So, your kids must love the iPad? I asked Mr. [Steve] Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. They haven’t used it, he told me. We limit how much technology our kids use at home. (Nytimes article, Sept. 10, 2014) - Nick Bilton
I have come to the realization that I have reached the age or mental state of the entering a room with thought in mind syndrome only to find the thought took a turn and went elsewhere...fortunately it wasn't a life or death issue... Sept 24, 2016... — thinking about life - kjforce
Nous sommes la première civilisation qui dispose d'un passé devenu immense. En 1940personne ne connaissait les grottes de Lascaux et de Chauvet. En juillet dernier des chercheursont découvert un crâne vieux de sept cents millions d'années. La profondeur du temps aremplacé les dieux. - Pascal Quignard