Quotation Explorer - 'Glance'

Love is when Looking at a glance at youI found laughter in my eyes, Thoughts turns into jewels Where luster of your aura dwells - Seema Gupta
To live a more balanced life, glance at the past, live in the present, and focus on the future. - Todd Stocker
Your eyes are like heavy rain falling from pregnant clouds. With one glance, you washed awaythe poems I chalked on the groundand drowned all my beliefs.Now, I only scribble your name and believe in your truth. I know nothing but you. - Kamand Kojouri
Some revolutions resemble restorations, at least at first glance. - Luigina Sgarro
It's OK to glance in the rear-view to see where you've been, but stay focused on where you are going! - Mark Hewer
Unlike Kim Cardassian or Donald Trump, Montaigne regarded the inward glance as an adventure in self-effacement not self infatuation. He was a charming and perceptive critic of his own foibles, especially alert to his weakness for inconsistency. - Danny Heitman
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity. - Kahlil Gibran
No two stories are the same. They may seem the same at first glance, but, once you take a closer look, give the story some of your time, you realise its unique qualities. - S. A. Tawks
I believe that a revolution can begin from this one strand of straw. Seen at a glance, this rice straw may appear light and insignificant. Hardly anyone would believe that it could start a revolution. Nevertheless, I have come to realize the weight and power of this straw. - Fukuoka , Masanobu
Upon first glance I felt a sense of familiarity with you. Like we had been down this road a thousand times before, why I felt this with a complete stranger I am yet to know but I trust further down the road our chance meeting will make perfect sense. - Nikki Rowe
Ah! That glance of yours did some magic on me, you were not aware of. For once I died and was reborn. To put it simply: you did (CRL+ALT+DELETE) to my mind! - Ramana Pemmaraju
The cynic sees only cynicism, the depressive can taint creation with one glance - Anna Funder
Everything inside me screams for just one more kiss, one more word, one more glance, one more. - Veronica Roth
And yes, I’ll admit, I am jealous. I’m jealous of every minute you spend with him, of every concerned expression you send his way, of every tear shed, of every glance, every touch, and every thought. I want to rip him to pieces and purge him from your mind and from your heart. But I can’t. - Colleen Houck
no one sleeps more beautifully than you. But i am afraid that you will waken just now, and touch me with an indifferent glance, lightly passing, and commit the murder of beauty. - Yevgeny Yevtushenko
The glance embroiders in joy, knits in pain, and sews in boredom.When indifferent, the eye takes stills, when interested, movies.Laughter is regional: a smile extends over the whole face. - Malcolm de Chazal
The solving of almost every crime mystery depends on something which seems, at the first glance, to bear no relation whatever to the original crime.
It was her eyes. Soft, meadow-shade eyes with frostbitten edges. Every glance casually held gossamer infinity. Every stare revealed inky black abyss with a hint of divinity. - Hubert Martin
Don't become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity. - Michael Bassey Johnson
One clear moment, one of trance One missed step, one perfect dance One missed shot, one and only chance Life is all...but one fleeting glance. - Sanober Khan
Ah! That glance of yours did some magic on me, you were not aware of. For once I died and was reborn. To put it simple you did (CRL+ALT+DELETE) to my mind! - Ramana Pemmaraju
CodaPerhaps to love is to learnto walk through this world.To learn to be silentlike the oak and the linden of the fable.To learn to see.Your glance scattered seeds.It planted a tree. I talkbecause you shake its leaves. - Octavio Paz
One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. - Carl Sagan
The only friend to walk with is one who so exactly shares your taste for each mood of the countryside that a glance, a halt, or at most a nudge, is enough to assure us that the pleasure is shared. - C.S. Lewis
You can learn as much - or more - from one glance at a private space as you can from hours of exposure to a public face. - Malcolm Gladwell
I replayed the moment I first saw him at the picnic throughout our years together. As corny as it may sound, from the first glance we shared near the cake stand at the picnic, the two of us remained connected like the icing on one of those made from scratch cakes... - Kat Kaelin
As the hand held before the eye conceals the greatest mountain, so the little earthly life hides from the glance the enormous lights and mysteries of which the world is full, and he who can draw it away from before his eyes, as one draws away a hand, beholds the great shining of the inner worlds. - Rabbi Nachman de Bratslav
Ah! That glance of yours did some magic on me, you were not aware of. For once I died and was reborn. - Ramana Pemmaraju
I can't tell if a straw ever saved a drowning man, but I know that a mere glance is enough to make despair pause. For in truth we who are creatures of impulse are creatures of despair. - Joseph Conrad
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