Quotation Explorer - 'Leisure'

Business is leisure when you find pleasure in it. - Peter Adejimi
The work you love doing overlaps with that of a Hobby (routine work done in leisure time). The essence is in untiring consummation of hard Core Work in the guise of a Hobby - Priyavrat Thareja
Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure. - Benjamin Franklin
Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure. - Thorstein Veblen
Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. - William Lyon Phelps
Morality is only for the middle class, sweet. The lower class can't afford it, and the upper classes have entirely too much leisure time to fill - Lisa Kleypas
To resist the social pressure now put even on one's leisure time, requires a tougher upbringing and a more obstinate willfulness about going one's own way, than ever before. - Robert Graves
Spend your leisure time in cultivating an ear attentive to discourse, for in this way you will find that you learn with ease what others have found out with difficulty. - Isocrates
It is in his pleasure that a man really lives; it is from his leisure that he constructs the true fabric of self. - Agnes Repplier
He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate. - Henry David Thoreau
We must beat the iron while it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure. - John Dryden
For men who had easily endured hardship, danger and difficult uncertainty, leisure and riches, though in some ways desirable, proved burdensome and a source of grief. - Sallust
Tourism, human circulation considered as consumption is fundamentally nothing more than the leisure of going to see what has become banal. - Guy Debord
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. - Bertrand Russell
O bliss of the collector, bliss of the man of leisure! Of no one has less been expected and no one has had a greater sense of well-being than... a collector. Ownership is the most intimate relationship one can have to objects. No t that they come alive in him; it is he who comes alive in them. - Walter Benjamin
Say not, when I have leisure I will study; you may not have leisure. - The Mishnah
The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are the more leisure we have. - William Hazlitt
Now hatred is by far the longest pleasure; Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. - Lord Byron
The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. - J.K. Rowling
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization. - Arnold Toynbee
One of the great challenges of our age, in which the tools of our productivity are also the tools of our leisure, is to figure out how to make more useful those moments of procrastination when we’re idling in front of our computer screens. - Joshua Foer
Life was not to be sitting in hot amorphic leisure in my backyard idly writing or not writing, as the spirit moved me. It was, instead, running madly, in a crowded schedule, in a squirrel cage of busy people. Working, living, dancing, dreaming, talking, kissing- singing, laughing, learning. - Sylvia Plath
I made this [letter] very long, because I did not have the leisure to make it shorter. - Blaise Pascal
A day's work is a day's work, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a day's sustenance, a night's repose and due leisure, whether he be painter or ploughman. - George Bernard Shaw
Envy, as distasteful as it is, has seeped into my mind on rare occasions, and those I've envied, although few in number, have only been those that live a life of leisure with peace of mind and time to do such wonderful things as read. - Donna Lynn Hope
Who knows you more...your friend or your enemy? It's your enemy that pursues with passion while your friend engages at leisure. - Donna Lynn Hope
My passionate leisure pursuit are reading, wondering and writing. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Few people repent at leisure after taking the high road. - Walter Spence
Nothing is as certain as that the vices of leisure are gotten rid of by being busy. - Seneca
CONVENT, n. A place of retirement for woman who wish for leisure to meditate upon the vice of idleness. - Ambrose Bierce
Leisure is the mother of philosophy. - Thomas Hobbes
For a life oriented to leisure is in the end a life oriented to death the greatest leisure of all. - Anne Lamott
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. - George Bernard Shaw
Just as our view of work affects our real experience of it, so too does our view of leisure. If our mindset conceives of free time, hobby time, or family time as non-productive, then we will, in fact, make it a waste of time. - Shawn Achor
Reading might be the root of ideas and inventions, even in the case of leisure reading. - Eraldo Banovac
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred. - W. N. Taylor
Friendship is a very taxing and arduous form of leisure activity. - Mortimer Adler
The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. - George Bernard Shaw
Leisure without books is death, and burial of a man alive. - Seneca
The slaves in Rome were incapable of leisure and so their masters gave them entertainment to keep them pacified. - Oliver DeMille
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