Quotation Explorer - 'Producer'

A Writer is Actor, Creator, Director & Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything. - Nirav Sanchaniya
Hopefully one day Wars will only be fought in movies. And may the best producer win! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
But how can the characters in a play guess the plot? We are not the playwright, we are not the producer, we are not even the audience. We are on the stage. To play well the scenes in which we are "on" concerns us much more than to guess about the scenes that follow it. - C.S. Lewis
Don't Become An Artist, Actor, Muscian, Producer or Writer, Etc, For Only The Money. You May Be Very Dissapointed. - Chris Mentillo
You must become the producer, director and actor in the unfolding story of your life. - Wayne W. Dyer
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