they're shared. Maybe brief friendships are best. If you pul out in time, the vices are all theirs. - Yuri Herrera
Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared. - Unarine Ramaru
Grief shared is half grief; Joy shared is double joy. - Honduran Proverb
Shared laughter creates a bond of friendships. When people laugh together, they cease to be young and old, teacher and pupils, worker and boss. They become a single group of human beings. - W. Lee Grant
As a civilian, I know nothing about combat, the Marine Corps experience or modern man's struggle adjusting to peace after war. I only know what's been shared with me; confidences I would never betray, nor use as details in a novel. - Tiffany Madison
I thought upon the way in which we'd always shared each other's happiness, believing it would make the moment burn brighter and longer, but sadness can be shared too, perhaps sharing makes is burn briefer and less bright. - Tom Rob Smith
Love people as much as you can anytime you can. Love is never hurtful, is always meaningful and needs to be shared as often as possible. Fall in love every day with something about everyone you meet and you will be amazed at how it keeps coming around in abundance. - Robert J. Braathe
He wondered why he wasn't as in love with her as he was with...Hector had only shared enjoyment with (her)...he shared everything, enjoyment and sorrow...but for some time now they'd shared too much frustration, boredom and fatigue. - François Lelord
Knowledge is power; and power is best shared among friends. - Otis Chandler
The saddest line you scraped in your diary was not that you cried but those moments when we both shared smile. - Santosh Kalwar
If one religion were 'true,' we would expect to see, even if only once in all of recorded history, a religious missionary that had stumbled upon a culture that shared the same revelations brought forth by the same deity. - David G. McAfee
In the end, a lack of compatibility is what ruins relationships. You can't force someone to be an eagle when they are a duck. Nobody wants to fly solo. Dreams were meant to be shared together. - Shannon L. Alder
Just take my hand, lead, dance with me...and I will simply follow the blueness of the water, the white waves rolling free...where the earth beneath my feet and stars make my heart whole again...in long and priceless moments of shared solitude... - Oksana Rus
We are Not Our thought , return to being in You and enjoy the Love that shared by the God(infinity). - Sushil Singh
The only true and sustainable prosperity is shared prosperity. - Joseph E. Stiglitz
Before people complain of the obscurity of modern poetry, they should first examine their consciences and ask themselves with how many people and on how many occasions they have genuinely and profoundly shared some experience with another. - W.H. Auden
I am convinced that we as adults must constantly cling to, affirm, and celebrate with our children those things we love, sunsets, laughter, the taste of a good meal, the warmth of a hickory fire shared by real friends, the joy of discovery and accomplishment, the constant surprises of life. - Eliot Wigginton
Only the foolish would think that wisdom is something to keep locked in a drawer. Only the fearful would feel empowerment is something best kept to oneself, or the few, and not shared with all. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
They still had sexual relations with another, slept in the same bed, shared kisses and intimacy and matrimonial fluid, however both were not married to each other in that sense, although there was a piece of paper that said otherwise. - Keira D. Skye
It is a fact: Of all the people we ever know in our lifetime, the only thing we have in common with them is a handful of shared experiences. - Joel T. McGrath
Wisdom and love never decrease by being shared. - Debasish Mridha
Happiness is a collection of joyful experiences shared with soul friends. Get together and have some fun! - Amy Leigh Mercree
They who shared none of my defeats should take no pride in celebrating my successes. - Adhish Mazumder
Joy is meant to be felt; its not meant to be detained. It is meant to be shared with others; not to be felt alone. When all the mouths smile out their teeth together, thats when the greatest happiness can be measured. You don't smile in order to see your friends cry and claim your joy is divine. - Israelmore Ayivor
Bitter truths have the need to expect backups if they are shared at all. - Hira Mariam
I replayed the moment I first saw him at the picnic throughout our years together. As corny as it may sound, from the first glance we shared near the cake stand at the picnic, the two of us remained connected like the icing on one of those made from scratch cakes... - Kat Kaelin
Do not seduce yourself to temporary person, as you may aware that people doesn't have much time to remember that feeling which you were shared. - Anuj Kr. Thakur
Peace, love and beauty are goals shared by every human heart. The question is whether our minds recognize them as such. - Raheel Farooq
The truth will be never shared to anyone. They have no bravery to know the truth. You will help us. We will help you. - dhaniRT
