Quotation Explorer - 'Plea'

Nature has no use for the plea that one 'did not know'. - C.G. Jung
I wish I had heard him more clearly: an oblique confession is always a plea. - James Baldwin
We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is. - Elisabeth Elliot
Make not, when you work a deed of shame, The scoundrel's plea, 'My forbears did the same. - Al-Maʿarri
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. - William Pitt the Younger
With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plea; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost. - William Lloyd Garrison
But Jesus, our Advocate, presents an effectual plea in behalf of all who by repentance and faith have committed the keeping of their souls to Him.He pleads their cause, and by the mighty arguments of Calvary vanquishes their accuser. - Ellen G. White
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