Quotation Explorer - 'Core'

The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. - Christopher McCandless
Discipline yourself so that all expectations, and inspiration, begin with your core values before relying on someone else's to better your life. - Steven Cuoco
His core business still is self-promotion. - Joe Nocera
I think horror, when done well, is one of the most direct and honest ways to get to the core of the human experience because terror reduces all of us to our most authentic forms. - Alistair Cross
Our identity is like that of an onion; with each experience we endure, a layer is peeled away, finally revealing who we really are at the core. - Afnan Ahmad Mia
The power of illustrative anecdotes often lies not in how well they present reality, but in how well they reflect the core beliefs of their audience. - David P. Mikkelson
At the core of the heart of an atheist is a heart that doesn't deny the existence, sovereignty and power of God but it chooses deliberately not to believe it for a long while. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
At our core there is silence and stillness…that is truly who we are when you peel away the titles, the ego, the thoughts, the beliefs, the intellect….once you get REALLY naked –you will see that who you are has nothing to do with all that we have given meaning to. - davidji
The topics we learn from our four core subjects during our childhood and adolescent stage of our lives help us to understand the norms of common knowledge and take pride of our citizenship. - Saaif Alam
My first thought, as a child, was that the artist brings something into the world that didn't exist before, and that he does it without destroying something else. A kind of refutation of the conservation of matter. That still seems to me its central magic, its core of joy. - John Updike
within the core of each of us is the child we once were. This child constitutes the foundation of what we have become, who we are, and what we will be. - Rhawn Joseph
The core of my being is the trigger for the choices I make. With each choice, my personality is enhanced or degraded. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Christ is the core of my child's curriculum. - Tamara L. Chilver
Through real-life stories, Kristin Kaufman illustrates the core idea of being present in the moment and opening oneself up to new ideas in order to become an authentic leader in life. - Stephen R. Covey
At the core of the universe, the face of God wears a smile - Loren Eiseley
Making others better is a core value of a great life. - Todd Stocker
People can't live with change if there's not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value. - Stephen R. Covey
Strip back the beliefs pasted on by governesses, schools, and states, you find indelible truths at one's core. - David Mitchell
I am not convinced within myself that to its core and as a whole, humanity has, as some like to assume, progressed a great deal over the millennia. Human technology? Of course. Human beings? Hardly. - Criss Jami
Disruption is, at its core, a really powerful idea. - Clayton M. Christensen
When all is said and done all anyone has left is their integrity at their core... Don't give that away too. - Solange nicole
The supernatural world was like an onion. You peel back the layers, only to find more layers, on and on, hopelessly trying to reach the mysterious core. Then you start crying. - Carrie Vaughn
Focus on making choices to lead your life that aligns with your core values in the most purposeful way possible. - Roy T. Bennett
When we are unable to shine that natural light within, it burns us from our very core. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one's lost self. - Brendan Francis
The core of your true self is never lost. Let go of all the pretending and the becoming you've done just to belong.Curl up with your rawness and come home. You don't have to find yourself; you just have to let yourself in. - D. Antoinette Foy
The greatest lesson we can learn from the past. . . is that freedom is at the core of every successful nation in the world.