Competition exists to choose who gets the prize when the prize can’t be shared. - Andrew Harvey
[Taken from a BBC documentary]Tariq was born in Lahore, now in Pakistan, then part of British-ruled India, in 1943. A Catholic school education did nothing to shake his life-long atheism, which he shared with his communist parents. - Tariq Ali
People die from lack of shared empathy and affinity. By establishing social connectedness, we give hope a chance and the other can become heaven. ( "Le ciel c'est l'autre" ) - Erik Pevernagie
The things you have are a shared effort, Gods blessings and human strength. Give thanks for the blessings in all situations. - Unarine Ramaru
In the end, nothing else matters except the love we have shared. - Debasish Mridha
Is the price of happiness not weighed in the cost of commitment, the value of life’s experience in the plurality of existence and measured in a love shared? - Don Swann II
Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it. - René Descartes
Life is an affair of mystery; shared with companions of music, dance and poetry. - Shah Asad Rizvi
Let not our trials of this day be our final sentence. For our difficulties of today is definitely shared by another in our world. Therefore, be encouraged and don't give up because tomorrow a new dawn will surely shine, and once we have life we have the most precious gift-. - Genevieve Sarpong
Love notes to my husband, Jeremiah Nii Mama Akita; I will always love you. I am grateful for a blessed life shared with you. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The only friend to walk with is one who so exactly shares your taste for each mood of the countryside that a glance, a halt, or at most a nudge, is enough to assure us that the pleasure is shared. - C.S. Lewis
Shared joys make a friend, not shared sufferings. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Happiness held is the beginning; happiness shared is the blossom - Abhishek Shukla
It was one of those ridiculous arrangements that couples make when they are separating, but before they are divorced - when they still imagine that children and property can be shared with more magnanimity than recrimination. - John Irving
They shared the chores of living as some couples do --she did most of the work and he appreciated it. - Paula Gosling
I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood. - Audre Lorde
Values carry the message of shared purposes, standards and conceptions of what is worth living for and what is worth striving for. - Anita Roddick
We cannot live, suffer or die for somebody else, for suffering is too precious to be shared.
An honor is not diminished for being shared. - Lois McMaster Bujold
Our creations MUST be shared to be art, and the easiest way to share our art is to sell it. - Laura Moncur
Jesus can identify with our weaknesses or failures because He shared in our humanity in the flesh. - E.N. Supen
The greatest things to have can't be possessed, they exist within yet can be shared, like freedom, love, trust, integrity, fun, dreams, creativity, wisdom, peace. - Jay Woodman
Can we share my eyes so you can see what I see?Can we share my ears so you can hear what I hear?Can you perch on my shouldersso you can go where I go?Always in my heart, I don’t experience anything separate from you.This shared wonderment becomes doubled.This shared love becomes infinite. - Kamand Kojouri
Don't look for the ninety percent of the darkness in a person's soul. Look for the ten percent of light they have left, then lend them yours because light was meant to be shared. - Shannon L. Alder
Love is a shared solitude. - Marty Rubin
Happiness only real when shared. - Christopher McCandless
The seething rage that accompanies the truly despondent, effaces the delusional that mock from the safety of their shared illusion. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
A joy that's shared is a joy made double. - American Proverb
You can disagree with an idea without attacking the person who shared it. - Richie Norton
A kiss is a moment of quantum leaps, a moment of shared joy, and a moment of bliss. - Debasish Mridha
And like that, I said goodbye to my grandmother like we were two people who met in a coffee shop, shared a lifetime of stories and left wanting more, but knowing we’d meet there again. - Darnell Lamont Walker
This is a bitter adventure, if it must end so; and not a mountain of gold can amend it. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils -- that has been more than any baggins deserves. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Pain withheld becomes hate, pain shared becomes love. - Seekerohan
A memory made alone abides in isolation; such is love that is never shared. Fill your life with shared memories and love, and in the end you will have lived. - Lynda I Fisher
Some memories seems to be so far away .. however it was just yesterday !! Others seem to be so clear ,, however it was years ago !! Actually it depends on how far we are from those who shared us those moments !! - Gehad Badr
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. - Jack London
Reality is a hallucination shared by most sane men. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The voice of the Lord is the voice of common sense, which is shared by all that is - Samuel Butler
