Quotation Explorer - 'Hollywood'

Ladies, stress shows on your face. Happiness is the true beauty weapon."As quoted in The Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets ( Kym Douglas / Cindy Pearlman, 2006) - Susan Sarandon
Hollywood is a place where they place you under contract instead of under observation. - Walter Winchell
Hollywood is a sewer with service from the Ritz Carlton. - Wilson Mizner
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.' - Marilyn Monroe
My driving abilities from Mexico have helped me get through Hollywood. - Salma Hayek
Hollywood-Nobody's impressed by anybody because they're all too consumed with trying to cover up their own shortcomings. Hollywood is a microcosm of a world of lazy moral ideals and social indifference where every man is trying to convince himself he's a king. - J. Matthew Nespoli
Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for stars. - Fred Allen
Over in Hollywood they almost made a great picture, but they caught it in time. - Wilson Mizner
Jeg delte værelse med nogle kommende skuespillere, da jeg først landede i Hollywood. Hvad så? Det betyder ikke, at jeg sov med dem. Og det betyder ikke, at jeg ikke gjorde det - selv om jeg ikke gjorde. - Tony Curtis
Everybody wants a perfect face, which able to attract others, but without perfect teeth you can’t show yourself to others but everything is possible if you have strong desire to change your look,So Cal Dental care presents Cosmetic Dentistry treatment in North Hollywood. - So Cal dental
Behind the phony tinsel of Hollywood lies the real tinsel. - Oscar Levant
The Hollywood tradition I like best is called "sucking up to the stars." - Johnny Carson
You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a firefly and still have room enough for three caraway seeds and a producer's heart. - Fred Allen
Hollywood is a strange place if you're in trouble. Everybody thinks it's contagious. - Judy Garland
In Hollywood, no one knows anything. - William Goldman
After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood. - Fred Thompson
In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk. - Rita Rudner
Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.
Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars. - Fred Allen
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism. - Dorothy Parker
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. - Marilyn Monroe
Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you find the real tinsel underneath. - Oscar Levant
Hollywood shines by virtue of light within. - A.D. Posey
I was running in circles, I hurt myself, just to find my purpose. Everything was so worthless, I didn't deserve this, but to me you were perfect. - Hollywood
You can't find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well. - Carrie Fisher
In Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting fifty percent of publicity.
Someone has tricked people into thinking their names must be kissed by bright lights and painted into Hollywood sidewalks to be someone special. And for most, there is no cost too great...But I would just like to know who did it. - Andrea L'Artiste
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest. - Marilyn Monroe
Hollywood is like Picasso's bathroom. - Candice Bergen
If you think Hollywood is depressing and corrupt, politics is really depressing and corrupt -- and fueled even more than Hollywood by money -- if that's possible. - Ben Affleck
I've said it before, history repeats itself for those who don't learn from the past. Can we please learn from all this? Please? Or is everyone waiting for yet another savior to come along and charm them Hollywood style if freedom is still around for America's next election? - L.M. Fields
In Hollywood a starlet is the name for any woman under thirty who is not actively employed in a brothel. - Ben Hecht
I don't think the money people in Hollywood have ever thought I was normal, but I am dedicated to my work and that's what counts. - Angelina Jolie
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents. - Marilyn Monroe
In Hollywood if you don't have a shrink, people think you're crazy. - Johnny Carson
You know, when I first went into the movies Lionel Barrymore played my grandfather. Later he played my father and finally he played my husband. If he had lived I'm sure I would have played his mother. That's the way it is in Hollywood. The men get younger and the women get older. - Lillian Gish
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