Quotation Explorer - 'Backyard'

This town of churches and dreams; this town I thought I would lose myself in, with its backward ways and winding roads leading to nowhere; but, I found myself instead. -Magic in the Backyard (excerpt from American Honey) - Kellie Elmore
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. - Walter Chrysler
Loving you is loosing my soul,I was in a lost battle, Death at my door,A dog in a backyard feels for my pain,Beer in a broken bottle wet paint and rain. - Table No. 21
I believe in myself like a five-year-old believes in himself. They say look at me, look at me! Then they do a flip in the backyard. It won't even be that amazing, but everyone will be clapping for them. - Kanye West
Don't you kids get any ideas about dragging a trailer into the backyard. after you graduate from high school, i don't want to see you again. - Alison Bechdel
Don't bring me the stars from the sky,I'm planting sunshine in my backyard. - Sanhita Baruah
You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. You know, eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
Anyone can take an adventure even if it's only in your own backyard. Let your imagination be your adventure and see where it takes you. - Carmela Dutra
Learn to be brave and adventurous because you’ll never discover your place in the world, if you’re too afraid to leave your own backyard. - Nina Guilbeau
Life was not to be sitting in hot amorphic leisure in my backyard idly writing or not writing, as the spirit moved me. It was, instead, running madly, in a crowded schedule, in a squirrel cage of busy people. Working, living, dancing, dreaming, talking, kissing- singing, laughing, learning. - Sylvia Plath
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