If you want to experience joy and happiness in life, you must free your mind. Don't become a prisoner to your thoughts. Don't allow your perceptions to be the only views you believe. Allow truth to penetrate your core as it sets you free - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
...but the truth is that it is only in knowing who you are at your core and staying true to yourself that you can possibly see the difference between passion and real love. - Jennifer Lopez
Part of the strength of science is that it has tended to attract individuals who love knowledge and the creation of it. ... Thus, it is the communication process which is at the core of the vitality and integrity of science. - Philip Abelson
I Still Love Her From The Core Of My Heart. - Divakar Yadav
To nurture your career, it makes sense to cultivate your strengths. To nurture your moral core, it is necessary to confront your weaknesses. - David Brooks
If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere. - Roy T. Bennett
I have to learn to find that inner core of strength that I am definitely made up of and stretch it into areas where I don't always use it. - Jodie Andrefski
To know a person in his home is not to know him at all: to meet him on a country road with only his baggage is to at last contact the core, the inner cell of his personality. - John Tibbetts
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his money, community, and the core of his beliefs until he is bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
At the core of your being, you are spiritual, limitless, and beautiful. To enjoy this you be mindful and openly love yourself. - Debasish Mridha
Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. - Viktor Frankl
True Leaders possess good core values and will align themselves with like thinking people to grow their leadership and prosper in Integrity~bns - Bluenscottish
If you cannot do it without money, its passion exists in unknown galaxies than earth's core. - Goitsemang Mvula
I am as vulnerable and fragile as it is possible to be. I am shredded to the core. I am at the point where I am stripped bare. - Rachel Hunter
Self-acceptance isn't the beginning of happiness; it's at the core of peaceful and happy living. - K.J. Kilton
Accept me for who iam or leave me the way iam, for a true image of God needs no Photoshop and the core of who i really am has no settings - Morgan Chabane
To truly strip a man of everything, one must take away his community, money, and corrode the core of his beliefs until he is left bathed in the agony of isolation. - Leinad Eibam, Published Poet
For books are more than books, they are the lifeThe very heart and core of ages past,The reason why men lived and worked and died,The essence and quintessence of their lives. - Amy Lowell
The "self," it seems today, is at the core of the nation's worldview rather than others (the common good), or God. - Martha MacCullough
Accept me for who iam or leave me the the way iam, for a true image of God needs no Photoshop and the core of who i real am has no settings - Morgan Chabane
The humanities should constitute the core of any university worth the name. - Terry Eagleton
Sadly, I hate foreigners. And Americans. And animals. And flora, and some fauna. Also the magma that is the very core of this our mother earth. I'm full o' hate! - Joss Whedon
Be true to yourself-at the core of your leadership are your values and morals. - Artika Tyner
Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction -- its essence -- has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all. - Isaac Asimov
The work you love doing overlaps with that of a Hobby (routine work done in leisure time). The essence is in untiring consummation of hard Core Work in the guise of a Hobby - Priyavrat Thareja
At their core, women fear that men will kill them. At their core, men fear that women will laugh at them. - Gavin de Becker
Knowledge (curriculum) and behavior (pedagogy) are embedded in everyone’s core beliefs about the nature of God, humanity, and the world. - Abraham Kuyper
I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping...I hear it in the deep heart's core. - W.B. Yeats
Christian life is not a life divided between times for action and times for contemplation. No. Real social action is a way of contemplation, and real contemplation is the core of social action. - Henri J.M. Nouwen
When one comes from the bottom they know how to deal with people on the bottom.When one educates themself to communicate they learn how to deal with a multitude of types of people.Life experience, and communication is at the core of people relations. - Therone Shellman
The quality of your words may be the best example of the core of who you are.Speak as your self worth allows.~bns - Bluenscottish
Introverts living under the Extroversion Ideal are like women in a man’s world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we’ve turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform - Susan Cain
Don't dilute your core message burning in your spirit just to satisfy the masses - Bernard Kelvin Clive
This love is hard core. Let's make it soft porn. - Arzum Uzun
Most faculty spend a lot of time thinking about content and what to cover, but content delivery is not the core strength of a university, just as it is not for newspapers. The core strength of a university is integration. - José Antonio Bowen
The core practice of magic is: The execution of a willed intent to create change in the material world, which either defies, hastens or purifies the consequences of natural cause and effect. - Zeena Schreck
