Quotation Explorer - 'Reached'

Only when one has lost all curiosity about the future has one reached the age to write an autobiography. - Evelyn Waugh
A breeze blows up, touching my cheek like a little child's kiss. It flutters a piece of paper. "Trash, out there? Must belong to one of us." We move closer, and when I reached for it, I find...... a perfect paper airplane. - Ellen Hopkins
The way to a woman's heart might best be reached via a short cut. - Dixie Waters
By perseverance the snail reached the ark. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
All that is gold does not glitter.Not all those who wander are lost:The old that is strong does not wither.Deep roots are not reached by the frost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
When I reached 70, the doc said I should try walking 5 miles a day. At 72, I'm still trying to find my way home ☺️ - Jacqueline Creek
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. - Booker T. Washington
Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms. - Che Guevara
It is not necessary to remind you of the fact that your voice, amplified to the degree where it reaches from one end of the country to the other, does not confer upon you greater wisdom than when your voice reached only from one end of the bar to the other. All of these things you know. - Edward R. Murrow
She, as no other ever could, reached every corner of his heart. His joy, and his salvation. - J.D. Robb
We haven’t even reached 0.00000001% of where we want to reach. There is so much more to do. We want to make sure that no child should ever be on the mercy of anyone else for his/her education. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
She smiled at him, that same look of shared understanding, then reached in again to touch his hand, pinching his palm between her thumb and index finger. 'You OK?''I could be on fire, but seeing you would make it all OK,' he replied, his voice as brittle as a three-pack-a-day smoker. - Sean Black
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. - Bertrand Russell
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. - Edward R. Murrow
I won't deny that I haven't been this vulnerable for a long time, it scares me ~ all of it, love, emotion and connection but I've reached a point in my life that I now know this type of love doesn't knock often and when it does, maybe it's time to open the door. - Nikki Rowe
...we could think or feel as we wished toward the characters, or as the poet, discounting history, invited us to; we were the poet's guest, his world was his own kingdom, reached, as one of the poems told us, through the 'Ring of Words'... - Janet Frame
One day I hope you understand when you reached out your hand, I grasped it, I never let it go. - Kaitlin D.S. Cammie
We have reached the age of denial, we have become happiness seekers, afraid to feel. We are told to think positive, to seek only joy. Stores overflow with books selling you ways to rid yourself of ‘negative’ feelings. - Aysha Taryam
Don’t believe you’ve reached the end before you’ve even reached the beginning. - Charles F. Glassman
The only true wisdom lives far from mankind, out in the great loneliness, and it can be reached only through suffering. Privation and suffering alone can open the mind of man to all that is hidden to others. - Igjugarjuk
Modern human evolution has reached the point of reporting corruption to the corrupt. - Steven Magee
It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.
A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. - Bruce Lee
Only fate would decree how it reached its destiny, which always waited just around the corner, over the hill... - Virginia Alison
She couldn't tell exactly where the words came from. What mattered was that they reached her. They arrived and kneeled next to her bed. - Markus Zusak
For crying out loud, absurd things can happen, none of us is spared. He reached out and gave her a soft pat on the back. So screw it, lovey. Enjoy every second you’ve got and stop moping around. - Intomesee - Maha Erwin
Not one word," Kel warned. "Tobe and I have reached an understanding." Neal's lips twitched. "Why do I feel you did most of the understanding. - Tamora Pierce
Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
John and I noticed that whenever we talked about our children Wystan reached for his cats. - Thekla Clark
The relationship between truth and reason:"Truth cannot be reached by reason alone! - Maurice Blondel
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Life is a path to reach destination.However once it is reached ,implies Life had all kind of sharp turns one time or other for all - N.Manoj
I reached for sleep and drew it round me like a blanket muffling pain and thought together in the merciful dark. - Mary Stewart
I ask you to look both ways. For the road to a knowledge of the stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom has been reached through the stars. - Sir Arthur Eddington
Loveis not leaning on each other, adjusting to fit a different size.Loveis simply two hands reached out in the darkness,saying; I’ll be your light, if you’ll be mine. - Charlotte Eriksson
I have come to the realization that I have reached the age or mental state of the entering a room with thought in mind syndrome only to find the thought took a turn and went elsewhere...fortunately it wasn't a life or death issue... Sept 24, 2016... thinking about life - kjforce