Metagapism is the belief that love is the ultimate reality, literally god and the one shared soul, and the source, nature and destiny of all. - John K. Brown
Wonderment shared is doubled.Love shared is infinite. - Kamand Kojouri
Memories dancing through ageless ripples of time, waiting to be shared. - Al Cash
We have shared the incommunicable experience of war, we have felt, we still feel, the passion of life to its top. In our youth our hearts were touched with fire. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else. - John W. Gardner
Death is the only destination we all shared - Uche Daniel Oluwaseun
Someday we're going to look back on every shared smile and smile some more. It's moments like this that make life worth enduring. - Nadège Richards
Blank walls are a shared canvas and we're all artists. - Carla H. Krueger
Half of the time I don't know what they're talking about; their jokes seem to relate to a past that everyone but me has shared. I'm a foreigner in the world and I don't understand the language. - Jean Webster
While the people of Madrid seem to have resigned to selling almost anything - the one thing they have never given up on so far - is time. It is the one commodity that is never sold and always shared. - lauren klarfeld
Only love can be shared endlessly and still your heart will always remain full. - Debasish Mridha
He did not have anything on him except her thoughts, except the good times he had once shared and the bad times he so desperately wanted to forget. - Faraaz Kazi
Beautiful is the man who leaves a legacy that of shared love and life. It is he who transfers meaning, assigns significance and conveys in his loving touch the fine art and gentle shaping of a life. This man shall be called, Father. - Stella Payton
Bitter truths have the power to expect backups if they are shared at all. - Hira Mariam
Short stories are great start, but if they are true that's the best start so far in about 222 short stories I have viewed and I have already shared them in the book series Reddit Collection. - Deyth Banger
Big writers become a kind of shared climate. - Adam Gopnik
...I should always find that the calamities of life were shared among the upper and lower part of mankind, but that the middle station had the fewest disasters,... - Daniel Defoe
Inspiration is sometimes as simple as a shared smile. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Hope finds its fulfillment when nurtured through faith and shared with love. - Mollie Marti
Good conversation is the equivalent of shared emotion. - Marty Rubin
The feeling is the voice of the words, so the people speak out loud their intention, good or bad, even when they try to keep it under wrap in their said or shared thoughts. - Anuj Somany
A good story is a dream shared by the author and the reader. Anything that wakes the reader from the dream is a mortal sin. - Victor J. Banis
Mrs. MacAndrew shared the common opinion of her sex that a man is always a brute to leave a woman who is attached to him, but that a woman is much to blame if he does. - W. Somerset Maugham
Marriage is a shared sacred life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
She smiled at him, that same look of shared understanding, then reached in again to touch his hand, pinching his palm between her thumb and index finger. 'You OK?''I could be on fire, but seeing you would make it all OK,' he replied, his voice as brittle as a three-pack-a-day smoker. - Sean Black
There is no value for a knowledge that has not been shared. More you share more it will be and will make impacts over impacts, influence one to another in a positive way. - Baris Gencel
Life makes beggars out of those who have joyful hearts, taxing the living with hardship and tribulation, but the charity of companionship, the currency of shared and unmitigated love, alleviates all disconsolation. - Michelle Franklin
To all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. - Barack Obama
Toward dawn we shared with youyour hour of desolation,the huge lingering passionof your unearthly out cry,as you swung your blind headtowards us and laboriously openeda bloodshot, glistening eye,in which we swam with terror and recognition. - Stanley Kunitz
Ultimately what I like about reading together is that we all make it happen together. Of course even amid shared experience we’re still alone… each reading of each book is unique. But what a comfort it is to share readings and experiences. How lucky we are when we get to be alone together. - John Green
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha
Experience the gift of life as its gods most precious gift of all with time as it passes in everywake of life there is experience to be gained and shared dvk - d vinod kumar
Amazing love and grace that Christ shared for all to be saved. - Lailah Gfty Akita
Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.
Life experiences shared with a friend will turn into memories to be enjoyed. - James Hauenstein
Fantasy or fiction is just a persons secret life. A world they want to be in. The only diffrence between them and you, is that they wrote it down in detail, printed it and shared it with the world. - Mariana Hak
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