Quotation Explorer - 'Presents'

Realism falls short of reality. It shrinks it, attenuates it, falsifies it; it does not take into account our basic truths and our fundamental obsessions: love, death, astonishment. It presents man in a reduced and estranged perspective. Truth is in our dreams, in the imagination. - Eugène Ionesco
A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely. - Pam Brown
What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset. - Rosa Luxemburg
Enjoy what you have, cherish the good times and savour everything life presents you. We can’t change the past…However, the future is a blank canvas, waiting for the paint, go create a masterpiece. - The Hypnotherapy Guy
When an idea for solving a problem suddenly presents itself, ask yourself if all circumstances related to the problem were properly analyzed. - Eraldo Banovac
Language forces us to perceive the world as man presents it to us. - Julia Penelope
He [the poet] brings out the inner part of things and presents them to men in such a way that they cannot refuse but must accept it. But how the mere choice and rhythm of words should produce so magical an effect no one has yet been able to comprehend, and least of all the poets themselves. - Hilaire Belloc
Every challenge presents a good chance for learning something new. - Gift Gugu Mona
A magician reveals himself not only by the magic he presents but also by the respect and entertainment he gives to his audience. - Amit Kalantri
You can be critical and not judgmental. The two are synonyms, but not the same. The critical man analyzes people, things, and issues, very carefully. The judgmental man presents the results of his careful analysis in a manner that condemns. - Kingsley C. Okei
But Jesus, our Advocate, presents an effectual plea in behalf of all who by repentance and faith have committed the keeping of their souls to Him.He pleads their cause, and by the mighty arguments of Calvary vanquishes their accuser. - Ellen G. White
A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa. - Ricky Gervais
When life presents you with a problem, show the courage, make yourself a hundred times bigger than the problem. - Debasish Mridha
We simply rob ourselves when we make presents to the dead. - Publilius Syrus
Every interaction presents an opportunity for growth, one of the keys to our limitless potential. - Simon Boylan
You can be critical and not judgmental. The two are synonyms, but no the same. The critical man analyzes people, things, and issues, very carefully. The judgmental man presents the results of his careful analysis in a manner that condemns. - Kingsley C. Okei
You must take these poems as mirrors; for you know that the mirror has no form of itself, but rather reflects the face of anyone who looks in it. Just so a poem has no one particular meaning of itself , but presents to each reader his state of the moment and the completeness of his case - Ayn al-Qazat Hamadani Persian Mystic
A fool judges people by the presents they give him. - Chinese Proverb
During Christmas, open your heart with love to appreciate the beauty of life and all the presents that you have received from the earth. - Debasish Mridha
Electricity should not be banned, it just needs much better government regulation and understanding by the medical profession of the full range of toxicity that it presents to the human. - Steven Magee
God presents the Sabbath rest as a shelter we can enter. (Hebrews 4:1-11) - Charles R. Swindoll
He's the thrilling, scary Boyfriend who's going to dare you to do things you'd never dreamed of, shower you with unreasonable presents, and show up uninvited at the most embarrassing times. Then he's going to stick with you, refusing to take the hint when you don't answer his calls. - Sara Miles
Everybody wants a perfect face, which able to attract others, but without perfect teeth you can’t show yourself to others but everything is possible if you have strong desire to change your look,So Cal Dental care presents Cosmetic Dentistry treatment in North Hollywood. - So Cal dental
And once again Mr. Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complexity of human life so pletifuly presents.
The opportunity for brotherhood presents itself every time you meet a human being. - Jane Wyman
Meeting another doctor with a degree different than your own, presents you with the opportunity to expand your knowledge. - J. Alec Keaton
Every poet will forever try to write the greatest poem ever written, I have found that this kind of poem can be written with One word. And that word consists of a beauty beyond any measure to man and one of the most beauty creations to grace the presents of man. That one word poem is…….. YOU - Michael Jones
Learning to have the confidence to grab the opportunity when it presents itself makes you a winner. - Sharon Law Tucker
The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false. - Thomas Aquinas
One sheds ones sickness in books- repeats and presents again ones emotions, to be master of them. - D.H. Lawrence
Your children need your presence more than your presents. - Jesse Jackson
But all art is sensual and poetry particularly so. It is directly, that is, of the senses, and since the senses do not exist without an object for their employment all art is necessarily objective. It doesn't declaim or explain, it presents. - William Carlos Williams
GENTEEL, adj. Refined, after the fashion of a gent. Observe with care, my son, the distinction I reveal: A gentleman is gentle and a gent genteel. Heed not the definitions your "Unabridged" presents, For dictionary makers are generally gents. G.J. - Ambrose Bierce
Everyone is running from something. But if we’re lucky, really lucky, fate intervenes and presents an opportunity to conquer our fears. Only then, if triumphant, can a destiny bestowed become a destiny fulfilled. - Rome Sims
When life presents you with a problem, have the courage, find the solution and become bigger than the problem. - Debasish Mridha
In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation. - Guy Debord
Life presents many challenges...Temptation is one of them.. And free will govern us all. We have the power to choose. - Lee Monroe
Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. - Joseph Addison
If you stay ready, there's no need to get ready when an opportunity presents itself. - Maxine Phillips
Rise to the challenges that life presents you. You can't develop genuine character and ability by sidestepping adversity and struggle. - Daisaku Ikeda
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