If you are HUMAN, then the limit of what you can do, what you learn, what you can experience HAS NOT YET BEEN REACHED. - Silvia Hartmann
If you're working out in front of a mirror and watching your muscles grow, your ego has reached a point where it is now eating itself. That's why I believe there should be a psychiatrist at every health club, so that when they see you doing this, they will take you away for a little chat. - Lewis Black
When we have reached the depths of despair, only then can we look up and see the light of hope. - Stephen Richards
Silent. So it should be. You have no place in this world, Luthiel. And there is no other.' Zalos reached out and lifted a few strands of her hair. 'Bright songs and the magic of hope are but a dangerous illusion. The fake comfort of witches charms. - Robert Fanney
I've found out so much about electricity that I've reached the point where I understand nothing and can explain nothing.[Describing his experiments with the Leyden jar.] - Pieter van Musschenbroek
To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action. - Michael Hanson
The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen, and all of a sudden they've reached puberty, they believe that they like women. Actually, you're just horny. It doesn't mean that you like women any more at twenty-one than you did at ten. - Jules Feiffer
I was always taught to respect my elders and I've now reached the age when I don't have anybody to respect. - George Burns
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington
I'm happy for all who reached for the stars happily and successfully. - Ana Monnar
Don’t measure life against time. Measure life by the milestones you have reached. - Debasish Mridha
The same Andrew Smith is in all these books, but for me, I feel like you can see the point in his writing where he decided he no longer had anything to lose. That, to me, is when he reached the top of his game.~ - Christa Desir
One of the schools in Tlön has reached the point of denying time. It reasons that the present is undefined, that the future has no other reality than as present hope, that the past is no more than present memory. - Jorge Luis Borges
The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Destination is, ideally, where one should stop; and ideally, one should not stop. Practically, destination of a great man is where he wants to stop; of a common man, where he has to. The one ends with Will, the other with Reason. Morality is always pursued, never reached! - Raheel Farooq
I will never abandon one opportunity and wait for another. We have not reached the goal we are striving for. What you see now is nothing compared to our vision…just tiny parts of what lies ahead. - Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Until work has reached its previous stage nympharium privileges are denied to all. - Jack Vance
Nobel prize money is a lifebelt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety. - George Bernard Shaw
When you have reached a point at which you cannot see more, You must remember that there may be a point beyond this at which you can see everything.
Beware the pull on your heartstrings -- it's often the pursestrings that are actually being reached for. - Barbara Mikkelson
Life is not a destination to be reached, but it is a journey to be enjoyed. - Debasish Mridha
You know you've reached rock bottom when you're standing on the beach, looking to the horizon, and you don't notice you'r ankle-deep in dead fish. - Peter Lerangis
Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. - Kahlil Gibran
You can sing all you want about how you love Jesus, you can have crocodile tears in your eyes, but the consecration that doesn't reach your purse has not reached your heart. - Adrian Rogers
You know you’ve reached the end of a relationship: when your lover now demands that your jokes be funny before they laugh. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Arise,awake and donot stop until the goal is reached. - Swami Vivekananda
By a route obscure and lonelyHaunted by ill angels only,Where an eidolon, named NIGHT,On a black throne reigns upright,I have reached these lands but newlyFrom an ultimate dim Thule --From a wild, weird clime that lieth, sublime,Out of SPACE, out of TIME. - Edgar Allan Poe
But without doubts, without a standpoint reached through questionings, human beings can't acquire knowledge. - Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Truth should be the very breath of our life. When once this state in the pilgrim's progress is reached, all other rules of correct living will come without any effort, and obedience to them will be instinctive. - Mahatma Gandhi
They had reached a perfect moment of human love. They had created a moment of perfect understanding and accord. This highest moment would now remain as point of comparison to torment them later on when all natural imperfections would disintegrate it. - Anaïs Nin
And now it is time for my story to end, because we have finally reached the beginning. - Caroline Flohr
You will never accept gratitude as a solution to your problems, until you have reached the last stage of grief--acceptance. - Shannon L. Alder
I believe that we have reached a stage in life in the economic development of Africa where moving forward is perilous, moving backwards is cowardice and standing still is suicidal but we must persevere because winners do not quit and quitter never win. - Patrick L.O. Lumumba
