Quotation Explorer - 'Cents'

Money's the same, whoever gives it to you. That was the point of money, after all: crisp and clean or wrinkled or disintegrated into quarters - a dollar was always worth a hundred cents. - Scott Westerfeld
We economists don't know much, but we do know how to create a shortage. If you want to create a shortage of tomatoes, for example, just pass a law that retailers can't sell tomatoes for more than two cents per pound. Instantly you'll have a tomato shortage. It's the same with oil or gas. - Milton Friedman
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents. - Marilyn Monroe
Have good sense, smell the scents, and you will have more cents - Sonya Withrow
The alchemy of life is to turn coins into cents, by making sense of change. - Jennifer Sodini
Don't spend $2 to dry clean a shirt. Instead, donate it to the Salvation Army. They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. The next morning buy it back for seventy- five cents.
I never write Metropolis for seven cents because I can get the same price for city. I never write policeman because I can get the same money for cop. - Mark Twain
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. - Marilyn Monroe
Don't waste dollars counting cents. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A writer’s primary goal is to make sense. The bookstore’s is to make cents. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if behind them they didn't have a little bit of plain ordinary everyday kindness, and a little looking out for the other fellow, too. - Sidney Buchman
My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can. That's almost $7.00 in dog money. - Joe Weinstein
30 cents, two transfers, loveThinking hard about you I got on the bus and paid 30 cents car fare and asked the driver for two transfers before discovering that I was alone. - Richard Brautigan
I'm considering writing a self-help book and giving people 20 cents to read it. This way, I can be sure they all get new paradigms. - Ryan Lilly
ROR: Return on Relationship™, #RonR… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust, loyalty, recommendations and sharing. - Ted Rubin
If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone, somewhere is making a penny. - Steven Wright
Theory of public goods. Theory that if I take you euro (as an elected state government) and give fifty cents back... you will be happier and I will be satisfied. - Radovan Kavický
Success can not be measured in dollars and cents. - Adam LiVecchi
If you've got a dollar and you spend 29 cents on a loaf of bread, you've got 71 cents left; But if you've got seventeen grand and you spend 29 cents on a loaf of bread, you've still got seventeen grand. There's a math lesson for you. - Steve Martin
HIPPOGRIFF, n. An animal (now extinct) which was half horse and half griffin. The griffin was itself a compound creature, half lion and half eagle. The hippogriff was actually, therefore, a one-quarter eagle, which is two dollars and fifty cents in gold. The study of zoology is full of surprises. - Ambrose Bierce
Why does a small tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and s substantial tax cut save you thirty cents?
When someone asks you, A penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny? - George Carlin
Fifteen cents of every twenty-cent stamp goes to storage. - Louis Rukeyser
Nous sommes la première civilisation qui dispose d'un passé devenu immense. En 1940personne ne connaissait les grottes de Lascaux et de Chauvet. En juillet dernier des chercheursont découvert un crâne vieux de sept cents millions d'années. La profondeur du temps aremplacé les dieux. - Pascal Quignard
To make dollars from cents you have to have sense. - Matshona Dhliwayo
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