Know your self package to the core. Never lose the strength of assets, your values, what identifies and separates you, what makes you unique. No, you or I are perfect but we are who we are now and we should continue to move towards that better person God sees us to be. - Eveth Colley
Indifference destroys vocation unlike any other intangible force, for the reason that it shakes the very core of our motivation for doing what we do. - Joyce Rachelle
Yoga is a journey toward your inner core to find your inner bliss. - Debasish Mridha
Your values create your internal compass that can navigate how you make decisions in your life. If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere. - Roy T. Bennett
For books are more than books, they are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
We love because we can lose. If there was no threat of separation, no death to shake us to our core, we probably wouldn't love much at all. - Donna Lynn Hope
When it comes to the core of who we are, it takes incredible effort to shift more than one standard deviation from the mean of your life. - E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
Love! What a searing, torturing, intolerably sweet thing it was - this possession of body, soul and mind! With something at its core as fine and remote and purely spiritual as the tiny blue spark in the heart of the unbreakable diamond. - L.M. Montgomery
For the most part, people strenuously resist any redefinition of morality, because it shakes them to the very core of their being to think that in pursuing virtue they may have been feeding vice, or in fighting vice they may have in fact been fighting virtue. - Stefan Molyneux
He spoke in polished honesty free of liar's filth. He said the hardest words with an unshakable voice, a wide smile, with fear and doubt freezing over his core. The truth was the best route, but the truth could always be costly... another truth. A sad truth. - Hubert Martin
We can learn so much looking outside our core field of expertise. - Sara Sheridan
At my core, I know this: God is God. All that lives and breathes flows from him in both original and ongoing states. - Nicole Nordeman
i ll always love yo till the core , - pooja bagul
To show courage you must be in tune with your core values, understand your own fears and desires, committed to your integrity and tenacious in your ability to live it all in the face of oppostion. - -Shandel Slaten
Vengeance is the outer shell of a blade which carries the core named Justice. Justice is the wind that decides Vengeance’s course. - LordBloodySoul
Your anger and emotional outbursts usually result when someone penetrates to the core of what you do not like about yourself or still cannot accept. - Bill George Peter Sims
I am not a day dreamer, I am a believer, that after every painful love I have gone through, it is just an experience to crack open the deepest parts of my core and allow to me to delve into a passion so rare, that I will find a love that was almost, never meant to be. - Nikki Rowe
Give me that man that is not passion's slave, and I will wear him in my hearts core. - William Shakespeare
We complicate our faith and lives in many ways, but at the core, our purpose is simple: We are called to love. - John Ortberg
Questers of the truth, that’s who dogs are; seekers after the invisible scent of another being’s authentic core. - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Hope is steel covered in velvet. It can seem soft and cuddly, but hope is at the core of what makes people become what God designed them to be. Hope and its sister, faith, always create action. - Dave Ramsey
Eyes closed on an open soul...the world starts from within its core towards its final frontier: the end surface. - Soar
Artistry, perhaps, is at its core being able to control change in interesting ways. - Jeff Ryan
My body's been touched a thousand or more times but I am craving something so much deeper than that ~ I desire to be felt, right down to the core of my soul and the corners of my heart. That's what love is about isn't it ~ cracking yourself open to the possibility that it could change your life. - Nikki Rowe
If a father does not altogether embrace a life of uncompromised sacrifice as the core of all principles by which he nurtures his children, he is a father by birth only and no power on earth can ever or will ever make that sufficient. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The principle of equality, which is at the core of democratic values, has very little meaning in a world in which global oligarchy is taking over. - bell hooks
Neuroanatomy, political history, and introspection all offer evidence that human beings are quite capable of resisting the urge to surrender to every impulse of reptilian core of brain. - Carl Sagan
We must not forget the beauty of humanity. At the core of our being, we must love humanity. - Debasish Mridha
Let silence take you to the core of life. - Jalaluddin Rumi
What a blessing to love someone so much that you long for them at the core of your being. At the same time, when you are separated from that person, that longing is a torture I would not wish on anyone. - Steve Maraboli
There is nothing to save, now all is lost,but a tiny core of stillness in the heartlike the eye of a violet. - D.H. Lawrence
Two words. Three vowels. Four constenants. Seven letters. It can either cut you open to the core and leave you in ungodly pain or it can free your soul and lift a tremendous weight off you shoulders. The phrase is: It's over. - Maggi Richard
What is left of us? No countries, no cultures, no wars but still no peace. What’s at our core, then? What’s still squirming in our bones when everything else is stripped? - Isaac Marion
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