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you're any wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. - Edward R. Murrow
From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached. - Kafka, Franz
The more you condemn yourself for thinking or feeling a certain way, the more you feel stuck within your own body and mind.. What if you went the other way and embraced it so totally that it was as if there was never any alternative experience to be reached for? What happens when the conflict ends? - Adam Oakley
Few of us have reached such impasses to claim ourselves to be almighty; as of yet I am not one of the few. Knowing this though sets me apart from the two sides of the many. - James Emlund
After establishing anything as the absolute truth, its’ conclusion is reached. It doesn’t have to be established as the truth again. What is proven as the eternal established truth for past, present and future is known as the Principle [Siddhant]. - Dada Bhagwan
You are the Poem I dreamed of writing, the Masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining Star I reached for in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. Yes, I am Blessed. - Oksana Rus
He reflected deeply, until this feeling completely overwhelmed him and he reached a point where he recognized causes; for to recognize causes, it seemed to him, is to think, and through thought along feelings become knowledge and are not lost, but become real and being to mature. - Hermann Hesse
The law that will work is merely the summing up in legislative form of the moral judgement that the community has already reached. - Woodrow Wilson
We have reached a time where we are suppressing talents in our communities with our common thinking. - Auliq Ice
But I will only be able to claim it if I am offered it. Tell me, Dr. Blevens, in your opinion, is there a limit to how much knowledge one person is allowed to accumulate? Have I reached my quota? - Robin Oliveira
One who has reached a goal no longer travels the road"(Pauline Christianity, p. 111) - John Ziesler
we've reached utopia and it sucks - Richard Tomkins
The more you condemn yourself for thinking or feeling a certain way, the more you feel stuck within your own body and mind.What if you went the other way and embraced it so totally that it was as if there was never any alternative experience to be reached for? What happens when the conflict ends? - Adam Oakley
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas [and] the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Our goal can only be reached through a vehicle of a pain, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
I suppose it is possible to live as full a life in seventy hours as on seventy years; granted that your life has been full up to the time that the seventy hours start and that you have reached a certain age. - Ernest Hemingway
Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand new day to begin a new climb. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
One interesting thing is that a stage is reached when nothing hurts any more. Things cannot become any worse, finally, for the one who is really depressed. - Patricia Highsmith
Quote from Frontiers:"Regardless of what happened, it was definitely going to be an exciting time for everyone, the day humanity first reached out to touch the stars. - Jeff W. Horton
Do not judge a man by where he stands, but how he reached there. - Raheel Farooq
We have to believe in a God who is like the true God in everything except that he does not exist, since we have not reached the point where God exists. - Simone Weil
Social confusion has now reached a point at which the pursuit of immorality turns out to be more exhausting than compliance with the old moral codes.
Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore. - Hindu Proverb
Inventions have long-since reached their limit--and I see no hope for further developments." -- , world-famous engineer (Rome, 10 AD) - Julius Frontinus
Waiting with hope is very difficult, but true patience is expressed when we must even wait for hope. I will have reached the point of greatest strength once I have learned to wait for hope." - George Matheson
Now that I’ve reached the ripe old age of retirement, I feel it my duty to teach you everything I’ve learnt about love, so listen closely. Love is like… That’s as far as I’ve gotten I’m afraid. - Ben Mitchell
This proves the significance of individualism; being able to face the music, to embrace it, and then create something beautiful from it. You can’t truly be happy unless you’re unhappy sometimes and the pinnacle of life can only be reached when one can carve their own path. - Nadège Richards
All progress begins with a decision. Effective leadership requires decisive action. Embrace the process of deciding, yet recognize when you have reached a choice point. - Angie Morgan
The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is. - Desiderius Erasmus
Somebody had said how only 15 paisa of the one rupee sent from the Centre reached the intended beneficiaries. The job of a leader isn't just to diagnose the disease but to treat it - Narendra Modi
I believe that there are parts to human nature that cannot be reached by either legislation or education, but require the power of God to deal with. - Stephen R. Covey
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